After the last few weeks I too have made a decision

I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

vote your local and state elections

that makes a difference
Really? There were a lot of reforms. It seems you are the one not old enough to remember.

Name some of them. You have no idea because there weren't any, you're just making it up

He signed the crime bill, crime has gone down ever since. I guess you are pro crime though.

Strawman, and again, that wasn't his policy, he just signed it. And also there is way more to the reduction of crime than that one bill, it's been a national policy also implemented by multiple administrations and by the States. And also the discussion wasn't being for or against crime, it was about deficits, so you were just mentally masteurbating

He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

Who started playing around in the Middle East?

When the Iran–Iraq War broke out following the Iranian Islamic revolution of 1979, the United States initially remained neutral in the conflict. However, as the war intensified, the Reagan administration would covertly intervene to maintain a balance of power, supporting both nations at various times. The U.S. mainly sided with Iraq, believing that Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini threatened regional stability more than Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. U.S. officials feared that an Iranian victory would embolden Islamic fundamentalists in the Arabstates, perhaps leading to the overthrow of secular governments—and damage to Western corporate interests—in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Kuwait. After initial Iraqi military victories were reversed and an Iranian victory appeared possible in 1982, the American government initiated Operation Staunch to attempt to cut off the Iranian regime's access to weapons (notwithstanding their later shipment of weapons to Iran in the Iran-Contra Affair). The U.S. provided intelligence information and financial assistance to the Iraqi military regime.
Really? There were a lot of reforms. It seems you are the one not old enough to remember.

Name some of them. You have no idea because there weren't any, you're just making it up

He signed the crime bill, crime has gone down ever since. I guess you are pro crime though.

Strawman, and again, that wasn't his policy, he just signed it. And also there is way more to the reduction of crime than that one bill, it's been a national policy also implemented by multiple administrations and by the States. And also the discussion wasn't being for or against crime, it was about deficits, so you were just mentally masteurbating

He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

Who had a better economy?

Hillary Clinton says economic stats were 100 times better under Bill Clinton than Ronald Reagan
Name some of them. You have no idea because there weren't any, you're just making it up

He signed the crime bill, crime has gone down ever since. I guess you are pro crime though.

Strawman, and again, that wasn't his policy, he just signed it. And also there is way more to the reduction of crime than that one bill, it's been a national policy also implemented by multiple administrations and by the States. And also the discussion wasn't being for or against crime, it was about deficits, so you were just mentally masteurbating

He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

So you aren't very fiscally responsible. Reagan started the whole spending mess. What is it you think is so great?

Begging the question. You're going to have to make more of an argument than that. It wasn't that simple. There was defense spending versus the Soviets, which worked, he got a reduction in warheads, the first President to get that. There was Tip and the 3-1 deal. To say he "started the whole spending mess" is ridiculous. He doubled tax revenue. Your argument is way too vacuous to address. Try again with some content and don't pretend spending started under him
First of all, since we were going into a recession at the end of Clinton's Presidency, it's not likely that deficits were going down the last months of his office. And no one considers a one month budget a balanced budget, they are measured by year. You're just babbling and playing word games

That damned lack of long term memory you have. They were both abhorrent spenders, so was Slick, Slick was just lucky the economy was booming. Newt to a lesser degree reduced deficits a little by reducing spending some. Slick had zero to do with it, which is why you can't name a single policy he had that reduced budgets. There wasn't one

Facts are word games to you? You really are a moron. I guess you prefer big spending then.

So you consider it a "fact" that while the national debt went up every year under Clinton, the last months of his Presidency, while we were going into a recession and with you having no evidence of that or any ability to explain his policies that accomplished it, bam, he finally balanced the budget.


This must be some use of the word "fact" I hadn't previously heard before ...

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

Nowhere there is the national debt, it's the word games I already said you were playing where you have so called budget surpluses while the national debt goes up. Only government can accomplish that and stay out of jail, because only government can lie

So you will ignore the facts and keep denying.

You don't know what a surplus is. That's OK, neither does the government
Name some of them. You have no idea because there weren't any, you're just making it up

He signed the crime bill, crime has gone down ever since. I guess you are pro crime though.

Strawman, and again, that wasn't his policy, he just signed it. And also there is way more to the reduction of crime than that one bill, it's been a national policy also implemented by multiple administrations and by the States. And also the discussion wasn't being for or against crime, it was about deficits, so you were just mentally masteurbating

He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

And you think Reagan stayed out of other countries business? Create the Taliban?

