A Pandemic of the Unvaccinated? Maybe not.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
This was written a few days ago, so it's fairly currrent:

A popular catchphrase this past summer is that COVID is, “a pandemic among the unvaccinated.” President Biden told this to America on August 18. Joe was late to the party as CDC Director Rochelle Walensky warned of this a month earlier. Big media parroted this catchy slogan with little question. Is it true? Is it based on science or simply a push to scare and shame the unvaccinated into taking the vaccine?

By simply perusing the news, one can draw a far different conclusion, that we are instead seeing a “pandemic of the vaccinated.” In Israel, “One of the most vaccinated countries in the world has this week seen its highest number of coronavirus cases ever.” And these cases are not mild. Instead, a majority of hospitalized patients are in serious condition with close to 15 percent on ventilators. In a country with over 80 percent of adults vaccinated, this is clearly not a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Instead, it's the opposite, going from the model of how to manage the coronavirus to the global hot spot.


It is not just Israel. The Washington Post asks, “Iceland has been a vaccination success. Why is it seeing a coronavirus surge?” And this phenomenon has not eluded America.

Cornell University, my alma mater, also has a “pandemic of the vaccinated.” The College Fix reports, “Despite 95% vaccination rate, Cornell today has five times more COVID cases than it did this time last year.” Which leads to obvious questions about vaccine efficacy.

This catchphrase may have originated with another statistic making the rounds in America, also with little scrutiny by the media or medical establishment. This is the assertion that, “95% of people currently hospitalized for COVID-19 are unvaccinated.”

About that 95 percent number, the fact-checkers say yes, it is true. Does anyone fact-check the fact-checkers? Let’s take a closer look at this figure.

Either missed or ignored by the “fact-checkers” is that this 95 percent number is not based on what is happening now or in the past few months, but includes data going back to January and ending months ago, a biased data set. The Kaiser Family Foundation published a chart, listing each state, reporting vaccination and hospitalization data beginning anywhere from mid-December or mid-January through anywhere from May through July. These are not “current” real-time numbers.

First vaccinations began in mid- to late-December, and those were few. I, as one of the few, receiving my first dose before Christmas. The CDC definition of fully vaccinated includes those at least two weeks beyond their recommended one or two doses, depending on which vaccine.

By this definition, less than 1 percent of individuals would be “fully vaccinated” by the end of January when states began tracking breakthrough infections. But the clock was already ticking and the only people hospitalized had to be unvaccinated, beginning to skew the data.

Why is this important? No one was fully vaccinated when reporting began and every hospitalization in January would be classified as “unvaccinated.”

Then coincidently, or not, the CDC stopped counting breakthrough cases among the vaccinated in mid-May, a time when only a third of Americans were fully vaccinated.

As reported by Politico,

The agency said in May that it would stop routinely tracking so-called breakthrough infections that didn't lead to hospitalization or death. Several states then stopped tracking mild breakthrough cases, and at least two states told POLITICO they are having trouble reliably tracking infections in vaccinated people.

Mild cases can become severe. If not tracking them, such progression will be missed, and not recorded. A medical internship axiom is, “If you don’t check a temperature, you can’t find a fever.” The CDC version is if you don’t count hospitalizations of the vaccinated, you won’t find any cases.

[So I should trust the CDC and believe what they tell me?]

The 95 percent metric is falsely high because when the data were collected, few were vaccinated and, by necessity, the majority of those hospitalized were unvaccinated. Then breakthrough cases were no longer counted, yet states continued to collect data for another month or two. If breakthrough cases were being ignored, then only unvaccinated cases were counted, falsely creating that 95 percent figure.

A Detroit newspaper headline screamed, “98% of Michigan COVID-19 cases are from unvaccinated” yet buried in the article is the measurement period, “between Jan 15 and July 21.” There is no discussion of the fact that during the measurement period, most Michiganders had not yet been vaccinated and most of those hospitalized during that time period were by default unvaccinated. Were they even recording breakthrough cases after mid-May when the CDC stopped counting?


The problem is when data are cherry-picked to present a pre-determined narrative. That is when science turns into propaganda. As the Seattle Times noted of the 95 percent figure, a “misguided and dangerous statement.” Going further saying, “But it’s not that simple and to oversimplify by calling it a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ will only make the problem worse.”

