Young Conservatives blasted for singing anti semitic nazi marching song

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

How the hell would they know the words to this. ? And why would the DJ havea copy of it "just lying around" ?
This is not an unusual story for young conservative groups. They are often outed for shitty behaviour.

But the only reason for joining a Uni society is to meet girls.. The only place you womt meet girls is a young consercative club.. What sort of people go to these places ? Incels and other mentally deranged types. These are people who need help not a University education..

I joined CND and Help the Miners but I found that the same girls went to both. It was hard work and I had more luck in town.

Anyway I blame the parents. Tory bastards.

How the hell would they know the words to this. ? And why would the DJ havea copy of it "just lying around" ?
This is not an unusual story for young conservative groups. They are often outed for shitty behaviour.

But the only reason for joining a Uni society is to meet girls.. The only place you womt meet girls is a young consercative club.. What sort of people go to these places ? Incels and other mentally deranged types. These are people who need help not a University education..

I joined CND and Help the Miners but I found that the same girls went to both. It was hard work and I had more luck in town.

Anyway I blame the parents. Tory bastards.
People who know about it have to go looking in the first place, what next the Horst Wessel lied? inside many rightwing Tories there is a Fascist trying to get out, i saw a report Farage was said to have sung Nazi marching songs when at school.
People who know about it have to go looking in the first place, what next the Horst Wessel lied? inside many rightwing Tories there is a Fascist trying to get out, i saw a report Farage was said to have sung Nazi marching songs when at school.
I just dont get it at all.

How the hell would they know the words to this. ? And why would the DJ havea copy of it "just lying around" ?
This is not an unusual story for young conservative groups. They are often outed for shitty behaviour.

But the only reason for joining a Uni society is to meet girls.. The only place you womt meet girls is a young consercative club.. What sort of people go to these places ? Incels and other mentally deranged types. These are people who need help not a University education..

I joined CND and Help the Miners but I found that the same girls went to both. It was hard work and I had more luck in town.

Anyway I blame the parents. Tory bastards.

People who know about it have to go looking in the first place, what next the Horst Wessel lied? inside many rightwing Tories there is a Fascist trying to get out, i saw a report Farage was said to have sung Nazi marching songs when at school.

Nikita 🇷🇺 Mikhalkov posted a literary translation of a poem by Heribert Menzel, a member of the NSDAP, who in the original reflected while looking at a portrait of Adolf Hitler. Mikhalkov thought it was a poem about Muscovite czar 🇷🇺 Putin.

All we need to know about Moscow empire today....


Nikita 🇷🇺 Mikhalkov posted a literary translation of a poem by Heribert Menzel, a member of the NSDAP, who in the original reflected while looking at a portrait of Adolf Hitler. Mikhalkov thought it was a poem about Muscovite czar 🇷🇺 Putin.

All we need to know about Moscow empire today....

View attachment 971914

Give it up Nazi boy and stay with the thread.
I just dont get it at all.
They are the sort who followed more open British fascists from Mosley to those clowns like Webster in the 60s marching about in brown shirts and jackboots, through to the NF who i confronted at the time to the BNP and Combat 18 and other such clowns, these days they are more sophisticated as shown by Farage but they are still the same, i predict several Tory MPs or ex MPs will join Farage and reform, those fascists have four seats in Parliament because the same mugs who swallowed his toxic bullshit first time are doing it again like they swallowed Bozo the clown Johnsons bullshit, they never learn.
Give it up Nazi boy and stay with the thread.
mongol - MUSCOVITE PEDERAST 🇷🇺 , you are the worst NAZI OUT THERE

“Rakitin” published “patriotic” poems about the war, russia and the “people’s leader” [Putin] on his page on the social network “VKontakte” for about a year. During this time, Rakitin managed to post 18 poems, which began to be included in competitions, celebrated at festivals and reposted in Z-poetry channels.Almost a hundred russian deputies and senators have subscribed to Rakitin’s page. On June 28, journalist Andrei Zakharov said that Gennady Rakitin was invented by anti-war activists who, on behalf of the increasingly popular Z-poet, published translations of poems by authors of Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. In the verses, “Germany” was replaced by “MUSCOVY ”, “Hitler” - by “Putin”


YOU won't feel uneasy about it. In my experience, YOUR 🇷🇺are ready to accept the title " of the "4th 🇷🇺Reich".

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