Your Current Financial Status.

Embarrassingly well off , being heavily invested in Precious Metals .

As the Commodites boom has barely started, I can concentrate my talents on other matters as money creation is now akin to Zero Point Energy -- a huge return just from standing , watching and knowing the right buttlons to press.

BTW the public disclosure of ZPE is very close and will change everything -- even Donald will fizzle away in comparison .
Maybe hard to believe , but be smart and just follow the clues .
My current financial status could be better. I would like to have my spread paid off when I retire. I pay a very low mortgage rate so I'm good. I have good health care from my employer and my 401k looks good. I could save a little more, I guess. My weakness is shoes and bags. Little designer bags to go with my shoes.
My current financial status could be better. I would like to have my spread paid off when I retire. I pay a very low mortgage rate so I'm good. I have good health care from my employer and my 401k looks good. I could save a little more, I guess. My weakness is shoes and bags. Little designer bags to go with my shoes.

You guys are becoming so dependent on female approval .

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