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A shocking truth about Ukraine: Europeans have never seen anything like that before (A Documentary

Historically Easter part of Ukraine has been a part of Russia for more that ten (!) centuries (when nobody has even heard about USA yet!).

As usual, our Russian friends think that their parallel reality has something to do with our sinful world. In our reality the Eastern and Southern parts of contemporary Ukraine (so-called Novorossiya) became parts of the Russian Empire in the second half of 18th century.

For those who may be interested in the theme here is a link
Novorossiya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ESay, nice to hear it’s the only thing you disagree with. Seems like there occurred a shift in your pro-Ukrainian brain after living in a country, totally controlled from Washington, for the last two years. You are not alone though. More and more people in uk-Ruin start realizing: promised “beautiful European future” was only the cheese in a mousetrap. Wasn’t Poroshenko’s presidential promise “To live in a different way”? Well, nobody can even accuse him in lying: he has never mentioned that “different way” will be incomparably worse than life with overthrown president Yanukovich.

Looks like new Ukrainian reality keeps helping the people (both inside and outside the country) to realize that Ukrainian “democracy” has got a pretty darn ugly face….

Ukraine wants to join the EU. It will be good for you, because according to EU laws : you free use of the native language.

Don’t you think it would make a lot more sense for historical Russian lands to go back to Russia to have an opportunity to speak Russian (just like Crimea has done in 2014) and for historical Hungarian lands to go back to Hungary (just like your friend has done)?
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ESay, nice to hear it’s the only thing you disagree with. Seems like there occurred a shift in your pro-Ukrainian brain after living in a country, totally controlled from Washington, for the last two years. You are not alone though. More and more people in uk-Ruin start realizing: promised “beautiful European future” was only the cheese in a mousetrap. Wasn’t Poroshenko’s presidential promise “To live in a different way”? Well, nobody can even accuse him in lying: he has never mentioned that “different way” will be incomparably worse than life with overthrown president Yanukovich.

Looks like new Ukrainian reality keeps helping the people (both inside and outside the country) to realize that Ukrainian “democracy” has got a pretty darn ugly face….

Frankly, I don’t read your posts thoroughly. I can assume you know the reason. But you decided to bold this part so it caught my eye.

It would be better if more and more people begin to realize that “beautiful European future” depends on them in first turn.
Interesting fact.
One of the Ukrainian officials who was interviewed in the film, has resigned. A few days ago.
The reason - the corruption that does not allow work.

I’d like you to pay your attention: a member of Ukrainian government in the video above talks to the press and his colleagues only in Russian. As well as a lot of foreigners [Lithuanians, Georgians, etc] and some locals in the Ukrainian government do. However they have made the rest of the 40 million residents of Ukraine talk, write and be educated only in Ukrainian. BTW, whose interests you think those foreigners, who occupy key posts in Ukrainian government, represent: the interests of Ukrainian people or the interests of the countries they are from? And also I wonder: why don't all those foreigners care about learning the "wonderful and great" Ukrainian language but prefer to use the Russian language, the language of "country the aggressor" as they want Ukrainian population to believe???

Maria Zakharova, the Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: “I feel sorry for the Russian language which is banned at schools and universities but is used by ministers and governors to hurl insults,” she wrote on her Facebook account commenting on the recent quarrel between Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and Odessa region governor Mikhail Saakashvili. “It is appalling, since if such things happen during officialmeetings, what can be expected from society? It is extremely polarized. The next stage will be its further radicalization.”

“How is the multi-ethnic Ukraine going to live in such conditions, if even a committed fan of the current Kiev authorities, they [these authorities] are shouting: “Get out of my country!” Let alone Russian-speakers in Donbass. What will be the fate for them, who cannot boast loyally, within Ukraine ruled by such people?,” she said.

Be remided, conflict between Avakov and Saakashvili took place on Monday at a meeting of the national reform council that was attended by President Petro Poroshenko. After a verbal exchange, Avakov threw a glass with water at Saakashvili. The two reportedly used foul language. Later, Poroshenko took sides with the Odessa region governor and asked the interior minister to “refrain from xenophobia.”

Russian Foreign Ministry comments on Ukraine’s Saakashvili-Avakov row (VIDEO)

And the actual video is:
Ukrainian minister and Odessa governor trade insults – video
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It would be better if more and more people begin to realize that “beautiful European future” depends on them in first turn.

