Afghanistan fiasco may have been the result of blackmail


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Afghanistan fiasco may have been the result of blackmail​

3 Sep 2021 ~~ By Shari Goodman
Our political pundits are focusing on Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan as a political blunder by the president and our military leaders, but what if the root cause for Biden's withdrawal is much more ominous and sinister than mere stupidity? The following questions demand an answer.
Why would our military commanders willingly give up Bagram, a strategic airport built by the Russians, and why would they willingly leave $85 billion in military hardware behind?
Why would they leave thousands of Americans stranded behind enemy lines while providing the Taliban a "kill list" of those Americans left behind? Unlike previous withdrawals, where it is customary upon withdrawal to first evacuate our citizens, and then destroy the equipment and blow up the bases, we did the opposite. We did not evacuate our citizens. We did not destroy the equipment. And we did not blow up the bases.
We have learned that the Biden administration cut off all communication with the anti-Taliban resistance group, the National Front. Although Ali Nazar, head of foreign relations for the group, has said he "tried to reach out," there has been no response from the Biden administration. Glenn Beck recently reported that his mission to rescue Afghan Christians has been blocked by our State Department and the White House, and he fears that they may be burned alive or crucified by the Taliban.
Are we to believe that our military leadership, led by four-star generals, is so naïve and incompetent? Highly unlikely!
A more likely scenario is that Afghanistan was surrendered at the urging of the Red Chinese, who saw an opportunity to blackmail old Joe for the many kickbacks he and his son, Hunter, had been taking throughout his years in Washington, D.C. It is no secret that the Red Chinese have had their eye on Afghanistan's mineral deposits. Just two weeks before the American surrender, a Chinese delegation met in Kabul with the Taliban. Although the mainstream media have protected and covered for Joe Biden, reports of information contained on Hunter Biden's laptop and emails exchanged between his partner, Tony Bobulinski, and Hunter, are damning proof of illicit wheeling and dealing by the Bidens to provide access to the White House while Joe was vice president.
Investigative journalist Lara Logan recently stated that instead of holding the terrorists accountable, we are deferring to them on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the deadliest terrorist attack upon our country. Negotiating with a terrorist organization is forbidden under U.S. law, but with a corrupt DOJ and a spineless Congress, it appears there is no one we can rely upon but ourselves to conduct a proper investigation into the treasonous acts committed by Joe Biden and his band of cohorts.
Is China, by way of a domestic proxy, now dictating American foreign policy? If so, where do we go from here?

Dose any one believe that Biden is not a puppet who’s strings are being pulled by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists behind the curtain?
There are dark forces behind the strings that are maneuvering Biden’s actions.
China wants access to Afghanistan,,,
Here's a little history:
Once you realize the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie left’s agenda is to destroy America, the Constitution, our sovereign borders and Judeo-Christian morals and values...then everything they do makes perfect sense.

"Mr. President, I give you Afghanistan!"​


Afghanistan fiasco may have been the result of blackmail​

3 Sep 2021 ~~ By Shari Goodman
Our political pundits are focusing on Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan as a political blunder by the president and our military leaders, but what if the root cause for Biden's withdrawal is much more ominous and sinister than mere stupidity? The following questions demand an answer.
Why would our military commanders willingly give up Bagram, a strategic airport built by the Russians, and why would they willingly leave $85 billion in military hardware behind?
Why would they leave thousands of Americans stranded behind enemy lines while providing the Taliban a "kill list" of those Americans left behind? Unlike previous withdrawals, where it is customary upon withdrawal to first evacuate our citizens, and then destroy the equipment and blow up the bases, we did the opposite. We did not evacuate our citizens. We did not destroy the equipment. And we did not blow up the bases.
We have learned that the Biden administration cut off all communication with the anti-Taliban resistance group, the National Front. Although Ali Nazar, head of foreign relations for the group, has said he "tried to reach out," there has been no response from the Biden administration. Glenn Beck recently reported that his mission to rescue Afghan Christians has been blocked by our State Department and the White House, and he fears that they may be burned alive or crucified by the Taliban.
Are we to believe that our military leadership, led by four-star generals, is so naïve and incompetent? Highly unlikely!
A more likely scenario is that Afghanistan was surrendered at the urging of the Red Chinese, who saw an opportunity to blackmail old Joe for the many kickbacks he and his son, Hunter, had been taking throughout his years in Washington, D.C. It is no secret that the Red Chinese have had their eye on Afghanistan's mineral deposits. Just two weeks before the American surrender, a Chinese delegation met in Kabul with the Taliban. Although the mainstream media have protected and covered for Joe Biden, reports of information contained on Hunter Biden's laptop and emails exchanged between his partner, Tony Bobulinski, and Hunter, are damning proof of illicit wheeling and dealing by the Bidens to provide access to the White House while Joe was vice president.
Investigative journalist Lara Logan recently stated that instead of holding the terrorists accountable, we are deferring to them on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the deadliest terrorist attack upon our country. Negotiating with a terrorist organization is forbidden under U.S. law, but with a corrupt DOJ and a spineless Congress, it appears there is no one we can rely upon but ourselves to conduct a proper investigation into the treasonous acts committed by Joe Biden and his band of cohorts.
Is China, by way of a domestic proxy, now dictating American foreign policy? If so, where do we go from here?

Dose any one believe that Biden is not a puppet who’s strings are being pulled by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists behind the curtain?
There are dark forces behind the strings that are maneuvering Biden’s actions.
China wants access to Afghanistan,,,
Here's a little history:
Once you realize the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie left’s agenda is to destroy America, the Constitution, our sovereign borders and Judeo-Christian morals and values...then everything they do makes perfect sense.

