You May Not Have Electricity This Winter

Again you ignore the construction costs.................Which are causing the prices to go up already.

Would you rather we use nuclear which is so expensive that it makes no profit at all without taxpayer subsidies in the untold $zillions?

Would you rather burn coal, oil or natural gas in an exclusive power plant/water boiler or would you like a boiling system that runs off of free energy every day the sun shines or near a geothermal source 24/7 in tandem with existing carbon boilers?

You saying that constructing different ways of boiling water on the same real estate [co-generation] is "cost prohibitive" is the lame crying of a spoiled baby on the verge of having his pacifier taken away. The savings in 5 years time or less of free energy for most of the year would more than mitigate the costs of tacking on a solar thermal array onto any existing carbon boiler plant.. Free energy for most of the year, same fees charged = massive profit.

Why anyone is resisting this is either 1. Insanity or 2. Vested interest in coal, oil or uranium mining and refining.

The USS Lexington powered the city of Tacoma when a drought critically cut their hydroelectric generation.
Don't bother, Redfish...Silly is absolutely uninterested in any facts that do not support her pixie dust and unicorn flatulence fantasies.
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So you build an array of parabolic mirrors [in contrast to mining trucks, fuel, explosives, transportation, refining, waste mitigation, environmental damage] that concentrate the sun on a hermetically-sealed oil filled tube that circulates 300 C fluid past common heat exchangers to boil water to run turbines [like all conventional power plants do] and somehow that free sunshine on that fixed system already installed is "too expensive to harvest"?

If you have the sun shining down on your parabolic tandem cogeneration array to any given power plant already in existence, a simple and cheap adjunct to install rapidly anywhere, let's say for 200 days a year average, somehow were' supposed to believe that producing energy from that plant on any given year will be more expensive using free energy 200 days a year than having to purchase refined coal or oil for those 200 days to burn instead?

Don't become a used car salesman anytime soon. You'll starve to death.

For more on how 'expensive, difficult and time consuming' installing tandem cogeneration with solar thermal can be, view the video in the link below:

all of those mirrors require a lot of glass and plastics. How are glass and plastic made? What are the raw materials? how much energy is required?

you need to look at the entire cost
, those panels don't just pop up ready to use. They are very expensive to build--------------can you say, SOLYNDRA?

That's all you got? :lmao: "oooh...plastics and glass are expensive to make and install!"

Nothing like nuclear plants or refining plants which are cheap to erect, maintain and deal with waste disposal in comparison, right?... :lol:
A true AGW CULTIST would have no concern about the possibility of not having electricity. They'd merely count their deprivation as proof of their sincerity.

Rotsa Ruck wif dat!

They count someone else's deprivation as proof of their sincerity. When the lights go off in their area, and the cold begins to set in, they will howl to the heavens while blaming whatever happens on the Republicans.
The energy from solar, geothermal, and/or wind is not free, except to sunbathers and rattlesnakes. The initial costs of converting this energy into electricity is very expensive, and the on going maintenance is also expensive. Someone has to pay the bill, and you environmental extremists are fine with that, as long is it is not you...


So you build an array of parabolic mirrors [in contrast to mining trucks, fuel, explosives, transportation, refining, waste mitigation, environmental damage] that concentrate the sun on a hermetically-sealed oil filled tube that circulates 300 C fluid past common heat exchangers to boil water to run turbines [like all conventional power plants do] and somehow that free sunshine on that fixed system already installed is "too expensive to harvest"?

If you have the sun shining down on your parabolic tandem cogeneration array to any given power plant already in existence, a simple and cheap adjunct to install rapidly anywhere, let's say for 200 days a year average, somehow were' supposed to believe that producing energy from that plant on any given year will be more expensive using free energy 200 days a year than having to purchase refined coal or oil for those 200 days to burn instead?

Don't become a used car salesman anytime soon. You'll starve to death.

For more on how 'expensive, difficult and time consuming' installing tandem cogeneration with solar thermal can be, view the video in the link below:

The answer is simple. If constructing solar arrays to harness sunlight was cheaper to build and maintain, than building and maintaining coal fired plants, we would already be enjoying the benefits of such a generation system. That ought to be your first clue.

Those mirrors are not cheap, and they are easily damaged, especially in high winds. They only work 12 hours a day, and they have to be kept clean for maximum performance. To my knowledge, every array that has been built currently, was accomplished with massive amounts of government subsidies.
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Obama's war on coal and petroleum seems to be going ahead full blast. This article should give all of you something to think about.

Read @ Doug Ross @ Journal: ICE BLUE STATES: New EPA Regulations Threaten Devastating Power Outages This Winter

Yes, why have energy companies not invested more into developing green energy technologies.

We should all have inexpensive solar panels on our home.

