Your Version of Your God Is The Ultimate Abortionist.

And had she gotten into a fight between her husband and another man. and touched that man's his genitals, her hand was to be cut off, show her no mercy the Bible says. The OT god was a rather bloodthirsty fellow but hey just look at Israel, his children are alive and well, and just as bloodthirsty still...
Why is this in Politics?

Ask the Five MEN on the Supreme why a Woman cannot, should not, and shall not have control over her own body.

HL is more than will cover, through Health Insurance a Man's Morning Hard-On with Viagra or Cialis, but deny a Woman her Contraceptive Care.
Why is this in Politics?

Ask the Five MEN on the Supreme why a Woman cannot, should not, and shall not have control over her own body.

HL is more than will cover, through Health Insurance a Man's Morning Hard-On with Viagra or Cialis, but deny a Woman her Contraceptive Care.

No one is being denied Contraceptive Care. HL has Always provided their employees health care coverage that includes Birth Control with 16 of the 20 BC devices available. The 4 go against the HL religious beliefs. Those 4 were never offered or provided by HL although any employee is free to purchase these one their own out of pocket.

At last HL is continuing to cover their employees instead of We the People having to pay subsidies or enroll employees to medicaid. They are saving We the People from being responsible for the HC of almost 2000 employees.
And had she gotten into a fight between her husband and another man. and touched that man's his genitals, her hand was to be cut off, show her no mercy the Bible says. The OT god was a rather bloodthirsty fellow but hey just look at Israel, his children are alive and well, and just as bloodthirsty still...

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your willingness to share it with the rest of us.

I have read the OT many times, yet I cannot recall the passage you cite. Got any references for it?
Here you go.

[ame=]Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1: 1,200 Face Abortions - YouTube[/ame]
And had she gotten into a fight between her husband and another man. and touched that man's his genitals, her hand was to be cut off, show her no mercy the Bible says. The OT god was a rather bloodthirsty fellow but hey just look at Israel, his children are alive and well, and just as bloodthirsty still...

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your willingness to share it with the rest of us.

I have read the OT many times, yet I cannot recall the passage you cite. Got any references for it?
Ignorance? Projection.

Deuteronomy 25:11-12

11"If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals, 12then you shall cut off her hand; you shall not show pity.
And had she gotten into a fight between her husband and another man. and touched that man's his genitals, her hand was to be cut off, show her no mercy the Bible says. The OT god was a rather bloodthirsty fellow but hey just look at Israel, his children are alive and well, and just as bloodthirsty still...

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your willingness to share it with the rest of us.

I have read the OT many times, yet I cannot recall the passage you cite. Got any references for it?
Ignorance? Projection.

Deuteronomy 25:11-12

11"If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals, 12then you shall cut off her hand; you shall not show pity.

There is quite a difference between touching his genitals and seizing his genitals. However, the passage is there and I should have recalled it. That is not the reason I referred to your ignorance. Ignorance is selecting isolated passages from the Bible for the purpose of chastising the reasoning of God, and/or his servants. Judgement should be based on the entire text, and not cherry picked portions.
Just to be clear here all of you Mother Loving, Flag Waving, Apple Pie Eating, Girl You Knocked Up and refused to marry because it was only a one night stand Christians....the Man born of Woman Jesus (A Bastard Child because his parents never married) Did not say one fracking word about about Abortion....Not One Word.

IF you claim that the Bastard Child Jesus did speak against abortion You.....Are....A....Liar.
Why is this in Politics?

Ask the Five MEN on the Supreme why a Woman cannot, should not, and shall not have control over her own body.

HL is more than will cover, through Health Insurance a Man's Morning Hard-On with Viagra or Cialis, but deny a Woman her Contraceptive Care.

Any person's right to determine what they do with their own body leaves off at the point when the rights of others begins.

Getting arresting for striking another person is telling someone what they cannot do with their own hands.

Goes double for killing another human being.

One of the worst - most often repeated arguments in favor of abortion ever. Need to upgrade your talking points.

It's not a religious argument to me. It's a legal one. ALL human beings have a right to protection under our legal system.
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