You May Not Have Electricity This Winter

LOL. I'd (pos) rep you if I could, but you'll have to settle for yet another...

bitch-slap. :slap:

I appreciate humor. The more sarcastic the better.

In the meantime... go cry in your Corn Flakes knowing that coal will be king until 2040.



That's about the same time that whitey will become a minority. Good timing.
LOL. I'd (pos) rep you if I could, but you'll have to settle for yet another...

bitch-slap. :slap:

I appreciate humor. The more sarcastic the better.

In the meantime... go cry in your Corn Flakes knowing that coal will be king until 2040.



That's about the same time that whitey will become a minority. Good timing.

Good point LOL. Just remember... what goes around, comes around.

I'll be the one looting your stores, burning your streets, and murdering your race while demanding JUSTICE. And I will be given that justice... just because.
Well his current Secretary of State supported carbon capture as a clean coal initiative, so he must not mind surrounding himself with low information fools in his inner circle.

Yo da low-info ho, bro. :slap:

Carbon Dioxide Sponge Could Suck up Coal Emissions

This is where Obama Bucks should be flowing, not to the Solyndra's of this country. :lol:

Well, dumbass, emissions are only part of the overall coal problem. Coal pollutes from cradle to grave.

So does everything else. Natural gas pollutes half as much, but still pollutes and does not have the same BTU capacity as coal. The fundamental problem is that the government will only look for solutions that benefit corporate energy production. Personal electric generation is the best option but Duke Energy doesn't want you to have the ability to provide for your own electrical needs through a combination of things like solar and natural gas generation as needed and Uncle Sam needs those tax dollars so large scale production is going to create large scale pollution or large scale outages.
Yo da low-info ho, bro. :slap:

Carbon Dioxide Sponge Could Suck up Coal Emissions

This is where Obama Bucks should be flowing, not to the Solyndra's of this country. :lol:

Well, dumbass, emissions are only part of the overall coal problem. Coal pollutes from cradle to grave.

So does everything else. Natural gas pollutes half as much, but still pollutes and does not have the same BTU capacity as coal. The fundamental problem is that the government will only look for solutions that benefit corporate energy production. Personal electric generation is the best option but Duke Energy doesn't want you to have the ability to provide for your own electrical needs through a combination of things like solar and natural gas generation as needed and Uncle Sam needs those tax dollars so large scale production is going to create large scale pollution or large scale outages.

Perhaps you could stop exhaling out your pie hole, bitch. :slap:
The energy from solar, geothermal, and/or wind is not free, except to sunbathers and rattlesnakes. The initial costs of converting this energy into electricity is very expensive, and the on going maintenance is also expensive. Someone has to pay the bill, and you environmental extremists are fine with that, as long is it is not you...


So you build an array of parabolic mirrors [in contrast to mining trucks, fuel, explosives, transportation, refining, waste mitigation, environmental damage] that concentrate the sun on a hermetically-sealed oil filled tube that circulates 300 C fluid past common heat exchangers to boil water to run turbines [like all conventional power plants do] and somehow that free sunshine on that fixed system already installed is "too expensive to harvest"?

If you have the sun shining down on your parabolic tandem cogeneration array to any given power plant already in existence, a simple and cheap adjunct to install rapidly anywhere, let's say for 200 days a year average, somehow were' supposed to believe that producing energy from that plant on any given year will be more expensive using free energy 200 days a year than having to purchase refined coal or oil for those 200 days to burn instead?

Don't become a used car salesman anytime soon. You'll starve to death.

For more on how 'expensive, difficult and time consuming' installing tandem cogeneration with solar thermal can be, view the video in the link below:

The answer is simple. If constructing solar arrays to harness sunlight was cheaper to build and maintain, than building and maintaining coal fired plants, we would already be enjoying the benefits of such a generation system. That ought to be your first clue.

Those mirrors are not cheap, and they are easily damaged, especially in high winds. They only work 12 hours a day, and they have to be kept clean for maximum performance. To my knowledge, every array that has been built currently, was accomplished with massive amounts of government subsidies.

but know that when the oil and gas industry began, and electricity began in the USA, the gvt massively subsidized it as well...with oil pipelines, and incentives/subsidies for gasoline stations to be built on every corner, and refineries, and the whole electric grid was subsidized by gvt as well when first being established and infrastructure still is being subsidized by our gvt....
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Well, dumbass, emissions are only part of the overall coal problem. Coal pollutes from cradle to grave.

So does everything else. Natural gas pollutes half as much, but still pollutes and does not have the same BTU capacity as coal. The fundamental problem is that the government will only look for solutions that benefit corporate energy production. Personal electric generation is the best option but Duke Energy doesn't want you to have the ability to provide for your own electrical needs through a combination of things like solar and natural gas generation as needed and Uncle Sam needs those tax dollars so large scale production is going to create large scale pollution or large scale outages.

Perhaps you could stop exhaling out your pie hole, bitch. :slap:

Sounds like the response of a laidoff mine worker who hasn't been completely rendered disabled by their black lung yet who thinks they are a high-information voter because they haven't noticed how the UMW has screwed them over in awhile.
In California, we are being told not to use Electricity at night, when the Sun is not shining.

Instead of Brown Outs or Black Outs, its called a Flex Alert, now.

In the past Electricity was plentiful, under Liberalism, there is not enough Electricity for everyone.
LOL. I'd (pos) rep you if I could, but you'll have to settle for yet another...

bitch-slap. :slap:

I appreciate humor. The more sarcastic the better.

In the meantime... go cry in your Corn Flakes knowing that coal will be king until 2040.



That's about the same time that whitey will become a minority. Good timing.

Good point LOL. Just remember... what goes around, comes around.

I'll be the one looting your stores, burning your streets, and murdering your race while demanding JUSTICE. And I will be given that justice... just because.

I didn't think that sitting bull was black, not sure why sitting bull takes such solace in putting down the white race. Somehow I guess sitting bull thinks that somehow making whites the minority will help sitting bull. But I am thinking that in sitting bull's own sick mind sitting bull doesn't care, sitting bull just likes seeing people suffer.

Being a white man I am in the minority now. Where is my free phone? Where is my free food? Where is my free health care? Don't we minorities have rights?
In California, we are being told not to use Electricity at night, when the Sun is not shining.

Instead of Brown Outs or Black Outs, its called a Flex Alert, now.

In the past Electricity was plentiful, under Liberalism, there is not enough Electricity for everyone.

Geez, you folks have the risen messiah in Brown, hasn't he put a chicken in every pot and supplied you with electricity from fairy dust?
Funny how the california libtardians are the first to complain when there is a shortage of power.

You asked for it assholes, now you have it :D
I wouldn't put it past the "old smudge guard" to purposefully schedule blackouts just to send a message of fear: "here's what's coming if you augment existing plants with clean/free energy" so they can maintain their monopolies status quo.

Wouldn't be surprised at all...
Progressive policies in action! How dare you hoi poloi plebes expect to be warm in winter when our Dear Leaders have an important agenda to promote?
Nice to know you are a 1 percenter that doesn't mind spreading the pollution for your own convenience. If there is a widespread power outage where do you suppose you will get gasoline?

Only you would have us all living in the stone age in order to placate you belief in a fairytale called global warming/cooling/melting or whatever the fuck it is as of this morning.

All I can hope for is you bleeding heart numskulls in the NE sit in your houses with no heat for few months in the dead of winter.

I'll try and suffer through our 50 - 60 degree winter.


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