Upon becoming President, Reagan moved quickly to undermine Soviet efforts to subdue the government of Afghanistan, which the Soviet Army had invaded in 1979.

Islamic mujahideen guerrillas were covertly supported and trained, and backed in their jihad against the occupying Soviets by the CIA. The agency sent billions of dollars in military aid to the guerrillas, in what came to be known as "Charlie Wilson's War".

I agree with your point on Reagan, but you picked the wrong example. Countering the Soviet Union was clearly in our direct security interest. Where he should have not gone is into places like Lebanon where like all Presidents, we accomplish nothing.

I said upfront I didn't agree with Reagan on everything. You asked who the best was, not the perfect one, or I'd have answered none
He signed the crime bill, crime has gone down ever since. I guess you are pro crime though.

Strawman, and again, that wasn't his policy, he just signed it. And also there is way more to the reduction of crime than that one bill, it's been a national policy also implemented by multiple administrations and by the States. And also the discussion wasn't being for or against crime, it was about deficits, so you were just mentally masteurbating

He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

So you aren't very fiscally responsible. Reagan started the whole spending mess. What is it you think is so great?

Begging the question. You're going to have to make more of an argument than that. It wasn't that simple. There was defense spending versus the Soviets, which worked, he got a reduction in warheads, the first President to get that. There was Tip and the 3-1 deal. To say he "started the whole spending mess" is ridiculous. He doubled tax revenue. Your argument is way too vacuous to address. Try again with some content and don't pretend spending started under him

Big increase in expenditures. He was not fiscally responsible.

Each president has had his own spending style and a different, current GDP amount. Ronald Reagan began his eight-year term in 1981 with a GDP amount of about $3 trillion. During that year, the expenditures were about $1 trillion. Both the GDP and the expenditure number climbed steadily during Reagan’s two terms. The final year of Reagan’s second term, 1988, saw a U.S. GDP of about $5 trillion and expenditures of about $1.75 trillion

Presidential Spending: Expenditures by Year Presidential Spending: Expenditures by Year
Follow us: @creditloan on Twitter | creditloan on Facebook
He signed the crime bill, crime has gone down ever since. I guess you are pro crime though.

Strawman, and again, that wasn't his policy, he just signed it. And also there is way more to the reduction of crime than that one bill, it's been a national policy also implemented by multiple administrations and by the States. And also the discussion wasn't being for or against crime, it was about deficits, so you were just mentally masteurbating

He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

And you think Reagan stayed out of other countries business? Create the Taliban?

Upon becoming President, Reagan moved quickly to undermine Soviet efforts to subdue the government of Afghanistan, which the Soviet Army had invaded in 1979.

Islamic mujahideen guerrillas were covertly supported and trained, and backed in their jihad against the occupying Soviets by the CIA. The agency sent billions of dollars in military aid to the guerrillas, in what came to be known as "Charlie Wilson's War".

I agree with your point on Reagan, but you picked the wrong example. Countering the Soviet Union was clearly in our direct security interest. Where he should have not gone is into places like Lebanon where like all Presidents, we accomplish nothing.

I said upfront I didn't agree with Reagan on everything. You asked who the best was, not the perfect one, or I'd have answered none

No president is perfect. But the arguments for Clinton being better than Reagan are strong. You can't say Reagan was the best and act like Clinton was bad. You said we should stay out of other countries business, but Reagan did not do that.
Name some of them. You have no idea because there weren't any, you're just making it up

He signed the crime bill, crime has gone down ever since. I guess you are pro crime though.

Strawman, and again, that wasn't his policy, he just signed it. And also there is way more to the reduction of crime than that one bill, it's been a national policy also implemented by multiple administrations and by the States. And also the discussion wasn't being for or against crime, it was about deficits, so you were just mentally masteurbating

He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

Who started playing around in the Middle East?

When the Iran–Iraq War broke out following the Iranian Islamic revolution of 1979, the United States initially remained neutral in the conflict. However, as the war intensified, the Reagan administration would covertly intervene to maintain a balance of power, supporting both nations at various times. The U.S. mainly sided with Iraq, believing that Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini threatened regional stability more than Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. U.S. officials feared that an Iranian victory would embolden Islamic fundamentalists in the Arabstates, perhaps leading to the overthrow of secular governments—and damage to Western corporate interests—in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Kuwait. After initial Iraqi military victories were reversed and an Iranian victory appeared possible in 1982, the American government initiated Operation Staunch to attempt to cut off the Iranian regime's access to weapons (notwithstanding their later shipment of weapons to Iran in the Iran-Contra Affair). The U.S. provided intelligence information and financial assistance to the Iraqi military regime.

