You want to see real CHAOS? How about an electoral college tie - 269 to 269

It would be the new congress that selects the President...

At the moment Democrats are favourites to take Congress.
GOP are favourite for Senate.

So Democrats would select Harris...

Real Question would be who GOP Senate would select as VP...
At the moment Democrats are favourites to take Congress.
that may not matter.

only one vote per state.

"Rather than voting as individuals, each state delegation in the House would get one vote, "
What if Trump wins the House vote for President and Waltz wins the Senate VP vote?

At the time of the founders you could have a President of one party, and the VP from another party. Can you still have that today?
I'll give it a 15 percent chance of happening. Don't kid yourself, It CAN HAPPEN. There are several maps showing in red and blue the various scenarios.
The only way it happens if if Harris wins WI, MI, and PA while not winning NE2 or NV (both of which she is leading in now.)

This seems like a fairly unlikely scenario, especially with Trump imploding in NC with the Black Porn Nazi around his neck.
How many Republican governor states vs democratic governor states?


How many Republican majority legislatures vs democratic legislatures in the state
What if Trump wins the House vote for President and Waltz wins the Senate VP vote?

At the time of the founders you could have a President of one party, and the VP from another party. Can you still have that today?
No, That was modified by the 12th Amendment.
What if Trump wins the House vote for President and Waltz wins the Senate VP vote?

At the time of the founders you could have a President of one party, and the VP from another party. Can you still have that today?

What happens happens, and the Secret Service better be ready for it.
The only way it happens if if Harris wins WI, MI, and PA while not winning NE2 or NV (both of which she is leading in now.)

This seems like a fairly unlikely scenario, especially with Trump imploding in NC with the Black Porn Nazi around his neck.
No, it's not the "only way". There are multiple scenarios and maps.

This is fascinating. As if the political situation isn’t already crazy enough and the country divided enough, picture this:

Trump and Harris finish in a 269 to 269 electoral college tie. Several maps are shown of how this could happen. Now we will shift into tie breaker mode.... Advantage TRUMP.
Imagine Trump as president with Tim Walz as his VP. Talk about a VP who won't be doing a damn thing. And think of all the lefties inciting even more violence against Trump in order to make Walz el-presidento. And if Democrats actually win the House they will be impeaching Trump nonstop in order to make Walz president.
Imagine Trump as president with Tim Walz as his VP. Talk about a VP who won't be doing a damn thing. And think of all the lefties inciting even more violence against Trump in order to make Walz el-presidento. And if Democrats actually win the House they will be impeaching Trump nonstop in order to make Walz president.
As earlier noted. The 12th takes care of that I believe
Actually, thinking this through a bit, I'd be fine with a co-Presidency.

Lock these two in a room, and no decisions could emerge without both agreeing to it.

They would actually have to communicate, collaborate and innovate. For a fuckin' change.

Yeah, count me in.
It would be the new congress that selects the President...
At the moment Democrats are favourites to take Congress.
The House elects the President.
The House votes by state delegation, with each delegation getting one vote - 50 total votes.
The GOP holds a delegation majority in like 30 states.
The only question is if they would select Trump.


This is fascinating. As if the political situation isn’t already crazy enough and the country divided enough, picture this:

Trump and Harris finish in a 269 to 269 electoral college tie. Several maps are shown of how this could happen. Now we will shift into tie breaker mode.... Advantage TRUMP.
Its unlikely to happen but it does underscore the sheer idiocy of having an even number of electoral votes available.
It would be the new congress that selects the President...

At the moment Democrats are favourites to take Congress.
GOP are favourite for Senate.

So Democrats would select Harris...

Real Question would be who GOP Senate would select as VP...
At the moment Democrats are favourites to take Congress.
52 reps from California=1 vote

2 reps from NH= 1 vote.

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