A Virtual Sea Of Red

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
You better put Trump in jail fast. Oh, wait a minute, that strategy is obviously back firing. The more you try to take Trump down with weaponized law enforcement, the stronger Trump gets. But, by all means, keep up with the witch hunts and continue trying to take Democracy away. Voters not only see what you are doing but they also see how bad the country is doing, despite the lies the left tell. And, even if you're Hail Mary were to work in getting Trump, you still lose.

Odd how that did not play out on election night this month

I have never seen anyone in my life that is more smitten with polls than you.

Have you always been this way or is it a new found love of opinion polls?
Odd how that did not play out on election night this month

I have never seen anyone in my life that is more smitten with polls than you.

Have you always been this way or is it a new found love of opinion polls?
I'm big on trends. A few polls here and there don't mean much. A whole bunch of polls continually sliding in one direction mean a lot. The polls continually get redder and redder, to the point not much blue shows up in any of them any more and they are starting to show a winner even with the margin or error. Many of the same people answering these polls also just voted in the recent elections. 80% of Americans are worse off than they were when Biden took office and 70% of Americans are tired of the country going in the wrong direction.
I'm big on trends. A few polls here and there don't mean much. A whole bunch of polls continually sliding in one direction mean a lot.

When all the polls are from the same source, it is not really a trend.

Many of the same people answering these polls also just voted in the recent elections.

Yep, and across the board your beloved GOP did not really do that well. Seems a bright person would put more stock in that than in polls.
When all the polls are from the same source, it is not really a trend.

Yep, and across the board your beloved GOP did not really do that well. Seems a bright person would put more stock in that than in polls.
What? The polls are from a slew of different sources. Real Clear Politics doesn't do their own polling, they post the polls done by numerous polling places.
The polls are from a slew of different sources

not according to what you posted....

not according to what you posted....

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, OK, I admit, you got me on that. I did not notice that. But, it doesn't really change the fact that most polls from numerous polling places show pretty much the same thing.

And, here are the swing states:

Polls may not show that Republicans are doing well. What they do show is a rapid disillusionment with democrats. Over and over democrats are going further and further, not only left but into hysteria. Democrats are at war with America. their protests are getting more and more violent as they adopt the arab Death to America philosophy.
Polls may not show that Republicans are doing well. What they do show is a rapid disillusionment with democrats. Over and over democrats are going further and further, not only left but into hysteria. Democrats are at war with America. their protests are getting more and more violent as they adopt the arab Death to America philosophy.

you keep clinging to that!!! :113:
The polls continually get redder and redder, to the point not much blue shows up in any of them any more and they are starting to show a winner even with the margin or error.
Sorry, I don't share your optimism. Polls were wrong in 2016 and in spite of seeming redder and redder over the last three elections, the results have not followed the polls. It is not encouraging for the country or the world to see this trend.
The NAZI courts are actually making the targeted pen letters of apology to the Nation in exchange for a plea deal. Amazing. Simply Amazing. "I was wrong to say the Election was stolen, and I regret my participation", "Yes Trump said he would never leave".

This is SS stuff from the late 1930s'

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