Vaccine hesitancy does not lie along political divisions. Interestingly blacks, Hispanics, and those with Ph.D.s are among the most vaccine-hesitant. When people see the vaccinated getting sick and dying around the world, there is hesitancy. When we were told that vaccination is the path to a return to normalcy, and instead we are going back to last year, there is hesitancy.

Just about everything is politicized these days. Who the hell can we trust? Certainly not anyone in gov't, including the CDC. They've said one thing, then walked it back and said something else, and then changed back. The Media? Please. They're not paid to tell the truth, they're paid to sell papers and get clicks. You read something and then a day later you find out it's bullshit. However, we certainly do have a pandemic; but it's a pandemic of distrust, where truth and integrity are rare and getting more and more scarce.
Too much verbiage for this medium. Next time, distill it a bit.

I suspect there is some cooking of the books going on here. What does, "...not fully vaccinated..." mean? The second shot is, in effect, a "booster," adding little to the real-time protection, but extending its effect. So someone who has had the first jab but not the second is "not fully vaccinated," but that is a distinction without a difference. The two relevant categories are "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated." If someone has had the first jab, they are in the first category. THis article considers that they are in the second.
If you get vaccinated, you only protect yourself. If you don't get vaccinated, you only put yourself at risk.
At no point is vaccination a public or social concern and that's why mandates are as unnecessary as they are fascist.
How was polio wiped out?
Here is some food for thought, we had an outbreak at a long term care home recently. The workers there were all vaccinated. All of them.

So, what was the response? Now ALL of the workers have to come to work and show a negative test. You see, the goalposts, as always, moved again. Now it is, you MUST be vaccinated AND show a negative covid test (the irony of this vaccine as it does not make you immune, and thus patients at this LTC centre still caught the virus and died).

You see this will be the next step. Vaccinated AND negative covid test. Along with facemask, social distancing, hand washing and the works...
Here is some food for thought, we had an outbreak at a long term care home recently. The workers there were all vaccinated. All of them.

So, what was the response? Now ALL of the workers have to come to work and show a negative test. You see, the goalposts, as always, moved again. Now it is, you MUST be vaccinated AND show a negative covid test (the irony of this vaccine as it does not make you immune, and thus patients at this LTC centre still caught the virus and died).

You see this will be the next step. Vaccinated AND negative covid test. Along with facemask, social distancing, hand washing and the works...

And more govt spending and associated control. More lockdowns and more checks going out.
Here is some food for thought, we had an outbreak at a long term care home recently. The workers there were all vaccinated. All of them.

So, what was the response? Now ALL of the workers have to come to work and show a negative test. You see, the goalposts, as always, moved again. Now it is, you MUST be vaccinated AND show a negative covid test (the irony of this vaccine as it does not make you immune, and thus patients at this LTC centre still caught the virus and died).

You see this will be the next step. Vaccinated AND negative covid test. Along with facemask, social distancing, hand washing and the works...
I have family members that tried to enter Canada to view the Niagara Falls yesterday. They are fully vaccinated and the commie Trudeau now says that is not enough, they must now submit to a test--3 day test ($150), Hurry up test ($200). Fuck the Canadian economy, Fuck Trudeau. I won't be spending my money there anymore. I have thousands of CAD and the exchange rate is a few cents higher right now--think I'll trade it in.
Too much verbiage for this medium. Next time, distill it a bit.

I suspect there is some cooking of the books going on here. What does, "...not fully vaccinated..." mean? The second shot is, in effect, a "booster," adding little to the real-time protection, but extending its effect. So someone who has had the first jab but not the second is "not fully vaccinated," but that is a distinction without a difference. The two relevant categories are "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated." If someone has had the first jab, they are in the first category. THis article considers that they are in the second.

A person is considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19 ≥2 weeks after receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) or ≥2 weeks after receipt of the single dose of the Janssen vaccine.1
This was written a few days ago, so it's fairly currrent:

A popular catchphrase this past summer is that COVID is, “a pandemic among the unvaccinated.” President Biden told this to America on August 18. Joe was late to the party as CDC Director Rochelle Walensky warned of this a month earlier. Big media parroted this catchy slogan with little question. Is it true? Is it based on science or simply a push to scare and shame the unvaccinated into taking the vaccine?

By simply perusing the news, one can draw a far different conclusion, that we are instead seeing a “pandemic of the vaccinated.” In Israel, “One of the most vaccinated countries in the world has this week seen its highest number of coronavirus cases ever.” And these cases are not mild. Instead, a majority of hospitalized patients are in serious condition with close to 15 percent on ventilators. In a country with over 80 percent of adults vaccinated, this is clearly not a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Instead, it's the opposite, going from the model of how to manage the coronavirus to the global hot spot.


