A Dick smacking reminder...

Iraq, wasn't that about WMD and being an imminent threat to us. You know, they had such a powerful army, and suppose they would have carried those weapons across the oceans in say canoes or something, why next thing you knew, they be taking back Manhattan or something like that. Cheney knew exactly where they were, he told us so every day.

For some of us it is like deja vu all over again as those pesky Vietnamese were going to be invading the shores of California if we didn't bomb those reds back to the stone age, whenever they were. But now I see 'made in Vietnam' on a shirt I bought, so I guess they must have attacked and took over a clothing factory. Who knows what will be next.
Iraq, wasn't that about WMD and being an imminent threat to us. You know, they had such a powerful army, and suppose they would have carried those weapons across the oceans in say canoes or something, why next thing you knew, they be taking back Manhattan or something like that. Cheney knew exactly where they were, he told us so every day.

For some of us it is like deja vu all over again as those pesky Vietnamese were going to be invading the shores of California if we didn't bomb those reds back to the stone age, whenever they were. But now I see 'made in Vietnam' on a shirt I bought, so I guess they must have attacked and took over a clothing factory. Who knows what will be next.

Provide one shred of evidence the war was ever only about WMD's and that it had anything to do with Imminent threat. I won't hold my breath for that proof of course. Further you moron we did not fight in Viet Nam because the North Vietnamese were going to invade us. But then you would need to have a brain to know that.
You do know that his point was we didn't attack "terrorists". We attacked Iraqis.... who had nothing to do with attacking us.

Seems a bit counterproductive.

You realize of course the Taliban never attacked us either? How many Afghans were amongst the 19 terrorists on 9/11? If that is your criteria we should have done nothing at all.
You realize of course the Taliban never attacked us either? How many Afghans were amongst the 19 terrorists on 9/11? If that is your criteria we should have done nothing at all.

The Taleban were incidental. They were the government of Afghanistan. Afghanistan was where bin Laden and his gang were hanging out. Going in to get bin Laden and his gang entailed entering Afghanistan. Defending Afghanistan were the Taleban. Hence the western coalition together with non-Taleban warlords, took the Taleban on.
The Taleban were incidental. They were the government of Afghanistan. Afghanistan was where bin Laden and his gang were hanging out. Going in to get bin Laden and his gang entailed entering Afghanistan. Defending Afghanistan were the Taleban. Hence the western coalition together with non-Taleban warlords, took the Taleban on.

That does not matter. No afghan was involved in the 9/11 attacks, No Taliban government wasa threat to the US at all. Using the logic of the left, we never should have invaded Afghanistan.
That does not matter. No afghan was involved in the 9/11 attacks, No Taliban government wasa threat to the US at all. Using the logic of the left, we never should have invaded Afghanistan.

bullshit. they were known to have harbored the folks who attacked us. Iraq had ZERO to do with 9/11.
Cheney certainly claimed there was a connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda before 9/11.
Ohh look, Jillian responded to me. But wait, as I recall she does not respond to me. So what is this? And when called on to answer this claim of hers her response will be to claim, again, she does not respond to me.
for a retired gunny sergeant, you sure as hell sound like a fucking teenaged girl.
That does not mean he ever claimed Iraq had anything to do with 9/11, as a matter of fact he stated for the record Iraq did NOT have anything to do with 9/11. Or are you going to provide that evidence now?

all he needed to do was to claim that Iraq was meeting before 9/11 with the guys who pulled off 9/11. A majority of the American sheeple made the desired connection. for you to claim otherwise is laughable.
all he needed to do was to claim that Iraq was meeting before 9/11 with the guys who pulled off 9/11. A majority of the American sheeple made the desired connection. for you to claim otherwise is laughable.

It is simple, you have made a claim, back it up. Provide us one SHRED of evidence Cheney EVER claimed Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. You keep making the claim and then after pages of lies innuendo and semantics you finally admit it is just your " opinion". As for Iraq and Al Queda, there was evidence that Iraq HAD meet with them before 9/11. That is a truthful statement. ALl Cheney did is report what the Czech Intel had claimed. But then you ALEADY know that.
What do you mean? Logic is convincing to most intelligent people....obviously not retired gunny sergeants who think they're teenaged girls, obviously.

You have no logic, no evidence, no proof. And have always had to admit it is nothing more than your PERSONAL OPINION. And shall I remind you of what you think of personal opinions?

And we have been down this road, you want to call me a teemage girl, then prove to us your not a 12 year old girl.
It is simple, you have made a claim, back it up. Provide us one SHRED of evidence Cheney EVER claimed Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. You keep making the claim and then after pages of lies innuendo and semantics you finally admit it is just your " opinion". As for Iraq and Al Queda, there was evidence that Iraq HAD meet with them before 9/11. That is a truthful statement. ALl Cheney did is report what the Czech Intel had claimed. But then you ALEADY know that.

did you read the post you quoted?

Let me say it again:

all he needed to do was to claim that Iraq was meeting before 9/11 with the guys who pulled off 9/11. A majority of the American sheeple made the desired connection. for you to claim otherwise is laughable.

and for you to completely ignore speech after speech after speech in which Team Bush spoke of 9/11 and Iraq and Al Qaeda and Saddam and Weapons of Mass Destruction over and over again and not admit that the underlying message was clear - and understood - is patently disingenuous.

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