10 years of Ukrainian coup d’état. Did the West provoke it?


VIP Member
Jan 21, 2020

At the end of February 2014, a coup d’état took place in Ukraine. If you doubt what kind of event it was, you can read the thread “Did a coup d’état take place at the end of February 2014 in Ukraine?

And the present article deals with the question - Did the West provoke this coup d’état?
In my opinion, there were absolutely no internal reasons for protests – for the so-called Euromaidan – which began in Ukraine in November 2013 after the then President Yanukovych had postponed signing of the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement.

Article 106, paragraph 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine states that it is the President of Ukraine “who directs the foreign policy activities of Ukraine”; see the official website of the President of Ukraine.

Therefore, the postponement of the signing of the above-mentioned Agreement was a completely legal action of Ukrainian President, which he performed within the framework of his powers. If citizens were not satisfied with such actions of Yanukovych, they could legally elect another President in 15 months - in March 2015 - at the next presidential election.

And it is completely unclear why the postponement of signing this Agreement could have any significance. Georgia and Moldova, which did sign such Agreements in 2013, so far - that is, in March 2024 - have not become members of the EU.

But at the end of 2013, Western countries suddenly supported the Ukrainian protesters’ demand for a QUICKER signing of this Agreement.

Moreover, high representatives of the U.S. and EU openly visited lawbreakers who occupied the central square in Ukrainian capital Kyiv and had placed their tents there; please see the picture above. Although - as far back as on November 22, 2013 – a Kyiv court had forbidden to pitch tents on this square; please see the BBC website.

And after Ukrainian police had chased protesters from the above-mentioned square – Independence Square alias Maidan Square - on the night of November 30, 2013, Western politicians condemned this fully legitimate action.

For example, on the same day Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird declared:​
Canada strongly condemns the deplorable use of violence today by Ukrainian authorities against peaceful protesters in Independence Square. These demonstrators simply want a closer association with the European Union....Canada stands with the people of Ukraine to build a society based on freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.​
see the official website of Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs.

Ten days later, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry also declared:​
The United States expresses its disgust with the decision of Ukrainian authorities to meet the peaceful protest in Kyiv's Maidan Square with riot police, bulldozers, and batons...​
see the official website of U.S. State Department.

However, two years earlier - in November 2011 – when U.S. police used force against persons, who violated law during the Occupy Wall Street protests, Western politicians were not impressed by such facts at all.
Please see above the pictures from the CBS website.

In 2013 there also were allegations that Ukraine had a large-scale corruption under Yanukovych.

Even Barack Obama personally called Viktor Yanukovych a “corrupt ruler” later.

However, during 10 years which passed since Yanukovych had been removed from office in February 2014, Ukrainian authorities failed to prove that Yanukovych had stolen even a cent.​
But nobody in Ukraine was ever outraged by this fact; for example, in 2017 Ukrainians were outraged by a cruel treatment of a horse which drove a tourists’ carriage in Odessa; see here.

By the way, information about Yanukovych was also removed from the Interpol data base and you can see it yourself on the official website of Interpol.

So, we can conclude that Western countries had absolutely no reasons for support of Ukrainian protest movement. Nevertheless, the West supported it and, in that way, the West provoked the Ukrainian coup d’état.




Former President Donald Trump told an entirely fictional story on Saturday about how he had supposedly outwitted his Democratic opponents by releasing “the tape” of the 2019 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that was a key factor in Trump’s first impeachment.

Speaking at a Saturday campaign rally in Ohio, Trump claimed he let Democrats make “wilder and wilder” claims about what he said to Zelensky, “and then we released the tape.”

Trump proceeded to claim that when Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, who was then the speaker of the House, “heard” this tape, she was angry that she had been deceived by her allies’ previous “false” descriptions of the call; he claimed that Pelosi said to “her people”: “What the hell did you get me into? You hear this call? He didn’t do any of this stuff!”

Just imagine if Mr Lavrov had turned up in Washington DC with a bag of choc chip cookies for the pro Trump protesters.
He's a coward, as all dictatorial lackeys. So they they do their business in shadow, like crypto and what not. Zero doubts about that, zero.

Meanwhile, freedom loving Ukrainians and Europeans are true brothers. Still remembering the saving of Europe during Turkey's war in Vienna. Thanks, bros! Time for Ukraine finally join its true home, European civilization, and toss the old dark times of czar serfdom muddled with horde bandits from east into the garbage pile.
He's a coward, as all dictatorial lackeys. So they they do their business in shadow, like crypto and what not. Zero doubts about that, zero.

Meanwhile, freedom loving Ukrainians and Europeans are true brothers. Still remembering the saving of Europe during Turkey's war in Vienna. Thanks, bros! Time for Ukraine finally join its true home, European civilization, and toss the old dark times of czar serfdom muddled with horde bandits from east into the garbage pile.
Read here:
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has admitted that if he were Russia, he would not want Ukraine to join NATO, just like Finland and Sweden.
During a hearing in the US Senate, lawmakers asked the defense minister whether he would want Kiev to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization if he were Russia.
"Of course, if I were Russia, I would not want that," the Pentagon chief replied.

Austin added that if he were Moscow, he would also not want Sweden and Finland, which are already members of the alliance, to join NATO.
In March, Adm. Rob Bauer, head of NATO's Military Committee, said that Ukraine's membership in the alliance was a done deal, but discussions were ongoing on "when it would happen and what it would take." In late September 2022, Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine was applying for NATO membership on an accelerated basis. At the same time, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Ukraine's full membership in the alliance was impossible during the armed conflict.
Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said earlier that the Kremlin had heard Zelensky's request for Ukraine to join NATO, as well as the different reactions to it. According to him, Moscow is closely monitoring the situation and remembers that it was Kiev's orientation toward the alliance that was one of the reasons for the start of Russia's special operation in Ukraine. Ukraine was not invited to NATO because there is a clear interest in Ukraine's western territories among the organization's members, mainly Poland, and inviting Kiev to the alliance would have required recognition of its existing interests in Ukraine.
He's a coward, as all dictatorial lackeys. So they they do their business in shadow, like crypto and what not. Zero doubts about that, zero.

Meanwhile, freedom loving Ukrainians and Europeans are true brothers. Still remembering the saving of Europe during Turkey's war in Vienna. Thanks, bros! Time for Ukraine finally join its true home, European civilization, and toss the old dark times of czar serfdom muddled with horde bandits from east into the garbage pile.
What are you barking about? the Regime in Kiev had a true home that no longer exists, it was the third Reich.

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