Young patriarchal black men support Trump in huge numbers….while feminized black men support Harris

Black and white men who support Trump are largely the ones defending traditional Christian values in this country. Recognizing that history shows us that Black people like white people have engaged in slavery, racism, but also helping others out. Your side largely consists of weak feminized men who have a one sided hypocritical approach to history where apparently they believe the white man and America is responsible for all the worlds problems….the bets will say things like “ when was America Ever great”
As usual you make things up as you go. And you don’t care about it I’ve already told you I don’t believe in racism or misogyny. Won’t stop you from making that up.

It’s very simple. The masculine man will stand up to the filth We have in this country like boys being groomed for radical LGBT purposes. Standing up to that is not discrimination. You’re nuts if you think it is.

Protecting a child from getting a sex change operation is of course the right thing to do. It’s the strong thing to do.

Standing up to the left wing idea that white people are privileged is the right thing to do.

Black men who are voting for Trump are masculine. These are traditional men. And for you to say that their brainwashed is a typical narrative of a left-wing who treats Black people like babies like they can tell them how to think.

I don’t know maybe you just don’t like it, sir. It is a fact that many of the Harris supporters are beta males. You just don’t like the words if they believe that a boy can have access to tampons in boys bathrooms they are betas. If they believe in DEI they are betas… and ironically racist as well. This is once again where you will lie about my position as you always do. But the fact is that the left-wing has ushered in racist hiring quotas that favor non white people.

Who knows how you will react in the future. Probably you will continue to just make things up about people. Claim that Trump supporters are “intimidating others.” And that I don’t know what it means to be a leader. What in gods name are you rambling on about?

it’s completely laughable, but also unfortunate that you have come to these conclusions which are totally fake.
Oh hell are you still here??! Another unhinged rant with nothing new to say. Just more macho, alpha male blatherskite. You claim to not be racist but you deny the reality of white privilege . rail against DE! And affirmative action, and deride black men for complaining about white supremacy.

You claim to not be a misogynist, but ridicule this “third wave feminism” and equate it with being weak, and have a problem with men who stay home with the kids while the wife works. You seem to think that it is still 1950.

And, you grumble about Harris being a DEI hire which is both racist and sexist

The bottom line is that you have a warped and perverted concept of what it is to be masculine or feminine . It’s apparent that you are stuck in the mud on issues of gender and have a major bug up your ass over this ‘tampons in the boys room” thing, even after the rational behind it was explained. Clearly there is no reasoning with you. We are residing in different realities and I see no point in continuing this . I stand by every last word and my progressive views
Recognizing that history shows us that Black people like white people have engaged in slavery, racism, but also helping others out.
Yes we have been all through that. Yet you oppose the teaching of real and honest history even after it has been said that the crimes of all sides should see the light of day. Why is that?
Well, when was America great? Your version of the Alpha mail-the patriarchal male would say that it was before women, blacks and gays had rights
America has ALWAYS been great. No place else in the world could a former slave become a millionaire and buy the plantation that he used to serve o .

But it happened here.

You are an ignorant, stupid, clod.

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