I just wonder, what do you think depends on you personally? Since Ukraine proclaimed itself “independent” nothing really depends on the ordinary people there, that’s unfortunately true.

Edward Hodos, a Jewish writer from Kharkov [Eastern Ukraine] predicted the coup of 2014 in one of his books which was published in 2003 (if I’m not mistaken. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the exact name of that book now, it may be easy to Google). And not because he was a clairvoyant, not at all. As a Jew he was invited to a meeting with other foreign Jews and Ukrainians from the USA, which took place in Kharkov even before the USSR had collapsed. And those foreigners (!) were describing the future coup and discussing how to pull it off. The fate of Ukraine was already sealed right there. And current total control from Washington only proves it.

Don’t flatter yourself, ESay, Washington does not care about your comfortable life in Ukraine or about your “beautiful European future”. It has much better thoughts on how to use Ukraine:
- For keeping it as a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolution
- To take an advantage of the natural resources of Ukraine.
Behind Washington’s Demonization Of Putin: Graft For Hunter Biden, Shaft For Collaboration On Iran & Syria

And when the time comes, Washington will flash “democratic” Ukraine and all its people into the toilet without any hesitation. Unless the USA elects a smart, decent and independent person for a President before that happens. It’s one or the other, regardless if you like it or not.

Now this documentary is available with English, Russian, German and all kids of languages subtitles.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
^ (English subtitles)

The are lots of fresh articles on the Internet now questioning Ukrainian "democracy" and legacy. So many, that it's impossible to post all of them. So, I'm posting very few:

1. To be fair, the masterpiece did not reveal anything new. So far there were a lot of separate investigations by international organizations, NGOs, concerned individuals etc on different aspects of the “Revolution of Dignity“: who actually killed theheavenly hundred, what happenedin Odessa in May 2014, what is going onin the zone of “anti-terrorist operation”in the South-East of Ukraine, where are the “Russian troops” andwhere are the Western mercenaries there… But most of them were successfully ignored by the mainstream Western media, stick to their comfortable myths about Euromaidan.
The principal danger of Paul Moreira heartbreaking 50-minutes long documentary is that it exposed all critically important lies and silenced facts about “Revolution of Dignity” and its agents in a concentrated form at the established French TV channel.
Euromaidan unmasked: Europe shocked by the bitter truth on Ukraine

2. This great "democratic" nation, which Ukraine is supposed to be now, asked to a TV channel from another "democratic" country to ban a reportage allegedly because it contains Russian and anti-US propaganda. For Ukraine if you do not fully agree with what they do, or with what the US do, then you are just an horrible pro-Kremlin propagandist. There are no shades. You are with them or against them. There is no place for a rational discussion, neither for democratic debate.

If anyone had a doubt about what Ukraine really is in terms of democracy, after this kind of claim, there is no doubt left anymore. After killing or threatening its own journalists to avoid the truth to spread out, now Ukraine wants to shut up journalists from other countries who try to do honestly their job.
Are democracy and freedom to inform soluble in mass hysteria?

3. Americans have been carefully shielded from the ugly underbelly of Ukraine’s Maidan uprising in 2014 that overthrew the elected president and installed a U.S.-backed, fiercely anti-Russian regime which has unleashed armed neo-Nazis. But a French documentary has dared to expose this grim reality, as Gilbert Doctorow describes.

A new French documentary depicts a long-denied truth – that Ukraine is in the grip of extreme right-wing nationalists who seek to impose what the British scholar Richard Sakwa has called a monist view of nationhood, one which does not accept minorities or heterogeneity. Rainbow politics is not what the Maidan uprising was all about.
A Look at Ukraine’s Dark Side | Consortiumnews

5. European Parliament Member Jean-Luc Schaffhauser said that Ukraine cannot be called a democratic and legal state until it holds those responsible for the atrocities in Odessa, and for the terrorist attacks on the electricity supply lines between Ukraine and Crimea accountable.

“I hope that after seeing the report, the French government, including [Prime Minister Laurent] Fabius, will put an end to the policy of imposing unilateral sanctions against Russia, as well as postpone the visa-free regime with Ukraine, since the film demonstrates [to] us how Ukraine is neither a legal nor a democratic state as shown by the local elections in Krivoy Rog and Mariupol,” Schaffhauser said.

Ukraine cannot be called a democratic and legal stateuntil it holds those responsible for the atrocities in Odessa, and for the terrorist attacks on the electricity supply lines between Ukraine and Crimea accountable, Schaffhauser stressed.