It is not just Israel. The Washington Post asks, “Iceland has been a vaccination success. Why is it seeing a coronavirus surge?” And this phenomenon has not eluded America.

Cornell University, my alma mater, also has a “pandemic of the vaccinated.” The College Fix reports, “Despite 95% vaccination rate, Cornell today has five times more COVID cases than it did this time last year.” Which leads to obvious questions about vaccine efficacy.

This catchphrase may have originated with another statistic making the rounds in America, also with little scrutiny by the media or medical establishment. This is the assertion that, “95% of people currently hospitalized for COVID-19 are unvaccinated.”

About that 95 percent number, the fact-checkers say yes, it is true. Does anyone fact-check the fact-checkers? Let’s take a closer look at this figure.

Either missed or ignored by the “fact-checkers” is that this 95 percent number is not based on what is happening now or in the past few months, but includes data going back to January and ending months ago, a biased data set. The Kaiser Family Foundation published a chart, listing each state, reporting vaccination and hospitalization data beginning anywhere from mid-December or mid-January through anywhere from May through July. These are not “current” real-time numbers.

First vaccinations began in mid- to late-December, and those were few. I, as one of the few, receiving my first dose before Christmas. The CDC definition of fully vaccinated includes those at least two weeks beyond their recommended one or two doses, depending on which vaccine.

By this definition, less than 1 percent of individuals would be “fully vaccinated” by the end of January when states began tracking breakthrough infections. But the clock was already ticking and the only people hospitalized had to be unvaccinated, beginning to skew the data.

Why is this important? No one was fully vaccinated when reporting began and every hospitalization in January would be classified as “unvaccinated.”

Then coincidently, or not, the CDC stopped counting breakthrough cases among the vaccinated in mid-May, a time when only a third of Americans were fully vaccinated.

As reported by Politico,

The agency said in May that it would stop routinely tracking so-called breakthrough infections that didn't lead to hospitalization or death. Several states then stopped tracking mild breakthrough cases, and at least two states told POLITICO they are having trouble reliably tracking infections in vaccinated people.

Mild cases can become severe. If not tracking them, such progression will be missed, and not recorded. A medical internship axiom is, “If you don’t check a temperature, you can’t find a fever.” The CDC version is if you don’t count hospitalizations of the vaccinated, you won’t find any cases.

[So I should trust the CDC and believe what they tell me?]

The 95 percent metric is falsely high because when the data were collected, few were vaccinated and, by necessity, the majority of those hospitalized were unvaccinated. Then breakthrough cases were no longer counted, yet states continued to collect data for another month or two. If breakthrough cases were being ignored, then only unvaccinated cases were counted, falsely creating that 95 percent figure.

A Detroit newspaper headline screamed, “98% of Michigan COVID-19 cases are from unvaccinated” yet buried in the article is the measurement period, “between Jan 15 and July 21.” There is no discussion of the fact that during the measurement period, most Michiganders had not yet been vaccinated and most of those hospitalized during that time period were by default unvaccinated. Were they even recording breakthrough cases after mid-May when the CDC stopped counting?


The problem is when data are cherry-picked to present a pre-determined narrative. That is when science turns into propaganda. As the Seattle Times noted of the 95 percent figure, a “misguided and dangerous statement.” Going further saying, “But it’s not that simple and to oversimplify by calling it a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ will only make the problem worse.”

Vaccine hesitancy does not lie along political divisions. Interestingly blacks, Hispanics, and those with Ph.D.s are among the most vaccine-hesitant. When people see the vaccinated getting sick and dying around the world, there is hesitancy. When we were told that vaccination is the path to a return to normalcy, and instead we are going back to last year, there is hesitancy.

Just about everything is politicized these days. Who the hell can we trust? Certainly not anyone in gov't, including the CDC. They've said one thing, then walked it back and said something else, and then changed back. The Media? Please. They're not paid to tell the truth, they're paid to sell papers and get clicks. You read something and then a day later you find out it's bullshit. However, we certainly do have a pandemic; but it's a pandemic of distrust, where truth and integrity are rare and getting more and more scarce.
The vaccinated are experiencing worse symptoms .......

That is what is happening locally ...

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