You May Not Have Electricity This Winter


Obama's war on coal and petroleum seems to be going ahead full blast. This article should give all of you something to think about.

Read @ Doug Ross @ Journal: ICE BLUE STATES: New EPA Regulations Threaten Devastating Power Outages This Winter

Since my state of NY gets about 3% of its power from coal, how is this our problem?

lol, plus, I own a generator. We'd have to run out of gasoline before I'll go without power.

Is your four cycle generator engine an efficient way to produce electricity? Does it pump pollution into the air?

I have one too, but only because we live in a Hurricane zone. I would never run the SOB unless the grid went down, and then only to power a refrigerator and a couple of lights.

you libs are nothing but hypocrites, its OK for you to pollute but everyone else needs to go to jail for it.--------- assholes!

Get a grip.
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

Fuck you creep. I served 22 years and change. I did not take an oath to a corrupt asshole intent on destroying this country. When Obama respects the Military the Military will respect him.
Since my state of NY gets about 3% of its power from coal, how is this our problem?

lol, plus, I own a generator. We'd have to run out of gasoline before I'll go without power.

Is your four cycle generator engine an efficient way to produce electricity? Does it pump pollution into the air?

I have one too, but only because we live in a Hurricane zone. I would never run the SOB unless the grid went down, and then only to power a refrigerator and a couple of lights.

you libs are nothing but hypocrites, its OK for you to pollute but everyone else needs to go to jail for it.--------- assholes!

Get a grip.

ny grip is just fine. your hypocrisy and lying is not.

you need to face reality, liberalism is a failed ideology, obama is a failed president, your heroes of Marx, Lenin, Castro, and Mao were all corrupt tyrants.
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

IDIOT Obama TOLD US HE wanted the following to happen!!!

All you Obama defenders... HOW can you continue to defend this congenital liar?

The only reason is that you defenders are just like him!

For most of you that voted for him out of complete ignorance the first time SHAME on Obama... BUT those that voted the second time!
SHAME ON YOU!!! YOU are really really suckers!

A) prefer that utility rates skyrocket. "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

B) Obama wants companies to go bankrupt... hence he wants companies destroyed...
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures - IER

C) Obama wants higher gas prices.
He said:Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
1) Higher gas prices means less money for consumers hence destroying GDP!
2) Obama hires Energy secretary Chu, who said “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

D) Obama wants a single payer health system...
That destroys 1,300 insurance company PAYERS.. that pay:
1) $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local property taxes... THAT WILL BE DESTROYED !
2) 400,000 employees of these companies unemployed. Destroying jobs...

MY President would NEVER NEVER want companies destroyed, bankrupt,higher gas prices, these are NOT statements that promote growth
but are DESTRUCTION of America!

I don't care what he does, until removed from office by impeachment he's the President. And that rates respect in forms of address. If not a veteran you can say whatever you want, if a veteran or active duty military you swore an oath. Can't fall back on being a veteran if your oath means nothing.
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

Fuck you creep. I served 22 years and change. I did not take an oath to a corrupt asshole intent on destroying this country. When Obama respects the Military the Military will respect him.

You're not respecting him but the office he occupies. Didn't think you were this stupid.
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

IDIOT Obama TOLD US HE wanted the following to happen!!!

All you Obama defenders... HOW can you continue to defend this congenital liar?

The only reason is that you defenders are just like him!

For most of you that voted for him out of complete ignorance the first time SHAME on Obama... BUT those that voted the second time!
SHAME ON YOU!!! YOU are really really suckers!

A) prefer that utility rates skyrocket. "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

B) Obama wants companies to go bankrupt... hence he wants companies destroyed...
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures - IER

C) Obama wants higher gas prices.
He said:Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
1) Higher gas prices means less money for consumers hence destroying GDP!
2) Obama hires Energy secretary Chu, who said “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

D) Obama wants a single payer health system...
That destroys 1,300 insurance company PAYERS.. that pay:
1) $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local property taxes... THAT WILL BE DESTROYED !
2) 400,000 employees of these companies unemployed. Destroying jobs...

MY President would NEVER NEVER want companies destroyed, bankrupt,higher gas prices, these are NOT statements that promote growth
but are DESTRUCTION of America!

I don't care what he does, until removed from office by impeachment he's the President. And that rates respect in forms of address. If not a veteran you can say whatever you want, if a veteran or active duty military you swore an oath. Can't fall back on being a veteran if your oath means nothing.