“I am happy that Canal+ was brave enough…I am happy that after the February 2014 coup, people began to see the true nature of the illegal formations supporting the regime in Kiev, and the nature of the coup orchestrated by the United States,” Schaffhauser said.
New French Film on Ukraine May Change Anti-Russia Stance (full video in French) | Veterans Today

and so on and on...
I don't get it. Crimea was part of Russia (Empire or Soviet Republic) from 1783 to 1954. In an administrative shuffle, it was placed under the Ukrainian Soviet Republic when Ukraine was basically a state in the Soviet Union in 1954. Did the people of Crimea suddenly change and become Ukrainian in 1954 or were they generally the same people that they were before Crimea was passed to Ukraine. If the people are generally the same people, why all the ruckus about the people of Crimea wanting to be part of Russia?
I don't get it. Crimea was part of Russia (Empire or Soviet Republic) from 1783 to 1954. In an administrative shuffle, it was placed under the Ukrainian Soviet Republic when Ukraine was basically a state in the Soviet Union in 1954. Did the people of Crimea suddenly change and become Ukrainian in 1954 or were they generally the same people that they were before Crimea was passed to Ukraine. If the people are generally the same people, why all the ruckus about the people of Crimea wanting to be part of Russia?
I explained it in my post #15 of this thread.
Crimea as well as Eastern Ukraine was always a part of Russia with population of ethnic Russians. Khrushchev "gave" Crimea to Ukrainian Soviet republic (within the same country of the USSR though). After USSR has collapsed the life of ethnic Russians in Ukraine became more and more miserable. That's why Crimea was so happy to use their chance and go home to Russia. And that's what Eastern Ukraine would love to do too if they were allowed to have a referendum.
It would be better if more and more people begin to realize that “beautiful European future” depends on them in first turn.

I just wonder, what do you think depends on you personally? Since Ukraine proclaimed itself “independent” nothing really depends on the ordinary people there, that’s unfortunately true.

Edward Hodos, a Jewish writer from Kharkov [Eastern Ukraine] predicted the coup of 2014 in one of his books which was published in 2003 (if I’m not mistaken. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the exact name of that book now, it may be easy to Google). And not because he was a clairvoyant, not at all. As a Jew he was invited to a meeting with other foreign Jews and Ukrainians from the USA, which took place in Kharkov even before the USSR had collapsed. And those foreigners (!) were describing the future coup and discussing how to pull it off. The fate of Ukraine was already sealed right there. And current total control from Washington only proves it.

Don’t flatter yourself, ESay, Washington does not care about your comfortable life in Ukraine or about your “beautiful European future”. It has much better thoughts on how to use Ukraine:
- For keeping it as a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolution
- To take an advantage of the natural resources of Ukraine.
Behind Washington’s Demonization Of Putin: Graft For Hunter Biden, Shaft For Collaboration On Iran & Syria

And when the time comes, Washington will flash “democratic” Ukraine and all its people into the toilet without any hesitation. Unless the USA elects a smart, decent and independent person for a President before that happens. It’s one or the other, regardless if you like it or not.

Some time ago I tried to explain you my point of view about all this stuff. This adventure was fruitless and not very pleasant. I have a great doubt that this case will have some other final.

Moreover, in your post 30 you mentioned your “explanation”. If I remember correctly, I gave a link above which says that your “explanation” is bullshit. Nevertheless, you keep repeating this gibberish about ‘always’. Frankly, I don’t know what can be discussed with such a person and what may be a reason to do that.
Ukraine wants to join the EU. It will be good for you, because according to EU laws : you free use of the native language.

Don’t you think it would make a lot more sense for historical Russian lands to go back to Russia to have an opportunity to speak Russian (just like Crimea has done in 2014) and for historical Hungarian lands to go back to Hungary (just like your friend has done)?

Please the your little patience. I have a very poor knowledge of English. I did not learn a foreign language, only the Russian, when I was kid in the school, but this is I forgot. I will answer your questions in future.

"Most East and Central European countries of the European Union joined the Schengen Zone in December 2007. Border checks, passport controls, border guards, watchtowers, barbed wire all became things of the past, mere memories, as can be witnessed in this short drive into history in January 2008, between Sopron, Hungary, and Klingenbach, Austria.

Welcom to the new Europe!"
It would be better if more and more people begin to realize that “beautiful European future” depends on them in first turn.

