You May Not Have Electricity This Winter

One more time for the slow kid: You just CANNOT burn all the fuel in the cylinder. Just not possible...modern engines are damn close, but you can never get it all. Even with modern designs, you cannot eliminate all the crevice volume in the cylinder.
So just to be clear, you are arguing for burning what fuel you can burn in the tail pipe instead of where it can push the car forward?

Nice stab at a strawman Jar Jar...
Jar, you're wasting your time. Stumps have better comprehension levels.
Sounds like a blatant diversion to me. And of course, an ad hominem completes the ruse.

Tell me oh great automotive engineer HenryBHough, how does your vastly superior knowledge make burning the unburned fuels in the combustion chamber a "bad idea" as compared to burning them without moving the car forward in the tail pipe??
Of course getting beneficial use out of fuel is the better idea.

But until that's possible to improve we could simply burn liquidated liberals (they'd surely volunteer to be turned into fuel) to run vehicles rather than use fossil fuels. Why would they volunteer? OF COURSE! To SAVE THE PLANET. Thing is, though, bullshit does have a rather high carbon content.......
Of course getting beneficial use out of fuel is the better idea.

But until that's possible to improve we could simply burn liquidated liberals (they'd surely volunteer to be turned into fuel) to run vehicles rather than use fossil fuels. Why would they volunteer? OF COURSE! To SAVE THE PLANET. Thing is, though, bullshit does have a rather high carbon content.......

It is possible to improve. In fact there were several after-market products out in the late 80s and early 90s, some on the internet even and then suddenly they disappeared. Just like all technology that siginificantly reduces the consumption of fossil fuels. These devices simply introduced particulate platinum into the intake and caused more complete combustion just like the catalytic converters do, only these pushed the car forward while reducing pollution.

When I saw them on the market I thought: "well these won't be here long". And I was right.
So burning extra hydrocarbons in the power stroke instead of in the tail pipe is a "tenuous grasp on reality"?

You're still insisting that particulate platinum is choosey about where it chemically reacts with hydrocarbons to burn them? You think it feels more comfortable doing that in a box in the tail pipe instead of a box near the intake?
So burning extra hydrocarbons in the power stroke instead of in the tail pipe is a "tenuous grasp on reality"?

You're still insisting that particulate platinum is choosey about where it chemically reacts with hydrocarbons to burn them? You think it feels more comfortable doing that in a box in the tail pipe instead of a box near the intake?

Just when I thought reading comprehension had reached its nadir along comes an AGW cultist who proves that there is NO ultimate.
One more time for the slow kid: You just CANNOT burn all the fuel in the cylinder. Just not possible...modern engines are damn close, but you can never get it all. Even with modern designs, you cannot eliminate all the crevice volume in the cylinder.
So just to be clear, you are arguing for burning what fuel you can burn in the tail pipe instead of where it can push the car forward?

Nice stab at a strawman Jar Jar...

No, you are LYING, YET AGAIN. One more time, for the REALLY slow kid: You just CANNOT burn all the fuel in the cylinder. Just not possible...modern engines are damn close, but you can never get it all. Even with modern designs, you cannot eliminate all the crevice volume in the cylinder.
It is possible to improve. In fact there were several after-market products out in the late 80s and early 90s, some on the internet even and then suddenly they disappeared.

No, lie.

Just like all technology that siginificantly reduces the consumption of fossil fuels.

No, lie.

These devices simply introduced particulate platinum into the intake and caused more complete combustion just like the catalytic converters do, only these pushed the car forward while reducing pollution.

Prove it. Patents are public record.

When I saw them on the market I thought: "well these won't be here long". And I was right.

Your tinfoil hat is too tight.
One more time for the slow kid: You just CANNOT burn all the fuel in the cylinder. Just not possible...modern engines are damn close, but you can never get it all. Even with modern designs, you cannot eliminate all the crevice volume in the cylinder.
So just to be clear, you are arguing for burning what fuel you can burn in the tail pipe instead of where it can push the car forward?

Nice stab at a strawman Jar Jar...

No, you are LYING, YET AGAIN. One more time, for the REALLY slow kid: You just CANNOT burn all the fuel in the cylinder. Just not possible...modern engines are damn close, but you can never get it all. Even with modern designs, you cannot eliminate all the crevice volume in the cylinder.

