Yup, voter fraud is real.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
More evidence of voter fraud discovered.

And they still aren't finding it all. I've said before that dishonest people can fill out the unused legal ballots and no one will know. Unless people are polled and asked whether they used their ballot, there is NO WAY to tell how many ballots were used by someone other than the person who legally registered. Common sense tells us that many poll workers are dishonest. If they want their candidate to win, what is to stop them from casting the ballots they know won't get used? Only about a third of the voters even turn out and that leaves too damn many ballots that can be used for cheating. They can only catch the cheaters who vote twice or find ballots cast by dead people. Those numbers are bad enough and we only know about it because some people are trying very hard to find it. The left would rather not even look. 35,000 instances of double voting is alarming and shows a willingness to cheat. What idiot votes twice because they forgot they already voted once? It might not even be the voter whose name is on the ballot. It might just be poll workers who use ballots instead of removing unqualified or dead voters from the rolls.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. Voter ID won't really help, but the left knows if that happens then it's only a matter of time before our voting system gets looked at real closely. They don't want that. They want ballots counted and never questioned. They'll continue to ignore the reality that our voting system is not free from fraud. Nothing is. Considering how much we have to gain or lose by the outcome of elections, this is the area where fraud is the most likely.

Voter fraud is real and it's a problem.

What Voter Fraud? Study Finds More Than 35K Incidents of ‘Double Voting’ In North Carolina In 2012
Yup, voter fraud is real.
As is your ignorance and rightwing partisan stupidity.

No one has argued voter fraud isn’t ‘real.’

The fact remains, however, that voter ‘fraud’ doesn’t exist to the extent that the outcome of any election has changed; where voter ‘fraud’ is so exceedingly rare that measures such as ‘voter ID’ laws are not warranted because they place an un-Constitutional burden on the right to vote, where such laws do not pursue a legitimate governmental interest to restrict that fundamental right.

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