I just wonder, what do you think depends on you personally? Since Ukraine proclaimed itself “independent” nothing really depends on the ordinary people there, that’s unfortunately true.

Edward Hodos, a Jewish writer from Kharkov [Eastern Ukraine] predicted the coup of 2014 in one of his books which was published in 2003 (if I’m not mistaken. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the exact name of that book now, it may be easy to Google). And not because he was a clairvoyant, not at all. As a Jew he was invited to a meeting with other foreign Jews and Ukrainians from the USA, which took place in Kharkov even before the USSR had collapsed. And those foreigners (!) were describing the future coup and discussing how to pull it off. The fate of Ukraine was already sealed right there. And current total control from Washington only proves it.

Don’t flatter yourself, ESay, Washington does not care about your comfortable life in Ukraine or about your “beautiful European future”. It has much better thoughts on how to use Ukraine:
- For keeping it as a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolution
- To take an advantage of the natural resources of Ukraine.
Behind Washington’s Demonization Of Putin: Graft For Hunter Biden, Shaft For Collaboration On Iran & Syria

And when the time comes, Washington will flash “democratic” Ukraine and all its people into the toilet without any hesitation. Unless the USA elects a smart, decent and independent person for a President before that happens. It’s one or the other, regardless if you like it or not.

Some time ago I tried to explain you my point of view about all this stuff. This adventure was fruitless and not very pleasant. I have a great doubt that this case will have some other final.

Moreover, in your post 30 you mentioned your “explanation”. If I remember correctly, I gave a link above which says that your “explanation” is bullshit. Nevertheless, you keep repeating this gibberish about ‘always’. Frankly, I don’t know what can be discussed with such a person and what may be a reason to do that.
Well, ESay, you have written quite a few words, but did not answer my question: what does exactly depend on you in Ukraine? We both know the answer: nothing. Maidan revolution gave all the control of their country to Washington and now Ukrainian president and government can't even fart without Washington's permission.

Vitaliy Kasko the General Prosecutor's Assistant has given another confirmation to that very unpleasant fact a couple of days ago. Watch Minute 5.30 of his press conference. He says: "Before making a final decision about my resigning I have consulted with our foreign partners and we have agreed that it’s the only right decision".

Nothing happens in "democratic" and "independent" Ukraine without consulting with "our foreign partners" any more... What a shame.
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It would be better if more and more people begin to realize that “beautiful European future” depends on them in first turn.

I just wonder, what do you think depends on you personally? Since Ukraine proclaimed itself “independent” nothing really depends on the ordinary people there, that’s unfortunately true.

Edward Hodos, a Jewish writer from Kharkov [Eastern Ukraine] predicted the coup of 2014 in one of his books which was published in 2003 (if I’m not mistaken. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the exact name of that book now, it may be easy to Google). And not because he was a clairvoyant, not at all. As a Jew he was invited to a meeting with other foreign Jews and Ukrainians from the USA, which took place in Kharkov even before the USSR had collapsed. And those foreigners (!) were describing the future coup and discussing how to pull it off. The fate of Ukraine was already sealed right there. And current total control from Washington only proves it.

Don’t flatter yourself, ESay, Washington does not care about your comfortable life in Ukraine or about your “beautiful European future”. It has much better thoughts on how to use Ukraine:
- For keeping it as a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolution
- To take an advantage of the natural resources of Ukraine.
Behind Washington’s Demonization Of Putin: Graft For Hunter Biden, Shaft For Collaboration On Iran & Syria

And when the time comes, Washington will flash “democratic” Ukraine and all its people into the toilet without any hesitation. Unless the USA elects a smart, decent and independent person for a President before that happens. It’s one or the other, regardless if you like it or not.

Some time ago I tried to explain you my point of view about all this stuff. This adventure was fruitless and not very pleasant. I have a great doubt that this case will have some other final.

Moreover, in your post 30 you mentioned your “explanation”. If I remember correctly, I gave a link above which says that your “explanation” is bullshit. Nevertheless, you keep repeating this gibberish about ‘always’. Frankly, I don’t know what can be discussed with such a person and what may be a reason to do that.
Well, ESay, you have written quite a few words, but did not answer my question: what does exactly depend on you in Ukraine? We both know the answer: nothing. Maidan revolution gave all the control of their country to Washington and now Ukrainian president and government can't even fart without Washington's permission.