Here is the oaths:

The wordings of the current oath of enlistment and oath for commissioned officers are as follows:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)

Oaths of Enlistment and Oaths of Office - U.S. Army Center of Military History

Now you can argue that the UCMJ covers disrespect but certainly the Oath to which you speak does not directly address respect for anything more then protecting the COTUS.

Here is an oath that is more in line with what you are trying to say. I am not comparing anyone to anyone nor any place or time to any other place and time, only pointing out an oath that does actually spell out allegiance to one person not a country.

"I swear by God this sacred oath that to the Leader of the German empire and people, Adolf Hitler, supreme commander of the armed forces, I shall render unconditional obedience and that as a brave soldier I shall at all times be prepared to give my life for this oath."
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

Fuck you creep. I served 22 years and change. I did not take an oath to a corrupt asshole intent on destroying this country. When Obama respects the Military the Military will respect him.

You're not respecting him but the office he occupies. Didn't think you were this stupid.

Are you contending that there is some law, creed or oath that will cause someone to respect someone else?
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

He doesn't occupy the office. The office is vacant. He has an empty title.
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

Then you would say "The President of the United States" or "My Commander in Chief" and leave his actual name out of it. You don't have to use the disgusting usage of "President Obama".
Here's where we get out electricity in Maine:

More than two-fifths of Maine's net electricity generation comes from natural gas, and most of the rest is produced by renewable sources, primarily hydroelectric dams....

more than 50% of my state's electricity comes from! Wow, I had no idea it was that much! why the heck is my electricity bill so high then? You would think it would be cheaper? Well, maybe it is less than what other States pay? Been here for 7 years now, so I don't know what others pay elsewhere....
Here's where we get out electricity in Maine:

More than two-fifths of Maine's net electricity generation comes from natural gas, and most of the rest is produced by renewable sources, primarily hydroelectric dams....

more than 50% of my state's electricity comes from! Wow, I had no idea it was that much! why the heck is my electricity bill so high then? You would think it would be cheaper? Well, maybe it is less than what other States pay? Been here for 7 years now, so I don't know what others pay elsewhere....

Electricity flows across state borders in regional markets. So if a coal plant in Pennsylvania is put out of business, the price of electricity goes up in Maine.

Kind of sucks.

I remember towards the end of Clinton's presidency, we had gasoline in the 90 -99 cent range in Massachusetts which was cheap for being up in the northeast, but then it seemed like just a handful of months later gasoline was around $1.50 a gallon and I was appalled at how HIGH gasoline had gone up!!!! I could not believe it had gone so high!

Now, I would be elated with gasoline hitting $3 a gallon....and if heating oil would get down to $3 a gallon, I would be doubly elated!

Why is it going down btw? I mean, you would think of what is going on in Iraq or the fear of the future of Iraq, that the speculators would be using the opportunity to make oil and by products go up in price???
I remember towards the end of Clinton's presidency, we had gasoline in the 90 -99 cent range in Massachusetts which was cheap for being up in the northeast, but then it seemed like just a handful of months later gasoline was around $1.50 a gallon and I was appalled at how HIGH gasoline had gone up!!!! I could not believe it had gone so high!

Now, I would be elated with gasoline hitting $3 a gallon....and if heating oil would get down to $3 a gallon, I would be doubly elated!

Why is it going down btw? I mean, you would think of what is going on in Iraq or the fear of the future of Iraq, that the speculators would be using the opportunity to make oil and by products go up in price???

I think fear of Iraq is in the minds of the talking heads...ISIS is fanatical but a pass by an ac130 makes them very very dead.
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

Then, as a veteran, you sure know that respecting the OFFICE and the INDIVIDUAL occupying it are two different things.

Were I wearing a uniform, my sworn oath was to obey the orders of those appointed above me.

But, I am not and it my right - one I served to defend - to speak my piece freely and without shame.
This thread is like listening to a bunch of carbon addicts withdrawing in a rehab center.

These addicts are heavily invested in mining coal, oil and uranium and they don't want to wind up like the horse whip, harness and buggy makers at the turn of the last century. It's that simple.

Even when you tell them "hey, use one of those cogeneration solar thermal/natural gas outfits like in Florida and other places...or geothermal/natural gas or biodiesel from pond scum oils and have to buy cheaper or free fuel but charge the same prices!" They still curl up in the fetal position. Why? Because they have to make the terrible terrible decision to shift their assets over to a more profitable situation for themselves that doesn't cause as much global climate change or other types of lethal pollution.

Only an addict could become upset at the idea of living better and cleaner with simply a change in mindset...
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