You May Not Have Electricity This Winter

According to the EIA the electrical capacity of the US has increased every year. See the charts here: EIA - Electricity Generating Capacity

But that only means there will be electricity available. Business not wishing to waste a crisis will use the shutting of their environmentally unfriendly coal stations as a reason to gouge the consume out of more money. Look for some sort of surcharge to account for the shutting of coal stations. The electricity will be there but the price will be where the electric industry feels it should be.

Ignorant nonsense! Having electricity is grand. Getting it to where it needs to be on an already shaky power grid, is not so grand.

However, the places most in danger are true blue. Poetic justice?
Funny the last couple yrs missing off that generation chart when they started closing coal plants
This thread is like listening to a bunch of carbon addicts withdrawing in a rehab center.

These addicts are heavily invested in mining coal, oil and uranium and they don't want to wind up like the horse whip, harness and buggy makers at the turn of the last century. It's that simple.

Even when you tell them "hey, use one of those cogeneration solar thermal/natural gas outfits like in Florida and other places...or geothermal/natural gas or biodiesel from pond scum oils and have to buy cheaper or free fuel but charge the same prices!" They still curl up in the fetal position. Why? Because they have to make the terrible terrible decision to shift their assets over to a more profitable situation for themselves that doesn't cause as much global climate change or other types of lethal pollution.

Only an addict could become upset at the idea of living better and cleaner with simply a change in mindset...

Energy is like heroin? I suppose food is also like heroin.

That gets the stupid metaphor of the day award. Don't get too excited. The day is still young and rdean is posting.

It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

IDIOT Obama TOLD US HE wanted the following to happen!!!

All you Obama defenders... HOW can you continue to defend this congenital liar?

The only reason is that you defenders are just like him!

For most of you that voted for him out of complete ignorance the first time SHAME on Obama... BUT those that voted the second time!
SHAME ON YOU!!! YOU are really really suckers!

A) prefer that utility rates skyrocket. "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

B) Obama wants companies to go bankrupt... hence he wants companies destroyed...
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures - IER

C) Obama wants higher gas prices.
He said:Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
1) Higher gas prices means less money for consumers hence destroying GDP!
2) Obama hires Energy secretary Chu, who said “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

D) Obama wants a single payer health system...
That destroys 1,300 insurance company PAYERS.. that pay:
1) $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local property taxes... THAT WILL BE DESTROYED !
2) 400,000 employees of these companies unemployed. Destroying jobs...

MY President would NEVER NEVER want companies destroyed, bankrupt,higher gas prices, these are NOT statements that promote growth
but are DESTRUCTION of America!

I don't care what he does, until removed from office by impeachment he's the President. And that rates respect in forms of address. If not a veteran you can say whatever you want, if a veteran or active duty military you swore an oath. Can't fall back on being a veteran if your oath means nothing.

I am a veteran, and I can call the asshole an asshole any time that I desire to call him one. I never swore an oath to respect the President, and as an American, I get to choose who I do, or do not, respect.

Active duty military have an obligation to respect the chain of command, and follow their lawful orders. That obligation ended when I left the military, and now, my chain of command ends with me.
According to the EIA the electrical capacity of the US has increased every year. See the charts here: EIA - Electricity Generating Capacity

But that only means there will be electricity available. Business not wishing to waste a crisis will use the shutting of their environmentally unfriendly coal stations as a reason to gouge the consume out of more money. Look for some sort of surcharge to account for the shutting of coal stations. The electricity will be there but the price will be where the electric industry feels it should be.

Ignorant nonsense! Having electricity is grand. Getting it to where it needs to be on an already shaky power grid, is not so grand.

However, the places most in danger are true blue. Poetic justice?

WTF us ignorant about what I posted? Do you have a source of your information the same as I posted? All the country is connected to the same electrical grid with the exception of Texas. We all share. New York who brags about how little they use coal gets energy from Canada.

If you have not noticed there are few electric furnace steel plants in the country. That is were the electric utilities made real money. With those gone there would be a glut of energy, except Obama gave the utilities the green light to shut down plants and the utilities are more then happy to oblige.

I don't mind discussing things even if we disagree but do you have to be such a dick about it?
This thread is like listening to a bunch of carbon addicts withdrawing in a rehab center.

These addicts are heavily invested in mining coal, oil and uranium and they don't want to wind up like the horse whip, harness and buggy makers at the turn of the last century. It's that simple.

Even when you tell them "hey, use one of those cogeneration solar thermal/natural gas outfits like in Florida and other places...or geothermal/natural gas or biodiesel from pond scum oils and have to buy cheaper or free fuel but charge the same prices!" They still curl up in the fetal position. Why? Because they have to make the terrible terrible decision to shift their assets over to a more profitable situation for themselves that doesn't cause as much global climate change or other types of lethal pollution.

Only an addict could become upset at the idea of living better and cleaner with simply a change in mindset...

Energy is like heroin? I suppose food is also like heroin.

That gets the stupid metaphor of the day award. Don't get too excited. The day is still young and rdean is posting.


No, carbon and nuclear energy is like the drug of the moguls who get rich off of mining & refining coal, oil and uranium for the big-polluter water boilers.

Since most energy is produced by boiling water to run steam turbines, the fuel one uses needs to be as cheap and clean as possible. And no, nuclear doesn't qualify on either. Death you cannot see is just as deadly as death you can see.

What it really boils down to is that these mines and refineries are fighting like wild to keep their gravy trains no matter what it costs the country and the world. It's the typical American rotten greedy tycoon story. The solution is for them to switch their assets over to geothermal and solar thermal energy & cogenerators with natural gas, convince the energy commissions to allow them to charge the same rates as before with their more expensive and deadly fuels and in some cases cut the costs of operation and produciton by over 70%.