OMG, you think Reagan got us into the middle east first? Learn some history, boy, and come back when you are a man.

So according to you, before Reagan we didn't deficit spend and we weren't in the Middle East. The only time you're worth is laughing at you
Name some of them. You have no idea because there weren't any, you're just making it up

He signed the crime bill, crime has gone down ever since. I guess you are pro crime though.

Strawman, and again, that wasn't his policy, he just signed it. And also there is way more to the reduction of crime than that one bill, it's been a national policy also implemented by multiple administrations and by the States. And also the discussion wasn't being for or against crime, it was about deficits, so you were just mentally masteurbating

He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

Who had a better economy?

Hillary Clinton says economic stats were 100 times better under Bill Clinton than Ronald Reagan

Reagan had more to do with the economic boom in the 90s than Clinton, who had nothing to do with it. But just so you know, there's more than the President going on. Reagan inherited the 70s mess, Clinton inherited a healthy economy. To compare that with nominal numbers is preposterous
He signed the crime bill, crime has gone down ever since. I guess you are pro crime though.

Strawman, and again, that wasn't his policy, he just signed it. And also there is way more to the reduction of crime than that one bill, it's been a national policy also implemented by multiple administrations and by the States. And also the discussion wasn't being for or against crime, it was about deficits, so you were just mentally masteurbating

He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

Who started playing around in the Middle East?

When the Iran–Iraq War broke out following the Iranian Islamic revolution of 1979, the United States initially remained neutral in the conflict. However, as the war intensified, the Reagan administration would covertly intervene to maintain a balance of power, supporting both nations at various times. The U.S. mainly sided with Iraq, believing that Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini threatened regional stability more than Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. U.S. officials feared that an Iranian victory would embolden Islamic fundamentalists in the Arabstates, perhaps leading to the overthrow of secular governments—and damage to Western corporate interests—in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Kuwait. After initial Iraqi military victories were reversed and an Iranian victory appeared possible in 1982, the American government initiated Operation Staunch to attempt to cut off the Iranian regime's access to weapons (notwithstanding their later shipment of weapons to Iran in the Iran-Contra Affair). The U.S. provided intelligence information and financial assistance to the Iraqi military regime.

OMG, you think Reagan got us into the middle east first? Learn some history, boy, and come back when you are a man.

So according to you, before Reagan we didn't deficit spend and we weren't in the Middle East. The only time you're worth is laughing at you

OMG you think Reagan was fiscally responsible and minded his own business in foreign policy. You are funny.
He signed the crime bill, crime has gone down ever since. I guess you are pro crime though.

Strawman, and again, that wasn't his policy, he just signed it. And also there is way more to the reduction of crime than that one bill, it's been a national policy also implemented by multiple administrations and by the States. And also the discussion wasn't being for or against crime, it was about deficits, so you were just mentally masteurbating

He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

Who had a better economy?

Hillary Clinton says economic stats were 100 times better under Bill Clinton than Ronald Reagan

Reagan had more to do with the economic boom in the 90s than Clinton, who had nothing to do with it. But just so you know, there's more than the President going on. Reagan inherited the 70s mess, Clinton inherited a healthy economy. To compare that with nominal numbers is preposterous

So you want to ignore that the Clinton economy was better. It sure is difficult to argue that Reagan was better than Clinton.
Strawman, and again, that wasn't his policy, he just signed it. And also there is way more to the reduction of crime than that one bill, it's been a national policy also implemented by multiple administrations and by the States. And also the discussion wasn't being for or against crime, it was about deficits, so you were just mentally masteurbating

He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

So you aren't very fiscally responsible. Reagan started the whole spending mess. What is it you think is so great?

Begging the question. You're going to have to make more of an argument than that. It wasn't that simple. There was defense spending versus the Soviets, which worked, he got a reduction in warheads, the first President to get that. There was Tip and the 3-1 deal. To say he "started the whole spending mess" is ridiculous. He doubled tax revenue. Your argument is way too vacuous to address. Try again with some content and don't pretend spending started under him

Big increase in expenditures. He was not fiscally responsible.

