20 more missiles just struck American bases in Syria

I normally wouldn't side up with Syria, and I'm sure there are two sides of this story. But here's the other side's take on it, brought to you by none other than the Chinese propaganda network...

US forces continue blatant looting of Syrian oil, ‘exposing gangster nature’ - Global Times
To be fair, we are kinda gansta. . . :eusa_think:

To be fair, we are kinda gansta. . . :eusa_think:


That's a fact. We should at least get something for all the blood and treasure we lost for 20 years in that shithole, even if it is a slush fund for the Democrat Party and to line the pockets of the RINOs.

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And here we go.... the very thing libs said would happen because of Trump is happening because of Biden and the progs with heavy assistance from GOP RINO's..... get ready for war and the draft kids.... fuck your school loan bailout you are about to be dragged into a draft tossed into a boot camp your green or purple hair shaved off nose ring ripped out and sent to fight WW3... way to go with your Biden vote dummies....
And here we go.... the very thing libs said would happen because of Trump is happening because of Biden and the progs with heavy assistance from GOP RINO's..... get ready for war and the draft kids.... fuck your school loan bailout you are about to be dragged into a draft tossed into a boot camp your green or purple hair shaved off nose ring ripped out and sent to fight WW3... way to go with your Biden vote dummies....

But just think about all the opportunities. When Biden brings back the draft and all those young men are across the pond fighting, we old fuckers will be here having sex with their wives and girlfriends.

Just call me Jodie. :04:
But just think about all the opportunities. When Biden brings back the draft and all those young men are across the pond fighting, we old fuckers will be here having sex with their wives and girlfriends.

Just call me Jodie. :04:
Oh no he didn't! Jodie don't give a fuck!

Don't worry about Jodie, because Jodie ain't worryin' 'bout you. He knows where you are.
Al Quida affiliated ISIS has been trying to take complete control of Syria for a decade now....and nobody wants them to gain control of a big source of revenue like oil fields or tax receipts.

Russia WAS somewhat keeping ISIS at bay but then their attentions have been diverted elsewhere. The Russians used White Phosphorus bombs in their carpet bombing campaigns in Syria...and the whole world kinda looked away. (Geneva convention violation for using WP bigger than a grenade) Iran has been supplying ISIL and ISIS with munitions...and Russia. Azerbaijan has been furious with Iran and Russia both for their behaviors lately. They have been buying Israeli made drones and then launching them at Iran munitions factories. (They hate ISIS too...and Russian aggression westward....they do not want to become a vassal state)

This was an attack by ISIS.
So...up to speed yet?

There was good reasons why Trump re-instated the Sanctions Obama lifted from Iran....because Iran wants terrorism.
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Syria must be beside themselves with sorrow, seeing their American allies being targeted, when they only came at the request of the Syrian government to help...
Syria must be beside themselves with sorrow, seeing their American allies being targeted, when they only came at the request of the Syrian government to help...
Syria is in such a sad state of affairs that they will take help from anybody at the moment. Their troops have been decimated by ISIS and ISIL with munitions sold to them by Iran. Their leadership has been ineffective for a decade now.
Al Quida affiliated ISIS has been trying to take complete control of Syria for a decade now....and nobody wants them to gain control of a big source of revenue like oil fields or tax receipts.

Russia WAS somewhat keeping ISIS at bay but then their attentions have been diverted elsewhere. The Russians used White Phosphorus bombs in their carpet bombing campaigns in Syria...and the whole world kinda looked away. (Geneva convention violation for using WP bigger than a grenade) Iran has been supplying ISIL and ISIS with munitions...and Russia. Azerbaijan has been furious with Iran and Russia both for their behaviors lately. They have been buying Israeli made drones and then launching them at Iran munitions factories. (They hate ISIS too...and Russian aggression westward....they do not want to become a vassal state)

This was an attack by ISIS.
So...up to speed yet?

There was good reasons why Trump re-instated the Sanctions Obama lifted from Iran....because Iran wants terrorism.
That's bullshit! ISIS attacks Iran all the time; They were in Syria fighting ISIS as Assad's ally, Iranian government does NOT support ISIS,

ISIS kills their soldiers and leaves boobytraps for them. ISIS tries to storm the Iranian gates almost every other day.

For one thing ISIS are a maligned Sunni and Iran is majority Shia.

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