Extraterrestrials must laugh at us not using the free energy from they sun.
It's really the White Tea Bagger race that spends most of their time blaming someone else for their problems.

Power goes off -- must be Obama's fault. Never mind the senator you voted for who shills for the backwards oil and coal companies.
It's President Obama. You're a veteran apparently and swore a sacred oath to respect your chain of command just as I did. I dson't like him either, but refer to the office he occupies with respect.

IDIOT Obama TOLD US HE wanted the following to happen!!!

All you Obama defenders... HOW can you continue to defend this congenital liar?

The only reason is that you defenders are just like him!

For most of you that voted for him out of complete ignorance the first time SHAME on Obama... BUT those that voted the second time!
SHAME ON YOU!!! YOU are really really suckers!

A) prefer that utility rates skyrocket. "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

B) Obama wants companies to go bankrupt... hence he wants companies destroyed...
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures - IER

C) Obama wants higher gas prices.
He said:Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
1) Higher gas prices means less money for consumers hence destroying GDP!
2) Obama hires Energy secretary Chu, who said “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

D) Obama wants a single payer health system...
That destroys 1,300 insurance company PAYERS.. that pay:
1) $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local property taxes... THAT WILL BE DESTROYED !
2) 400,000 employees of these companies unemployed. Destroying jobs...

MY President would NEVER NEVER want companies destroyed, bankrupt,higher gas prices, these are NOT statements that promote growth
but are DESTRUCTION of America!

I don't care what he does, until removed from office by impeachment he's the President. And that rates respect in forms of address. If not a veteran you can say whatever you want, if a veteran or active duty military you swore an oath. Can't fall back on being a veteran if your oath means nothing.

Well I'm not a veteran. My dad was retired naval air force.....does that count? You don't have to be in the military or ex-military in order to recognize a POS traitor in the WH. You just have to not be a stuckonstupid leftie.
Fuck coal. It's killing the planet.

Coal isn't going to kill the planet. The planet is far more resilient than you give it credit for.

But until we have real alternatives to coal not having it will kill countless people. Starting with the poor and elderly.

But you don't really care about that do you?
Fuck coal. It's killing the planet.

Coal probably saved the planet. The developed world was running out of wood/peat to burn. What do you suppose CO2 absorption rate would have been in a treeless world?
Fuck coal. It's killing the planet.

Coal isn't going to kill the planet. The planet is far more resilient than you give it credit for.

But until we have real alternatives to coal not having it will kill countless people. Starting with the poor and elderly.

But you don't really care about that do you?

I was born and raised in a heavy coal state. I know the problems. I've seen the hell from mountaintop removal mining. I've seen communities destroyed. I've seen devastating pollution. I've seen devastating water quality contamination. I've seen the human cost. I've seen the public health costs. The days of coal must end.

They still advertise "clean coal" in my area. I grew up around coal - and none of it was clean. China is currently killing itself with coal pollution.
Fuck coal. It's killing the planet.

Coal isn't going to kill the planet. The planet is far more resilient than you give it credit for.

But until we have real alternatives to coal not having it will kill countless people. Starting with the poor and elderly.

But you don't really care about that do you?

I was born and raised in a heavy coal state. I know the problems. I've seen the hell from mountaintop removal mining. I've seen communities destroyed. I've seen devastating pollution. I've seen devastating water quality contamination. I've seen the human cost. I've seen the public health costs. The days of coal must end.

They still advertise "clean coal" in my area. I grew up around coal - and none of it was clean. China is currently killing itself with coal pollution.

The effects of mining, processing, and comubusting coal can be mitigated. It's been proven. You can't wish away nearly 40% of our nation's electric generating capacity... or the tens of thousands of jobs it supports. :slap:
We could do with about 1/2 as much electricity as America now consumes but only if all the AGW cultists flipped off their main breakers and left them off.

Count on them not so to do.
Coal isn't going to kill the planet. The planet is far more resilient than you give it credit for.

But until we have real alternatives to coal not having it will kill countless people. Starting with the poor and elderly.

But you don't really care about that do you?

I was born and raised in a heavy coal state. I know the problems. I've seen the hell from mountaintop removal mining. I've seen communities destroyed. I've seen devastating pollution. I've seen devastating water quality contamination. I've seen the human cost. I've seen the public health costs. The days of coal must end.

They still advertise "clean coal" in my area. I grew up around coal - and none of it was clean. China is currently killing itself with coal pollution.

The effects of mining, processing, and comubusting coal can be mitigated. It's been proven. You can't wish away nearly 40% of our nation's electric generating capacity... or the tens of thousands of jobs it supports. :slap:

Only low-information fools buy that shit. I know better. Yes, scrubbers help - but they only help. Fly ash contamination is another problem.

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