Each president has had his own spending style and a different, current GDP amount. Ronald Reagan began his eight-year term in 1981 with a GDP amount of about $3 trillion. During that year, the expenditures were about $1 trillion. Both the GDP and the expenditure number climbed steadily during Reagan’s two terms. The final year of Reagan’s second term, 1988, saw a U.S. GDP of about $5 trillion and expenditures of about $1.75 trillion

Presidential Spending: Expenditures by Year Presidential Spending: Expenditures by Year
Follow us: @creditloan on Twitter | creditloan on Facebook

Talk about Tip O'Neill and the impact of eliminating midrange ICBMs and reducing other nuclear warheads or I'm not wasting my time with you. Why did Reagan go along with Tip's spending? And why did he make what he called the "biggest mistake of my Presidency" by making the 3-1 deal with Tip, who reneged on it? What was the 3-1 deal?

I'm not debating your talking points, you need to get into some content. I didn't entirely agree with him on that, but if you can't discuss what actually happened and why, I'm not wasting my time on you
No president is perfect. But the arguments for Clinton being better than Reagan are strong. You can't say Reagan was the best and act like Clinton was bad. You said we should stay out of other countries business, but Reagan did not do that.
The kool-aid you're drinking is what is strong
He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

So you aren't very fiscally responsible. Reagan started the whole spending mess. What is it you think is so great?

Begging the question. You're going to have to make more of an argument than that. It wasn't that simple. There was defense spending versus the Soviets, which worked, he got a reduction in warheads, the first President to get that. There was Tip and the 3-1 deal. To say he "started the whole spending mess" is ridiculous. He doubled tax revenue. Your argument is way too vacuous to address. Try again with some content and don't pretend spending started under him

Big increase in expenditures. He was not fiscally responsible.

Each president has had his own spending style and a different, current GDP amount. Ronald Reagan began his eight-year term in 1981 with a GDP amount of about $3 trillion. During that year, the expenditures were about $1 trillion. Both the GDP and the expenditure number climbed steadily during Reagan’s two terms. The final year of Reagan’s second term, 1988, saw a U.S. GDP of about $5 trillion and expenditures of about $1.75 trillion

Presidential Spending: Expenditures by Year Presidential Spending: Expenditures by Year
Follow us: @creditloan on Twitter | creditloan on Facebook

Talk about Tip O'Neill and the impact of eliminating midrange ICBMs and reducing other nuclear warheads or I'm not wasting my time with you. Why did Reagan go along with Tip's spending? And why did he make what he called the "biggest mistake of my Presidency" by making the 3-1 deal with Tip, who reneged on it? What was the 3-1 deal?

I'm not debating your talking points, you need to get into some content. I didn't entirely agree with him on that, but if you can't discuss what actually happened and why, I'm not wasting my time on you

We are discussing facts and the numbers. Fact is Reagan was less fiscally responsible than Clinton. You are just stupidly blind to it.
Strawman, and again, that wasn't his policy, he just signed it. And also there is way more to the reduction of crime than that one bill, it's been a national policy also implemented by multiple administrations and by the States. And also the discussion wasn't being for or against crime, it was about deficits, so you were just mentally masteurbating

He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

Who started playing around in the Middle East?

When the Iran–Iraq War broke out following the Iranian Islamic revolution of 1979, the United States initially remained neutral in the conflict. However, as the war intensified, the Reagan administration would covertly intervene to maintain a balance of power, supporting both nations at various times. The U.S. mainly sided with Iraq, believing that Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini threatened regional stability more than Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. U.S. officials feared that an Iranian victory would embolden Islamic fundamentalists in the Arabstates, perhaps leading to the overthrow of secular governments—and damage to Western corporate interests—in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Kuwait. After initial Iraqi military victories were reversed and an Iranian victory appeared possible in 1982, the American government initiated Operation Staunch to attempt to cut off the Iranian regime's access to weapons (notwithstanding their later shipment of weapons to Iran in the Iran-Contra Affair). The U.S. provided intelligence information and financial assistance to the Iraqi military regime.

OMG, you think Reagan got us into the middle east first? Learn some history, boy, and come back when you are a man.

So according to you, before Reagan we didn't deficit spend and we weren't in the Middle East. The only time you're worth is laughing at you

OMG you think Reagan was fiscally responsible and minded his own business in foreign policy. You are funny.

