You May Not Have Electricity This Winter

The coal and oil folks are trying to panic the Right, and it appears to be working.
They seem to have never heard of wind, solar, hydro or nuclear energy - which are clearly a 'left wing conspiracy' meant to discredit the clean and highly efficient coal and oil plants - which couldn't possibly poison the air and the water table right? :eusa_shifty:
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

If Obama doesn't respect his office then neither should I or anyone else. I respect what the office is supposed to be ... not what Obama has done to it.

Obama's war on coal and petroleum seems to be going ahead full blast. This article should give all of you something to think about.

Read @ Doug Ross @ Journal: ICE BLUE STATES: New EPA Regulations Threaten Devastating Power Outages This Winter

The Bias are strong with this thread........

I know for a fact Romney received an abundance of $$$ from Coal and Coal is spending like crazy to stay alive. Make no mistake, Big Coal doesn't want to end because where will they work next?

I also know for a fact that Obama received an abundance of $$$ from Wind energy.

The core issue we are discussing is Citizens united. There is no "Coal vs. Renewable" war. :stupid: :cow:

There is just as much a war on Wind energy as there is on Coal energy. The discussion will only take place once we start THINKING for ourselves.

THERE IS NO WAR ON COAL............... If you are a Coal miner I'm sorry. But Wave/Wind/Tidal/Sun energy shows up all the time. Coal is done after you use it.

There is CERTAINLY a war on information though.
Researcher: Earth Facing a Long, 'Difficult' Period of Cold

A planet fixated on global warming is not prepared for the real climate crisis that's already here — a pronounced cold spell that could last another 30 years...

Just in time!

I have enjoyed this cool summer. If it were to end today it would be the coldest since 1871. But of course GW states you can't be concerned about your own weather you have to be concerned about what that models tell us should happen.

I don't look forward to the GW effect this winter.

Is HAARP working? Weird.
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

This dumbass wasn't in my chain of command.

But I'll happily refer to him as President Dumbass if it makes you feel better.

See, I can compromise. :D

P.S. - Bought a coal fired furnace...might be dark this winter, but it won't be cold.

You have a coal mine in the back forty? Around here we use wood....they is a wood mine in my back forty...

Some days it pays to own trucks {insert air horn sound effect here}.


P.S. - It burns wood too.​

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Obama's war on coal and petroleum seems to be going ahead full blast. This article should give all of you something to think about.

Read @ Doug Ross @ Journal: ICE BLUE STATES: New EPA Regulations Threaten Devastating Power Outages This Winter

Speak for yourself.

My state has one coal fire plant left and it's been shut down. The shut down started in 2005. It should be completely done soon.

We don't use nuclear energy anymore either. All that's happening at those plants now is clean up.

My state gets our electricity mostly from water. We also use the wind.

We use natural gas for heating homes and for cooking.

We have more electricity than we use. We have been selling it to neighboring states for years.

We also have some of the lowest electric rates in the nation.

So while your state may still be in the dark ages, my state is in the 21st century and using clean renewable energy.
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

This dumbass wasn't in my chain of command.

But I'll happily refer to him as President Dumbass if it makes you feel better.

See, I can compromise. :D

P.S. - Bought a coal fired furnace...might be dark this winter, but it won't be cold.

You have a coal mine in the back forty? Around here we use wood....they is a wood mine in my back forty...

Here's the link if you are interested...

We've got a 1900 sq. ft. prairie box, and it keeps it toast warm in here.
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According to the EIA the electrical capacity of the US has increased every year. See the charts here: EIA - Electricity Generating Capacity

But that only means there will be electricity available. Business not wishing to waste a crisis will use the shutting of their environmentally unfriendly coal stations as a reason to gouge the consume out of more money. Look for some sort of surcharge to account for the shutting of coal stations. The electricity will be there but the price will be where the electric industry feels it should be.

Speak for yourself.

My area didn't deregulate. I still send my checks to the public utility district.

Which means that it's public owned and controlled. We elect people to run it and they answer to us.

The rates can't be increased without the utility district giving clear and honest reasons for that increase. The increase isn't always approved either.

Since we own it, we control how the electricity is generated. We are listened to when we have something to say unlike a faceless corporation that doesn't give a damn about you and will rob you blind.

Since it's public owned we don't have to pay for a profit. So our rates are lower. No one is becoming filthy rich from our checks to the public utility district. No ceo or executives are fleecing us for their obscene salaries and bonus. No stockholder is demanding higher returns so our rates stay stable and there are no "market" swings to send our rates skyrocketing.

So what you described in your post can't and will never happen here where I live.

Have fun paying those ridiculously sky high rates!
Electrical Workers vs. the EPA

We union members oppose new anticarbon rules that will cost jobs and endanger the grid.
The U.S. is already facing the loss of 60 gigawatts of power over the next three years, the result of older coal plants' being forced to shut down because they cannot comply with the EPA's Mercury and Air Toxics Standards enacted in 2012. At the time, the EPA claimed that only four gigawatts of capacity would be lost. Those of us familiar with the industry knew better, and the agency now does not contest that 60 gigawatts of coal-generated electricity will be lost. Ninety percent of the plants slated to close due to the MATS rule were needed to provide power during the polar vortex and other periods of severe weather last winter. Is the EPA willing to gamble that we won't have another harsh winter in the next five years? Mr. Hill is president of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) representing 750,000 members in utilities, construction, railroads, manufacturing, broadcasting, telecommunications and government. Aug. 14, 2014 7:09 p.m. ET THE WALL STREET JOURNAL THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Electrical Workers Union Opposes EPA Anticarbon Rules that will Cost Jobs & Endanger the Grid
According to the EIA the electrical capacity of the US has increased every year. See the charts here: EIA - Electricity Generating Capacity

But that only means there will be electricity available. Business not wishing to waste a crisis will use the shutting of their environmentally unfriendly coal stations as a reason to gouge the consume out of more money. Look for some sort of surcharge to account for the shutting of coal stations. The electricity will be there but the price will be where the electric industry feels it should be.

