Absurd: Sister of Jerusalem terrorist is city employee


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Two cousins were responsible for the deadliest terror attack in Jerusalem in six years. It was revealed Thursday that the sister of one of the terrorists was an employee at Jerusalem's city hall.

The sister took several days off work following the horrific attack. Jerusalem municipality issued a statement on the employee. "She is an outstanding social worker who deals with disadvantaged populations. We have no evidence that she has expressed any support whatsoever for her relatives' actions," it said.

The two terrorists, Rassan and Uday Abu-Jamal of Jabel Mukaber, a neighborhood in east Jerusalem, were shot dead at the scene of the attack following a gunfight with three police officers. Four worshipers and a Druze pollice officer were killed in the attack, which was widely comdemned both internationally and at home.

Sister of Jerusalem terrorist is city employee - Israel News Ynetnews
Two cousins were responsible for the deadliest terror attack in Jerusalem in six years. It was revealed Thursday that the sister of one of the terrorists was an employee at Jerusalem's city hall.

The sister took several days off work following the horrific attack. Jerusalem municipality issued a statement on the employee. "She is an outstanding social worker who deals with disadvantaged populations. We have no evidence that she has expressed any support whatsoever for her relatives' actions," it said.

The two terrorists, Rassan and Uday Abu-Jamal of Jabel Mukaber, a neighborhood in east Jerusalem, were shot dead at the scene of the attack following a gunfight with three police officers. Four worshipers and a Druze pollice officer were killed in the attack, which was widely comdemned both internationally and at home.

Sister of Jerusalem terrorist is city employee - Israel News Ynetnews

Until she shows any signs of fundamentalism and extremism then we cant accuse her of any wrong doing.

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