Ah, flight logs. Now the media is at it again.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
There is little doubt that Jeffrey Epstein, the mysterious figure that had conections to powerful people, was involved in some kind of blackmail scheme to control the political, academic, and cultural narrative of America. Not too many argue against the likely possibility that he was "suicided" to protect elites around the world that were engaged in the practice of sport pedophelia. His plane, a Boeing 727, dubbed the "Lolita Express" sometimes hosted high altitude orgies for rich and famous people using trafficked underaged girls for the pleasure of the elite travelers.

Only the most gullible believe that Epstein died from suicide as a noun, not a verb. When the reputations of powerful elites must be protected you cannot have a bird who will eventully sing on a stool when all hope of freedom is lost. Whitey Bulger, the Boston criminal who had connections to the CIA and the FBI was another player that got the hook before he could deliver his performance in the final act implicating higher ups in security agencies. Bulger unbelievably disappeared and stayed on the lam for 16 years. The FBI, that had no trouble at all finding political opponents of Joe Biden, had no idea where Bulger was hiding for all that time? You see how that works? It's not hard.

Anyway, average people think about this stuff and get weird pictures in their minds as they listen to exposed individuals like Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowitz, call the the little girls that accused him just a bunch of lying dirty sluts. Dershowitz has repeatedly stated that his relationship with Epstein was purely academic. This conjures up images of Dershowitz sitting on Epsteins sex plane reading law books while Jeffrey was frolicking on a matress with underage female victims. Boy, Dersowitz must thought, I wish Jeffery would finish with those little girls so I could have an academic conversation with him! Derahowitz was not deterred by this because he kept coming back again and again. Those academic conversations must have been facinating. And of course, St. James Island, away from prying eyes, was often the destination of the exotic, elite, fun plane.

No one wants to get ensared in this because confusion results. Former president, Donald Trump and his family members flew on some of Epstein's planes many years ago though unlike Bill Clinton, there is no evidence that Trump was ever on that Island. The island appears to have been reserved for only the most perverted among the elites.

This makes you wonder if media-attacked investigators like Alex Jones, might be more credible than they are made out to be.
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Dershowitz is defended here all the time. I can't understand it on one hand and on the other it helps me understand those who get caught up in cults.
There is little doubt that Jeffrey Epstein, the mysterious figure that had conections to powerful people, was involved in some kind of blackmail scheme to control the political, academic, and cultural narrative of America. Not too many argue against the likely possibility that he was "suicided" to protect elites around the world that were engaged in the practice of sport pedophelia. His plane, a Boeing 727, dubbed the "Lolita Express" sometimes hosted high altitude orgies for rich and famous people using trafficked underaged girls for the pleasure of the elite travelers.

Only the most gullible believe that Epstein died from suicide as a noun, not a verb. When the reputations of powerful elites must be protected you cannot have a bird who will eventully sing on a stool when all hope of freedom is lost. Whitey Bulger, the Boston criminal who had connections to the CIA and the FBI was another player that got the hook before he could deliver his performance in the final act implicating higher ups in security agencies. Bulger unbelievably disappeared and stayed on the lam for 16 years. The FBI, that had no trouble at all finding political opponents of Joe Biden, had no idea where Bulger was hiding for all that time? You see how that works? It's not hard.

Anyway, average people think about this stuff and get weird pictures in their minds as they listen to exposed individuals like Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowitz, call the the little girls that accused him just a bunch of lying dirty sluts. Dershowitz has repeatedly stated that his relationship with Epstein was purely academic. This conjures up images of Dershowitz sitting on Epsteins sex plane reading law books while Jeffrey was frolicking on a matress with underage female victims. Boy, Dersowitz must thought, I wish Jeffery would finish with those little girls so I could have an academic conversation with him! Derahowitz was not deterred by this because he kept coming back again and again. Those academic conversations must have been facinating. And of course, St. James Island, away from prying eyes, was often the destination of the exotic, elite, fun plane.

No one wants to get ensared in this because confusion results. Former president, Donald Trump and his family members flew on some of Epstein's planes many years ago though unlike Bill Clinton, there is no evidence that Trump was ever on that Island. The island appears to have been reserved for only the most perverted among the elites.

This makes you wonder if media-attacked investigators like Alex Jones, might be more credible than they are made out to be.
My guess is that the only reason they took down Epstein was to get to Trump, much like they took down Harvey Weinstein to make it appear the Left cared about women to get to Trump who was a womanizer.

My guess is that the bombs about Epstein will land about election time, whether they are true or made up.
My guess is that the only reason they took down Epstein was to get to Trump, much like they took down Harvey Weinstein to make it appear the Left cared about women to get to Trump who was a womanizer.

My guess is that the bombs about Epstein will land about election time, whether they are true or made up.

Epstein didn't need to be taken down?

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