Ignorant nonsense! Having electricity is grand. Getting it to where it needs to be on an already shaky power grid, is not so grand.

However, the places most in danger are true blue. Poetic justice?

WTF us ignorant about what I posted? Do you have a source of your information the same as I posted? All the country is connected to the same electrical grid with the exception of Texas. We all share. New York who brags about how little they use coal gets energy from Canada.

If you have not noticed there are few electric furnace steel plants in the country. That is were the electric utilities made real money. With those gone there would be a glut of energy, except Obama gave the utilities the green light to shut down plants and the utilities are more then happy to oblige.

I don't mind discussing things even if we disagree but do you have to be such a dick about it?

U.S. Electrical Grid Gets Less Reliable - IEEE Spectrum

US Power Grid Has Issues with Reliability | Data Center Knowledge

EIA - Electricity Data
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

IDIOT Obama TOLD US HE wanted the following to happen!!!

All you Obama defenders... HOW can you continue to defend this congenital liar?

The only reason is that you defenders are just like him!

For most of you that voted for him out of complete ignorance the first time SHAME on Obama... BUT those that voted the second time!
SHAME ON YOU!!! YOU are really really suckers!

A) prefer that utility rates skyrocket. "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

B) Obama wants companies to go bankrupt... hence he wants companies destroyed...
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures - IER

C) Obama wants higher gas prices.
He said:Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
1) Higher gas prices means less money for consumers hence destroying GDP!
2) Obama hires Energy secretary Chu, who said “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

D) Obama wants a single payer health system...
That destroys 1,300 insurance company PAYERS.. that pay:
1) $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local property taxes... THAT WILL BE DESTROYED !
2) 400,000 employees of these companies unemployed. Destroying jobs...

MY President would NEVER NEVER want companies destroyed, bankrupt,higher gas prices, these are NOT statements that promote growth
but are DESTRUCTION of America!

I don't care what he does, until removed from office by impeachment he's the President. And that rates respect in forms of address. If not a veteran you can say whatever you want, if a veteran or active duty military you swore an oath. Can't fall back on being a veteran if your oath means nothing.


In the military, you salute the rank and not necessarily the person. That goes for Obama and I didn't vote for his sorry ass either time. I'll call him the President when I choose too..............Normally, I call him a fucking idiot. You call him the Prez, and I'll call him an obamination.
What many fail to realize is that the coal fired power plants that are already closing, and those that will be closed from the rew regulations, are not finely dispersed over the country, and therefore can be easily replaced with better facilities.

As the cold weather hits the Northeast, electrical power will need to come from farther away, and come across already stressed and obsolete transmission lines. Overloaded transmission lines and a cold winter means some of you are going to be cold and in the dark. Perhaps for a number of days.
Coal plants are shutting down all over the country because of back door policies of the EPA via the Oval office. They couldn't pass Cap and Trade so they are doing by interpreting old laws any way they see fit. In other words, they are by passing Congress who shot down the new regs saying the courts now write the regulations and laws.

We have a 200 year supply of coal. It's cheap energy, and with the new scrubbers and emissions systems the damage to the environment is really BS. But the Mean Green Enviro wack machine wants wind and solar. Since they are not cost effective they attack fossil fuels to try to bring those prices up to try and make their corporate sponsors viable............The end result is higher prices.

To the's old and wasn't designed to handle the increased capacities.........So the transmission lines may very well fold if we have a harsh winter.
Coal plants are shutting down all over the country because of back door policies of the EPA via the Oval office. They couldn't pass Cap and Trade so they are doing by interpreting old laws any way they see fit. In other words, they are by passing Congress who shot down the new regs saying the courts now write the regulations and laws.

We have a 200 year supply of coal. It's cheap energy, and with the new scrubbers and emissions systems the damage to the environment is really BS. But the Mean Green Enviro wack machine wants wind and solar. Since they are not cost effective they attack fossil fuels to try to bring those prices up to try and make their corporate sponsors viable............The end result is higher prices.

To the's old and wasn't designed to handle the increased capacities.........So the transmission lines may very well fold if we have a harsh winter.

We have a much longer supply of sunshine and geothermal resources. So why not use their free energy as much as possible? Because your profit margin will increase? [Unless your profit derives solely from mining and refining coal, oil and uranium and not power generation]
Coal plants are shutting down all over the country because of back door policies of the EPA via the Oval office. They couldn't pass Cap and Trade so they are doing by interpreting old laws any way they see fit. In other words, they are by passing Congress who shot down the new regs saying the courts now write the regulations and laws.

We have a 200 year supply of coal. It's cheap energy, and with the new scrubbers and emissions systems the damage to the environment is really BS. But the Mean Green Enviro wack machine wants wind and solar. Since they are not cost effective they attack fossil fuels to try to bring those prices up to try and make their corporate sponsors viable............The end result is higher prices.

To the's old and wasn't designed to handle the increased capacities.........So the transmission lines may very well fold if we have a harsh winter.

We have a much longer supply of sunshine and geothermal resources. So why not use their free energy as much as possible? Because your profit margin will increase? [Unless your profit derives solely from mining and refining coal, oil and uranium and not power generation]

The products needed to make that energy are not free............I've done the math on putting in a grid here. It's doesn't have the bang for the buck..............It's pure economics...............Supply and demand, and coal is cheap with a delivery system in place.

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