‘A white nationalist pyramid scheme’: how Patriot Front recruits young members

Interesting read...The Patriot Front appears to be better funded and organized than most of their ilk. Still a bunch of incel losers though~

‘A white nationalist pyramid scheme’: how Patriot Front recruits young members

In June, police in Idaho arrested 31 members of the white nationalist group Patriot Front packed into the back of a U-Haul near a Coeur d’Alene Pride event. The group had planned to riot during the LGBTQ+ celebrations, authorities said, and carried riot gear, a smoke grenade, shin guards and shields.
Photograph: Rex/Shutterstock

The mass arrest not only revealed the names of members of an extremist group that had long worked to keep those hidden, it provided extremist experts with new insight into how the group is meticulously planning, financing, organizing and publicizing armed demonstrations at public events that celebrate diversity.
Patriot Front was founded after the 2017 Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville by Thomas Rousseau, a former member of the small, neo-Nazi group Vanguard America.
Patriot Front’s fundraising and mobilizing efforts, those experts say, reveal a corporate-style organization that more resembles a media production company with satellite offices than a classic neo-Nazi group.
In the 18 months after the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol, many anti-government extremist groups, like the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and Three Percenters, have lain low. But Patriot Front has geared up. The group has made unpermitted demonstrations its “bread and butter”, says Moon, making sure each event is heavily publicized on social media.

Since last December, the group has organized five such flash demonstrations. Two of them – the event in Idaho and a contentious march along Boston’s Freedom Trail on the Fourth of July holiday – resulted in national media attention.
At the rallies, Rousseau typically addresses the crowd, urging onlookers to rise up physically and “reclaim your country”.

The video packages are specifically designed toward attracting a younger audience, says Stephen Piggot, program analyst with Western States Center, a Portland-based non-profit that promotes inclusive democracy. And while other far-right and white nationalist groups are engaging in meme culture and recruiting people online, the group has been effective at attracting young radicals and getting them off their laptops and into the streets, he adds.
Throughout its propaganda, the group is careful to craft an image that will appeal to younger users, promoting the “idea of a young warrior” and becoming the “warrior elite”, says Moon, the ADL researcher. The group emphasizes fitness, diet and training and often holds paramilitary drills before demonstrations.
Also attractive to young recruits is the premium the group puts on anonymity. Banner drops and mural defacing typically happen after dark, and members keep their faces covered. Internal chats show members using code names. At protests, Rousseau is typically the only person whose face is shown.

Undergirding Patriot Front’s activities is a rigid, top-down hierarchy, researchers say.
Rousseau is at the head. Lieutenants run departments of the group, including media production, recruitment and online security. Fifteen regional network directors organize local and national activities, and supervise members.
Once recruits become members, they are required to attend monthly roundups, hit a weekly activism quota, and show up to demonstrations, according to Moon. If they don’t, Rousseau expels them from Patriot Front.
Internal chats obtained by extremist experts show members complaining about the ongoing expenses they incur paying for stickers, stencils and other mandatory propaganda materials, which Rousseau charges them for.
Best thing to do is to point and laugh at them and their little cosplay.
Believe this or not, many of us are neither.

I realize that's too complicated for you to grasp. I don't know what to do about that.
^^ here is the good old Mac tap dance. He gets all upset when someone labels him, yet he is never honest about what he is or what he believes in.

Who will you vote for this election?
^^ here is the good old Mac tap dance. He gets all upset when someone labels him, yet he is never honest about what he is or what he believes in.

Who will you vote for this election?
It depends on whether the Forward Party runs anyone. So, unlike you, I don't obediently follow a party.

I told you, you wouldn't understand. That's because you're an obedient sheep.

Challenge me to describe my positions on the individual issues. Ready when you are. You can do it here: Calling out Mac1958

Do you have the balls, cupcake?
It depends on whether the Forward Party runs anyone. So, unlike you, I don't obediently follow a party.

I told you, you wouldn't understand. That's because you're an obedient sheep.

