43 Years Ago Today


Platinum Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
On Jan. 20, 1981, minutes after the presidency had passed from Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan, Iran released 52 Americans who had been held hostage for 444 days. The hostages were placed on a plane in Tehran as Reagan delivered his inaugural address. One week later, they arrived at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, home at last. Back then, no one thought freeing up almost $8 billion in frozen Iranian assets was a big deal, nowadays there would be some who would cry "foul." I get that sentiment, but at least it wasn't our money...


I remember those 444 days well... the anger, the frustration, the embarrassment, the disappointment, the tragedy...

Thankyou to the Canadians for all the help they gave those hostages.
As far as U.S.A. foreign policy goes we do not have a choice but to deal with these dictators and thugs who have political power in other countrys as a a matter of our own security.
The Carter administration, I have always had the suspicion was sabatoged from day one, not just in this situation but all through his administration from the inside his own party and the opposing party.
We should have turned over the Shah to face justice.

We didn't.

52 people were scarred for life and 7 service members died.
The Shah should never have taken power. Had the US and UK not overthrown Mossadegh in 1953, for the benefit of big oil, the Shah and the hostage crisis never happen.

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