What that means is a hugely raised net profit at the end of the day. And the only thing standing between them and all that money is stubborn stupidity and an addiction to deadly water-boiling fuels. There are much more lucrative ways of boiling water my friends...My question is, "why does something have to be bad for the world and hurt people in order to bring you your prostitutes, cocaine and membership to exclusive yacht and country clubs?" Why not feel good about being filthy rich instead of feeling like an asshole all the time?
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Since my state of NY gets about 3% of its power from coal, how is this our problem?

lol, plus, I own a generator. We'd have to run out of gasoline before I'll go without power.

I've got a generator too. Mine runs on propane. Operates the whole house. This time next year, I'll be getting paid by FPL for my electricity. I'm going solar.
With that perpetual cloud of doom that hangs over you progressives, I don't think that is a sound plan on your part.

Silly asshole, sounds like you 'Conservatives' are the cloud of doomers. Proactive solution to a problem is hardly a cloud of doom approach. In fact, sounds like a good old capitalistic approach.
Researcher: Earth Facing a Long, 'Difficult' Period of Cold

A planet fixated on global warming is not prepared for the real climate crisis that's already here — a pronounced cold spell that could last another 30 years...

Just in time!

OK. I will live long enough to see who is correct on this. And, from the scientific journals I have read, this fellow has no basis in evidence for his claims. Otherwise, this would be published in Nature, not Newmax.
you might get cancer
you might have a car wreck
you might ....

if it weren't for conjecture the RW's wouldn't have anything to post
Researcher: Earth Facing a Long, 'Difficult' Period of Cold

A planet fixated on global warming is not prepared for the real climate crisis that's already here — a pronounced cold spell that could last another 30 years...

Just in time!

I have enjoyed this cool summer. If it were to end today it would be the coldest since 1871. But of course GW states you can't be concerned about your own weather you have to be concerned about what that models tell us should happen.

I don't look forward to the GW effect this winter.
Since my state of NY gets about 3% of its power from coal, how is this our problem?

lol, plus, I own a generator. We'd have to run out of gasoline before I'll go without power.

I've got a generator too. Mine runs on propane. Operates the whole house. This time next year, I'll be getting paid by FPL for my electricity. I'm going solar.
With that perpetual cloud of doom that hangs over you progressives, I don't think that is a sound plan on your part.

Neither is setting in the dark wishing...
you might get cancer
you might have a car wreck
you might ....

if it weren't for conjecture the RW's wouldn't have anything to post

The Earth has a temperature and the only cure is Gore making millions selling carbon credits.
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

This dumbass wasn't in my chain of command.

But I'll happily refer to him as President Dumbass if it makes you feel better.

See, I can compromise. :D

P.S. - Bought a coal fired furnace...might be dark this winter, but it won't be cold.
No coal, no lights. Simple as that.

Obama told us as much. Yet you stupid moronic mother-scratching idiots voted him in twice.


Liberals will go down in history as being singularly responsible for the demise of all humanity.
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

This dumbass wasn't in my chain of command.

But I'll happily refer to him as President Dumbass if it makes you feel better.

See, I can compromise. :D

P.S. - Bought a coal fired furnace...might be dark this winter, but it won't be cold.

You have a coal mine in the back forty? Around here we use wood....they is a wood mine in my back forty...
No coal, no lights. Simple as that.

Obama told us as much. Yet you stupid moronic mother-scratching idiots voted him in twice.


Liberals will go down in history as being singularly responsible for the demise of all humanity.

Use more whiskey....
This thread is like listening to a bunch of carbon addicts withdrawing in a rehab center.

These addicts are heavily invested in mining coal, oil and uranium and they don't want to wind up like the horse whip, harness and buggy makers at the turn of the last century. It's that simple.

Even when you tell them "hey, use one of those cogeneration solar thermal/natural gas outfits like in Florida and other places...or geothermal/natural gas or biodiesel from pond scum oils and have to buy cheaper or free fuel but charge the same prices!" They still curl up in the fetal position. Why? Because they have to make the terrible terrible decision to shift their assets over to a more profitable situation for themselves that doesn't cause as much global climate change or other types of lethal pollution.

Only an addict could become upset at the idea of living better and cleaner with simply a change in mindset...

Energy is like heroin? I suppose food is also like heroin.

That gets the stupid metaphor of the day award. Don't get too excited. The day is still young and rdean is posting.


No, carbon and nuclear energy is like the drug of the moguls who get rich off of mining & refining coal, oil and uranium for the big-polluter water boilers.

Since most energy is produced by boiling water to run steam turbines, the fuel one uses needs to be as cheap and clean as possible. And no, nuclear doesn't qualify on either. Death you cannot see is just as deadly as death you can see.

What it really boils down to is that these mines and refineries are fighting like wild to keep their gravy trains no matter what it costs the country and the world. It's the typical American rotten greedy tycoon story. The solution is for them to switch their assets over to geothermal and solar thermal energy & cogenerators with natural gas, convince the energy commissions to allow them to charge the same rates as before with their more expensive and deadly fuels and in some cases cut the costs of operation and produciton by over 70%.

What that means is a hugely raised net profit at the end of the day. And the only thing standing between them and all that money is stubborn stupidity and an addiction to deadly water-boiling fuels. There are much more lucrative ways of boiling water my friends...My question is, "why does something have to be bad for the world and hurt people in order to bring you your prostitutes, cocaine and membership to exclusive yacht and country clubs?" Why not feel good about being filthy rich instead of feeling like an asshole all the time?

"Since most energy is produced by boiling water to run steam turbines..."

Most electricity is produced by boiling water. The energy behaves according to the laws of thermodynamics. One of those laws says, essentially, that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Your utopia is counter to the laws of physics. Which makes it a dystopia.

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