Vitaliy Kasko the General Prosecutor's Assistant has given another confirmation to that very unpleasant fact a couple of days ago. Watch Minute 5.30 of his press conference. He says: "Before making a final decision about my resigning I have consulted with our foreign partners and we have agreed that it’s the only right decision".

Nothing happens in "democratic" and "independent" Ukraine without consulting with "our foreign partners" any more... What a shame.

Washington??? You think the NATO is?
Maggdy, I’m not sure I understood your question, but I’ve noticed your map says: Ukraine is a strong potential candidate for NATO membership. I strongly disagree with that.

1. Do the people of Ukraine want to join NATO? President/government keep telling “yes”, but have they asked their people? Did they have any referendum to find out their answer? The answer is: NO! On the contrary, people have had a lot of protests against EU and NATO and for Russia. However after a lot of protesters have been burned alive in Odessa (“Masks of revolution” documentary tells about that too), after protesters and honest journalists have been killed or thrown in prison, the pro-Russian protests slowed down:

“three opposition figures, a well-known writer and two politicians, were killed in the span of two days? Oles Busina' assassination was the third in a row of political killings in the last four days: Sergey Sukhobok (April 13); Oleg Kalashnikov (April 15); and Oles Buzina (April 16).
Why are the Western media silent about these political assassinations? And all of this happened after 9 "mysterious suicides" in Ukraine in the last 2 months.”
History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina



Translation: It's time to have my name back: I'm not Ukraine, I'm Russia!

2. I’m not sure NATO wants Ukraine either. New rulers of Ukraine, supported by West, have made the country pretty crazy: they keep breeding NAZIs, increasing corruption, killing economy, lowing people life standards, violating human rights and so on and on. The only ones who feel comfortable in Ukraine now are Nazis and criminals. And on the top of everything they are trying to involve their Western “partners” into their dirty games (by demanding more and more money from them and demanding more and more confrontation with Russia). Slowly but surely West starts realizing it and the “Masks of Revolution” documentary will help it too.

Meanwhile NATO doesn’t need more crazy members: it already has a crazy member Turkey, which now is trying to pull NATO into the war with Russia. Item 5 of NATO treaty obligates all NATO to defend its member in case it is attacked by somebody. The experts are discussing now: if Turkey invades Syrian Northern territories and is bombed there by Russia, will it obligate NATO to stat the war or not. And Turkey keeps supporting ISIS, trading with ISIS, shelling Syrian Northern territory and pulling out all kinds of provocations, making their partners pretty nervous.

'We have proof' Turkey backs ISIS & other terrorists – Kurdish commander
Captured ISIS fighter says 'trained in Turkey, ISIS thinks it’s safer here than Syria'
Russia presents proof of Turkey’s role in ISIS oil trade
Russia to initiate UN Security Council meeting over Turkey’s plans to send troops to northern Syria
Dozens of Turkish military vehicles cross Syria border, dig trenches – report
Turkey has right to conduct ops in Syria, elsewhere to protect itself from terrorists – Erdogan
Children Biggest Victims of 2-Year Ukraine war...

UN: Children Biggest Victims of 2-Year Conflict in E. Ukraine
February 21, 2016 — The U.N. children’s fund calls the daily suffering endured by more than 500,000 Ukrainian children victimized by two years of conflict intolerable. UNICEF finds children living in areas controlled by Russian-supported rebels in eastern Ukraine are being deprived of their most basic rights and needs.
The U.N. children’s fund considers the many children affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine as much more than just “collateral damage.” It says the deprivation and trauma experienced by those who are most affected - some 580,000 children living near the front line - will have life-long damaging consequences. UNICEF representative in Ukraine Giovanna Barberis said these children were being deprived of their basic rights, including education, housing and the right to play. Speaking by telephone from the capital Kyiv, she said about 215,000 of the 1.6 million people displaced by the conflict could not return to the homes they were forced to flee.


A woman with her child and others pass body of a man, who died in a land mine explosion near a frontline crossing to Ukrainian government-controlled territory, in the war conflict-hit Donetsk region, near Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Feb. 10, 2015. The U.N. children’s fund calls on Feb. 21, 2016, the daily suffering endured by more than one-half million Ukrainian children victimized by two years of conflict intolerable.​

“Over 200,000—so one in three are in need of psychosocial support…These are children that have witnessed violence and fighting and that are really in need of immediate support," said Barberis. Temperatures in the region are plummeting and Barberis said fuel shortages and high prices of coal were leaving children at risk of respiratory infections. She warned of an outbreak of diseases because of the lack of health services and a shortage of medicines.