Once again you're attempting to introduce a strawman. Very telling.

We aren't talking about burning every atom of wasted hydrocarbon. We are talking about the ones you CAN burn and where it makes sense to do that. I contend that you get better mileage burning what wasted fuel you can to push the car forward. You seem to think that's better done in the tail pipe where nothing comes of it power wise.
You're still a lying sack of shit...entirely expected. One more time: You just CANNOT burn all the fuel in the cylinder. Just not possible...modern engines are damn close, but you can never get it all. Even with modern designs, you cannot eliminate all the crevice volume in the cylinder.

Keep rereading the bold text until it sinks in.
You're still a lying sack of shit...entirely expected. One more time: You just CANNOT burn all the fuel in the cylinder. Just not possible...modern engines are damn close, but you can never get it all. Even with modern designs, you cannot eliminate all the crevice volume in the cylinder.

Keep rereading the bold text until it sinks in.
And once again, you the lying sack of shit who is projecting & attempting to switch the conversation from where those unburned hydrocarbons are best handled for the efficiency of pushing the car forward vs "the ability to completely burn all hydrocarbons".

Again: What unused hydrocarbons that CAN be burned SHOULD be burned IN AN AREA THAT PUSHES THE CAR FORWARD AND NOT IN THE TAIL PIPE.
It is not the EPA that is putting coal fired electric plants out of business, but the low price of natural gas!!!!! I have a friend in the Boilermakers, and for the past 10 years the bulk of their work has been converting coal plants into natural gas plants. So if you are going to blame anything for the demise of coal, blame FRACKING!!!
It is not the EPA that is putting coal fired electric plants out of business, but the low price of natural gas!!!!! I have a friend in the Boilermakers, and for the past 10 years the bulk of their work has been converting coal plants into natural gas plants. So if you are going to blame anything for the demise of coal, blame FRACKING!!!
Oh, we'll be blaming fracking all right. The moment we discover that our last remaining reservoirs of fresh water underground are polluted forever. You can never clean them up once they've been infiltrated by capillary percolation of noxious, lubricated and highly-mobile fracking-solvents... from earthquakes + fissures + time. Fracking is the old mercury-mining of the 19th Century. This nation will rue the day we ever allowed it. You can hang your hat on that as FACT.

There is no such thing as a "safe well casing" when an earthquake strikes. And guess what? Fracking causes earthquakes even in areas that have been dormant as such for centuries. You don't inject these chemicals and expect to be able to retrieve them if they seep too close to aquifers. You simply write-off the aquifer as hopelessly polluted forever and unfit for human consumption or agriculture.
Until all the silly people have gone back to living naked in caves humankind cannot be safe. When are you leaving???

Or are you just another hypocrite?
My point is that using less of any substance that results in irreparable harm to drinking water forever or the atmosphere we all have to breathe is a good thing. So you augment existing power plants with things like geothermal or solar thermal which have near zero impact, reducing the fuels normally used that has huge impact.

You engineer the unburned hydrocarbons to be burned in the power stroke that pushes the car forward, instead of the tail pipe where all that does is cause the user to have to buy even more fuel to go 1 mile down the road.

You do things that are not selfish, where you can better monopolize the money flowing from either power production or consumption at the pumps. Naturally the objections to these sane technologies is that they are quite simple. And as such, pose the greatest threat to greed and profiteering/monopolies already in place, whose powerful and influential owners are not happy at all about giving up. It's their sick addiction to having more money than a man could every enjoy in one the expense of the very planet on which he plays.

That's why I suggested that Uncle Sam cut a deal with these men intent on monopolies. Let them monopolize the profits from any of these cogenerated or efficient energy uses for a good bit of time. Let them in the interim shift their addiction to insane wealth over to other monopolies where they can control the chumps and the industry to their sole profit. Then they can have their insatiable-addictions that will never make them happy in the end. And the rest of us [including them] can have an earth that doesn't suck to live on, or even live at all on.
I think somebody who wants everyone to quit using electricity is cheating down there in the "electricity free" cave......
You are apparently incapable of reading what I just said. So, are you stupid or just intellectually dishonest? Which one?

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