"Mr. President, I give you Afghanistan!"​


My God, you'd believe anything.
If he's been blackmailed then that makes him an even bigger incompetent that anyone could ever have imagined.

I don't think he was blackmailed.

It's just someone's theory putting 2 and 2 together.
It will be fun watching China go broke trying to get minerals out of Afghanistan. They already broke the USSR & the USA.

Afghanistan fiasco may have been the result of blackmail​

3 Sep 2021 ~~ By Shari Goodman
Our political pundits are focusing on Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan as a political blunder by the president and our military leaders, but what if the root cause for Biden's withdrawal is much more ominous and sinister than mere stupidity? The following questions demand an answer.
Why would our military commanders willingly give up Bagram, a strategic airport built by the Russians, and why would they willingly leave $85 billion in military hardware behind?
Why would they leave thousands of Americans stranded behind enemy lines while providing the Taliban a "kill list" of those Americans left behind? Unlike previous withdrawals, where it is customary upon withdrawal to first evacuate our citizens, and then destroy the equipment and blow up the bases, we did the opposite. We did not evacuate our citizens. We did not destroy the equipment. And we did not blow up the bases.
We have learned that the Biden administration cut off all communication with the anti-Taliban resistance group, the National Front. Although Ali Nazar, head of foreign relations for the group, has said he "tried to reach out," there has been no response from the Biden administration. Glenn Beck recently reported that his mission to rescue Afghan Christians has been blocked by our State Department and the White House, and he fears that they may be burned alive or crucified by the Taliban.
Are we to believe that our military leadership, led by four-star generals, is so naïve and incompetent? Highly unlikely!
A more likely scenario is that Afghanistan was surrendered at the urging of the Red Chinese, who saw an opportunity to blackmail old Joe for the many kickbacks he and his son, Hunter, had been taking throughout his years in Washington, D.C. It is no secret that the Red Chinese have had their eye on Afghanistan's mineral deposits. Just two weeks before the American surrender, a Chinese delegation met in Kabul with the Taliban. Although the mainstream media have protected and covered for Joe Biden, reports of information contained on Hunter Biden's laptop and emails exchanged between his partner, Tony Bobulinski, and Hunter, are damning proof of illicit wheeling and dealing by the Bidens to provide access to the White House while Joe was vice president.
Investigative journalist Lara Logan recently stated that instead of holding the terrorists accountable, we are deferring to them on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the deadliest terrorist attack upon our country. Negotiating with a terrorist organization is forbidden under U.S. law, but with a corrupt DOJ and a spineless Congress, it appears there is no one we can rely upon but ourselves to conduct a proper investigation into the treasonous acts committed by Joe Biden and his band of cohorts.
Is China, by way of a domestic proxy, now dictating American foreign policy? If so, where do we go from here?

Dose any one believe that Biden is not a puppet who’s strings are being pulled by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists behind the curtain?
There are dark forces behind the strings that are maneuvering Biden’s actions.
China wants access to Afghanistan,,,
Here's a little history:
Once you realize the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie left’s agenda is to destroy America, the Constitution, our sovereign borders and Judeo-Christian morals and values...then everything they do makes perfect sense.

"Mr. President, I give you Afghanistan!"​

Why on Earth do you people believe such horseshit?????
There is nothing like the Anti-American Stinker to publish an unfounded article like that.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:What a worthless rag conspiracy outlet.

I believe they are rated just BARELY to the left of Gateway Pundit and Infowars. ;)


  • Overall, we rate the American Thinker, Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks.
It will be fun watching China go broke trying to get minerals out of Afghanistan. They already broke the USSR & the USA.

China will succeed. They have already built a railroad, power plants and mining operations.. And, while Bush was fighting Iraq and Afghanistan they built Port Gwadar and its railroad hub.
Blackmail? He's POTUS and the MSM won't report Hunter's crack prostitutes or the 10% for the Big Guy

When you're shameless and an American Communist, you cannot be blackmailed

Far more likely this was the first of several paybacks to the CCP for getting CCP Joe elected in the first place
OMG! You people are so ridiculous. Drumph wasn't even adept or intelligent enough to read a teleprompter. He had to read from a script in front of him and go r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w-l-y because he is barely able to read, and then he misstated or miss-pronounced a good deal of it. When he was off-script be babbled like an idiot. It's just so absolutely absurd for you to even compare him and Biden. It's two different worlds. You people are completely, COMPLETELY, delusional.

GET A VACCINE.....the Theory of Evolution is at work as we speak!
OMG! You people are so ridiculous. Drumph wasn't even adept or intelligent enough to read a teleprompter. He had to read from a script in front of him and go r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w-l-y because he is barely able to read, and then he misstated or miss-pronounced a good deal of it. When he was off-script be babbled like an idiot. It's just so absolutely absurd for you to even compare him and Biden. It's two different worlds. You people are completely, COMPLETELY, delusional.

GET A VACCINE.....the Theory of Evolution is at work as we speak!
And yet Trump never came close to giving an incoherent speech like this one calling black children roaches.

And yet Trump never came close to giving an incoherent speech like this one calling black children roaches.

OMG That is so hilarious. Every actual speech Drumph made to the country was essentially incoherent. He may have done better during his rallies, but all he said then were soundbites. Get a fucking vaccine.
OMG That is so hilarious. Every actual speech Drumph made to the country was essentially incoherent. He may have done better during his rallies, but all he said then were soundbites. Get a fucking vaccine.
You are free to post them, but oddly you don't

Why is that?

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