Landmine threat

She said children were facing the imminent threat of stepping on landmines and other unexploded devices. She told VOA there was no proper system for tracking the number of children killed and maimed by these devices. She said UNICEF was relying on what she terms "unrealistic figures" from the Ministry of Health. “Out of the 60 children that had been killed as a result of the conflict, around 40 were killed by mines because of jumping on any of these devices. But, again, I would not take it as a reliable figure,” said Barberis.

In the early stages of the conflict, the government in Kyiv cut off social payments to people living in the rebel-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine. This has created great hardships for the population. Barberis said the government has not resumed any benefit payments, but Russia was trying to mitigate the situation by providing some financial support

UN: Children Biggest Victims of 2-Year Conflict in E. Ukraine
Children Biggest Victims of 2-Year Ukraine war...

more than 500,000 Ukrainian children victimized by two years of conflict intolerable. UNICEF finds children living in areas controlled by Russian-supported rebels in eastern Ukraine are being deprived of their most basic rights and needs.
I am fascinated how gracefully this ^ phrase was constructed: it looks like children in Donbass are suffering due to rebels backed by Russia, but not because fascist junta, which overthrew the elected president [Yanukovich] and started the all out war against Donbass (red spot on the map below).

It’s not Donbass who came to Kiev (look at the map, it’s in the middle of the country!) to invade it, it’s official Kiev sent the troops to Donbass!

Watch the documentary "Masks of revolution", you’ll see why the civilians in Donbass became rebels and raised to protect their land from fascist junta, brought to the power and supported by West.

There are a couple of more sources which show how “the new coalition” (later they became new Ukrainian government) were acting during Maidan revolution: killing the people from both sides and blaming presidential police group “Berkut” for that.

1. Catherine Ashton and Urmas Payet telephone conversation
Urmas: “Behind snipers is not Yanukovitch, but somebody from the new coalition”

2. Euromaidan activist Ivan Bell admitted that on 20 February 2014 started in Kiev fighters "Berkut"
"They say that I killed them in the back of the head, and it's true. So it was that they stood back to me. I have not been able to wait until they unfold. I shot from the very far from Maidan Windows behind the columns, on the third floor. From there it is clearly visible policemen with shields at the obelisk (the monument of Independence of Ukraineapprox. "The tape.ru")", said Bell.
LatestNewsResource | Latest News | Activist Bell confessed to the shooting of "Berkut"

Maidan protester shot two Berkut officers in the back of their heads
According to Ivan Bubenchik, the two officers were the first to die on February 20.

Maidan protester shot two Berkut officers in the back of their heads

Since “the new coalition” seized the power in Ukraine, they started removing and killing the people who disagree, basically it’s the fascist ideology. And that's why Donbass raised against it and so many people have been killed there by Kiev's troops.
Children Biggest Victims of 2-Year Ukraine war...

UN: Children Biggest Victims of 2-Year Conflict in E. Ukraine
February 21, 2016 — The U.N. children’s fund calls the daily suffering endured by more than 500,000 Ukrainian children victimized by two years of conflict intolerable. UNICEF finds children living in areas controlled by Russian-supported rebels in eastern Ukraine are being deprived of their most basic rights and needs.
The U.N. children’s fund considers the many children affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine as much more than just “collateral damage.” It says the deprivation and trauma experienced by those who are most affected - some 580,000 children living near the front line - will have life-long damaging consequences. UNICEF representative in Ukraine Giovanna Barberis said these children were being deprived of their basic rights, including education, housing and the right to play. Speaking by telephone from the capital Kyiv, she said about 215,000 of the 1.6 million people displaced by the conflict could not return to the homes they were forced to flee.


A woman with her child and others pass body of a man, who died in a land mine explosion near a frontline crossing to Ukrainian government-controlled territory, in the war conflict-hit Donetsk region, near Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Feb. 10, 2015. The U.N. children’s fund calls on Feb. 21, 2016, the daily suffering endured by more than one-half million Ukrainian children victimized by two years of conflict intolerable.​

“Over 200,000—so one in three are in need of psychosocial support…These are children that have witnessed violence and fighting and that are really in need of immediate support," said Barberis. Temperatures in the region are plummeting and Barberis said fuel shortages and high prices of coal were leaving children at risk of respiratory infections. She warned of an outbreak of diseases because of the lack of health services and a shortage of medicines.