You're not processing anything I said. Here's a cookie, run along and play
No president is perfect. But the arguments for Clinton being better than Reagan are strong. You can't say Reagan was the best and act like Clinton was bad. You said we should stay out of other countries business, but Reagan did not do that.
The kool-aid you're drinking is what is strong

So far Reagan loses in every comparison. Make one where he doesn't lose.
He did what he as supposed to. He could have not signed it.

Crime has come down since he did the crime bill.

Who do you think is the best president you can remember? Let's compare.

Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

Who started playing around in the Middle East?

When the Iran–Iraq War broke out following the Iranian Islamic revolution of 1979, the United States initially remained neutral in the conflict. However, as the war intensified, the Reagan administration would covertly intervene to maintain a balance of power, supporting both nations at various times. The U.S. mainly sided with Iraq, believing that Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini threatened regional stability more than Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. U.S. officials feared that an Iranian victory would embolden Islamic fundamentalists in the Arabstates, perhaps leading to the overthrow of secular governments—and damage to Western corporate interests—in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Kuwait. After initial Iraqi military victories were reversed and an Iranian victory appeared possible in 1982, the American government initiated Operation Staunch to attempt to cut off the Iranian regime's access to weapons (notwithstanding their later shipment of weapons to Iran in the Iran-Contra Affair). The U.S. provided intelligence information and financial assistance to the Iraqi military regime.

OMG, you think Reagan got us into the middle east first? Learn some history, boy, and come back when you are a man.

So according to you, before Reagan we didn't deficit spend and we weren't in the Middle East. The only time you're worth is laughing at you

OMG you think Reagan was fiscally responsible and minded his own business in foreign policy. You are funny.

You're not processing anything I said. Here's a cookie, run along and play

I understand you love Reagan and nothing will change that. Even though Clinton was better you prefer to remain stupidly blind to the facts.
Reagan, and he made plenty of mistakes too

So you aren't very fiscally responsible. Reagan started the whole spending mess. What is it you think is so great?

Begging the question. You're going to have to make more of an argument than that. It wasn't that simple. There was defense spending versus the Soviets, which worked, he got a reduction in warheads, the first President to get that. There was Tip and the 3-1 deal. To say he "started the whole spending mess" is ridiculous. He doubled tax revenue. Your argument is way too vacuous to address. Try again with some content and don't pretend spending started under him

Big increase in expenditures. He was not fiscally responsible.

Each president has had his own spending style and a different, current GDP amount. Ronald Reagan began his eight-year term in 1981 with a GDP amount of about $3 trillion. During that year, the expenditures were about $1 trillion. Both the GDP and the expenditure number climbed steadily during Reagan’s two terms. The final year of Reagan’s second term, 1988, saw a U.S. GDP of about $5 trillion and expenditures of about $1.75 trillion

Presidential Spending: Expenditures by Year Presidential Spending: Expenditures by Year
Follow us: @creditloan on Twitter | creditloan on Facebook

Talk about Tip O'Neill and the impact of eliminating midrange ICBMs and reducing other nuclear warheads or I'm not wasting my time with you. Why did Reagan go along with Tip's spending? And why did he make what he called the "biggest mistake of my Presidency" by making the 3-1 deal with Tip, who reneged on it? What was the 3-1 deal?

I'm not debating your talking points, you need to get into some content. I didn't entirely agree with him on that, but if you can't discuss what actually happened and why, I'm not wasting my time on you

We are discussing facts and the numbers. Fact is Reagan was less fiscally responsible than Clinton. You are just stupidly blind to it.

Uh, huh. Not stupidly blind like you who thinks when Clinton invades Iraq, that's different than when W invades it, Clinton ran surpluses while the deficit was going up and no harm came from the half dozen countries that Clinton attacked and that Republicans are people who blame both parties for the Iraq invasion. You're a leftist drone. Oh, but you were a Republican, until you decided they were wrong and Democrats were right for pursuing the same policies and switched. LOL, you're a tyke
No president is perfect. But the arguments for Clinton being better than Reagan are strong. You can't say Reagan was the best and act like Clinton was bad. You said we should stay out of other countries business, but Reagan did not do that.
The kool-aid you're drinking is what is strong

So far Reagan loses in every comparison. Make one where he doesn't lose.

I'm not fetching the stick for you, get it yourself

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