Challenge me to describe my positions on the individual issues. Ready when you are. You can do it here: Calling out Mac1958

Do you have the balls, cupcake?
Oh right, us MAGA types blindly obey the Republican Party run by Bitch McConnell and other neocons. :cuckoo:
Interesting read...The Patriot Front appears to be better funded and organized than most of their ilk. Still a bunch of incel losers though~

‘A white nationalist pyramid scheme’: how Patriot Front recruits young members

In June, police in Idaho arrested 31 members of the white nationalist group Patriot Front packed into the back of a U-Haul near a Coeur d’Alene Pride event. The group had planned to riot during the LGBTQ+ celebrations, authorities said, and carried riot gear, a smoke grenade, shin guards and shields.
Photograph: Rex/Shutterstock

The mass arrest not only revealed the names of members of an extremist group that had long worked to keep those hidden, it provided extremist experts with new insight into how the group is meticulously planning, financing, organizing and publicizing armed demonstrations at public events that celebrate diversity.
Patriot Front was founded after the 2017 Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville by Thomas Rousseau, a former member of the small, neo-Nazi group Vanguard America.
Patriot Front’s fundraising and mobilizing efforts, those experts say, reveal a corporate-style organization that more resembles a media production company with satellite offices than a classic neo-Nazi group.
In the 18 months after the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol, many anti-government extremist groups, like the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and Three Percenters, have lain low. But Patriot Front has geared up. The group has made unpermitted demonstrations its “bread and butter”, says Moon, making sure each event is heavily publicized on social media.

Since last December, the group has organized five such flash demonstrations. Two of them – the event in Idaho and a contentious march along Boston’s Freedom Trail on the Fourth of July holiday – resulted in national media attention.
At the rallies, Rousseau typically addresses the crowd, urging onlookers to rise up physically and “reclaim your country”.

The video packages are specifically designed toward attracting a younger audience, says Stephen Piggot, program analyst with Western States Center, a Portland-based non-profit that promotes inclusive democracy. And while other far-right and white nationalist groups are engaging in meme culture and recruiting people online, the group has been effective at attracting young radicals and getting them off their laptops and into the streets, he adds.
Throughout its propaganda, the group is careful to craft an image that will appeal to younger users, promoting the “idea of a young warrior” and becoming the “warrior elite”, says Moon, the ADL researcher. The group emphasizes fitness, diet and training and often holds paramilitary drills before demonstrations.
Also attractive to young recruits is the premium the group puts on anonymity. Banner drops and mural defacing typically happen after dark, and members keep their faces covered. Internal chats show members using code names. At protests, Rousseau is typically the only person whose face is shown.

Undergirding Patriot Front’s activities is a rigid, top-down hierarchy, researchers say.
Rousseau is at the head. Lieutenants run departments of the group, including media production, recruitment and online security. Fifteen regional network directors organize local and national activities, and supervise members.
Once recruits become members, they are required to attend monthly roundups, hit a weekly activism quota, and show up to demonstrations, according to Moon. If they don’t, Rousseau expels them from Patriot Front.
Internal chats obtained by extremist experts show members complaining about the ongoing expenses they incur paying for stickers, stencils and other mandatory propaganda materials, which Rousseau charges them for.
Is this an offensive group or a dangerous group? What are the numbers? How many people have they murdered?
And there ya go. You guys always run when I ask you to back up your words.

How am I running? You made the claim we are blindly loyal to our party. Yet you can’t explain why we hate so many Republicans and actively want to remove them from office.
How am I running? You made the claim we are blindly loyal to our party. Yet you can’t explain why we hate so many Republicans and actively want to remove them from office.
You're trying to change the subject. You guys do this all the time -- pretend to know my politics and then run like scared little bunnies when I ask you to just back it up.

You're boring and you're cowards.
......and they are outnumbered by a thousand to one by equally extreme members of the far left and who account for magnitudes more destruction and mayhem.

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