You May Not Have Electricity This Winter

And for about 2/3 of the winter, it does JACK and SQUAT!
Yes but how nice to have 1/3 of the Winter's energy for free and most of the Spring, Summer and Fall too? Imagine Summers with all that sunshine producing cooling power?
the problem with gasoline generators

the gas gets pumped out at the market

with electricity

without it no gas for generator

Funny you should bring that up. Just order a 20 Kw all house generator today. Got propane and will have peace of mind.
Yes, there are some seriously bad generators being sold out there. Just as there are some seriously bad coffee makers, etc.

The majority, however, work just fine until they're needed. Provided, of course, that they aren't needed in the first six months or so after purchase. By then the instructions will have been lost so the proud owner has no clue how to start the generator. The next most likely event will be no start due to the starter battery having been allowed to discharge. But the nastiest one of all will be deteriorated fuel. People tend to fill the tank and forget about it entirely. When they need the generator it's so bad it might not even flow!

Americans are not very big on maintenance.
Describe in detail EXACTLY which ones are "notorious for failing". Be specific.

Five year parts and labor guarantee. I am using the same brand as a friend who recently installed one. It is whole house, so the only thing we have to do is check the oil if the power is off for two days.

In five years, I will probably be retired and moved into a condo....:bow2:
Five year parts and labor guarantee. I am using the same brand as a friend who recently installed one. It is whole house, so the only thing we have to do is check the oil if the power is off for two days.

In five years, I will probably be retired and moved into a condo....:bow2:
Keep an eye on what mechanics call "the brain". That's the part that goes foul in the propane generators I've heard about. Maybe it's something to do with extra condensation generated with burning propane inside the unit. Or maybe the brains are cheap, not sealed properly from that moisture. Just keep that warranty slip around.
With that perpetual cloud of doom that hangs over you progressives, I don't think that is a sound plan on your part.
That's a hilarious thing to say, considering the prophecies of doom and gloom of the OP. It is the Right that is profoundly pessimistic and whiny these days.
Yes, there are some seriously bad generators being sold out there. Just as there are some seriously bad coffee makers, etc.

The majority, however, work just fine until they're needed. Provided, of course, that they aren't needed in the first six months or so after purchase. By then the instructions will have been lost so the proud owner has no clue how to start the generator.

Don't need to...the standby gensets start automatically!

The next most likely event will be no start due to the starter battery having been allowed to discharge.

Standby generator batteries are automatically maintained while the power is on.

But the nastiest one of all will be deteriorated fuel. People tend to fill the tank and forget about it entirely. When they need the generator it's so bad it might not even flow!

Propane does not go bad! It will work fine after DECADES in the tank!
You have no interest in talking about solar thermal...because every time you do, more people realize it is pixie dust!

Troll on, Silly...troll on.
Look at the troll calling me a troll. How quaint.

Looks like you want to see the youtube video again:


Fully automatic until they don't work at all and then the idiots who bought 'em and left them to fend for themselves need 'em.

But then it comes as a shock. I will grant that propane powered generators have a great maintenance advantage as propane doesn't go all gummy. But one also has to be sure the tanks don't leak and that there full. Most people aren't up to that much responsibility.

It's like buying yourself a dog when you're not willing to walk it, feed it, care for it.

Obama's war on coal and petroleum seems to be going ahead full blast. This article should give all of you something to think about.

Read @ Doug Ross @ Journal: ICE BLUE STATES: New EPA Regulations Threaten Devastating Power Outages This Winter
i'm glad i have solar
With that perpetual cloud of doom that hangs over you progressives, I don't think that is a sound plan on your part.
That's a hilarious thing to say, considering the prophecies of doom and gloom of the OP. It is the Right that is profoundly pessimistic and whiny these days.
It is not the right that is using government to fix thousands of nonexistent problems in the country. It is the left, with their "we're doomed if we don't regulate this, or give this group special rights, or we have to do this because the evil republicans are going to take it away from you, mentality.

A bigger group [the left] of doom-Sayers has never existed.

Fully automatic until they don't work at all and then the idiots who bought 'em and left them to fend for themselves need 'em.

But then it comes as a shock. I will grant that propane powered generators have a great maintenance advantage as propane doesn't go all gummy. But one also has to be sure the tanks don't leak and that there full. Most people aren't up to that much responsibility.

It's like buying yourself a dog when you're not willing to walk it, feed it, care for it.

My mothers has needed zero work (other than PM on the engine, which a chimp can do) in 2 years. Other than that, it is totally exercises automatically every week and does a self-diagnostic every day. Her LP tanks are always kept also fuels the stove and water heater. (And an LP tank in good shape will hold gas for YEARS.)

My genset is a elderly 8.5kW Tecumsah from the late 70's. Probably 3300+ hours on perfectly. I change the oil every 100 hours or so, the air filter when it's dirty. (I haven't done plugs in it in a while...I pulled them last year & they were fine.) It hooks up via a (manual) transfer switch & a large plug...runs on gas from boat tanks,, good for a year and a half or a bit longer when dosed with Sta-Bil.

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