Landmine threat

She said children were facing the imminent threat of stepping on landmines and other unexploded devices. She told VOA there was no proper system for tracking the number of children killed and maimed by these devices. She said UNICEF was relying on what she terms "unrealistic figures" from the Ministry of Health. “Out of the 60 children that had been killed as a result of the conflict, around 40 were killed by mines because of jumping on any of these devices. But, again, I would not take it as a reliable figure,” said Barberis.

In the early stages of the conflict, the government in Kyiv cut off social payments to people living in the rebel-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine. This has created great hardships for the population. Barberis said the government has not resumed any benefit payments, but Russia was trying to mitigate the situation by providing some financial support

UN: Children Biggest Victims of 2-Year Conflict in E. Ukraine

Now see what the President of Ukraine spoke about the children at the Donbass.

Our kids will go to schools and daycares, their kids will sit in the basements!

Washington??? You think the NATO is?

* 28.01.2016
Dozens of communist activists held a rally against fascism on Holocaust Memorial Day, in Milan, Wednesday. Activists gathered on Piazza Mercanti with communist flags and banners, thanking Soviet Union for freeing the world from Nazis and fascism.
The rally was organised the ‘No War’ movement by. Activist from the group, Leonardo Cribio, said “the Milan 'No War' Movement is here today to remember the Holocaust and the crimes of Nazi-fascism perpetrated over 70 years ago.” Cribio continued, stating the group wants to denounce what is happening “in Ukraine where a government, which seized the power with the help of the USA and the European Union, banned the Communist Party, limiting the civil and political rights of its own citizens."
Anti-fascists condemn Ukraine’s 'de-communisation' laws on Holocaust Memorial Day

* Ukraine, April 24, 2015–As many as 1,000 people rallied on April 22 outside the U.S. embassy in Kyiv condemning the war in eastern Ukraine and the intervention of foreign militaries in support of that war. View a video of the rally here or by clicking the screen below.
Placards held by protesters at the rally included “USA: Thanks for poverty” and “We are not cattle”. The latter slogan refers to the military conscription of the Kyiv government as well as the NATO-driven war in eastern Ukraine for which conscription was implemented one year ago.‘Ukrainian media completely ignored the protest’(as did Western media!)
One thousand people rally at U.S. embassy in Kyiv against war in Ukraine - New Cold War: Ukraine and Beyond

* Ukrainian citizens were demanding to stop the war and the economical catastrophe in their country from the representatives of a foreign country: it may look like nonsense but it is a cruel reality for Ukraine, which is totally under the external control from USA now.

Under the control of the current Finances Minister, an American citizen and ex- State Department employee Natalia Yaresko the following has occured:
- inflation level raised up to 44%, which is the record number during all the history of grivna (Ukrainian national currency) existence ;
- national currency depreciated 3 times;
- utilities payments raised 5 times;
- salaries stayed the same.

Ukraine needs to make governance more transparent, an immediate measure since“corruption eats Ukraine like cancer,”Biden said
Biden urges Ukraine to fight ‘cancer-like’ corruption or lose international financial aid

* Over $12 billion disappears from Ukraine’s budget every year, and global graft watchdog Transparency International ranks the country as Europe’s most corrupt. Though Ukrainians face demands for petty bribes in all areas of their lives, the worst, grandest corruption is perpetuated by high-level politicians, officials, prosecutors, and oligarchs who operate with utter impunity. Recently, a staggering $1.8 billion in aid from the International Monetary Fund disappeared offshore thanks to the efforts of a single oligarch — and he has never been held accountable. The Euromaidan revolution that deposed the venal regime of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych and promised European-style governance is now nearly two years in the past.
Why Ukraine Must Outsource Its Fight Against Corruption

IMF warns Ukraine: fight corruption or lose funding

* Ukraine plunges deeper and deeper into debt and will go under any day. Her President Petro Poroshenko 's current ratings show that he is less popular among Ukrainians than his predecessor Viktor Yanukovych was before his government was overthrown, according to Ukrainian TV Channel Novin 24.
Russia did something quite rare and remarkable in the modern economically-mismanaged world: she paid off the last of her debts in 2006. Her President,Vladimir Putin, currently enjoys approval among Russians that exceeds a staggering eighty percent rating.
Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.
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