Zone1 aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan seems far too stuck in western halls of government for my liking..


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Senate advances $95 billion Ukraine, Israel funding bill, faces uphill battle as budget talks loom
The Senate originally proposed a $118 funding bill that included aid for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and the U.S. border, which did not pass Wednesday.

Remote : Thu, 08 Feb 2024 18:19:40 GMT
Local : 2024-02-08(Thursday) 19 : 19 : 40
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All the latest developments from the war in Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met on Wednesday with the European Union's top diplomat Josep Borrell in Kyiv.
The Presidential Office reported in a statement that the two discussed, among other things, Ukraine's most recent draft law which aims to increase mobilisation.
They also discussed military aid and financial support for Ukraine.
Borell pledged the EU will provide Ukraine with over a million artillery shells by the end of the year. Financial and military aid are vital to Kyiv, whose armed forced are said to be running out of ammunition.

US to draft fresh bill focusing on foreign aid

Concerns of faltering support are focused on the US.
Republican senators, due to pressure from Donald Trump, have blocked sweeping legislation that would bring in tougher border restrictions and grant new aid to Ukraine and Israel.
The bill included €55.6 billion in wartime aid to Ukraine and €12.9 billion for Israel and was backed by President Joe Biden. GOP lawmakers had insisted that the money for conflicts abroad be paired with help for the US border.
Senators are now trying to fashion a new version of a bill that will pass, which has stripped out all the border security measures, leaving the foreign aid parts.

i'd like our leaders to either show some resolve and hand over blank checks to the Ukranians, Israelis and Taiwanese, or to retreat from those areas on the globe (and accept refugees in a structured manner of course).
Biden can't possibly let this Ukraine proxy war against Russia die. It is America's future at stake.

There's a great opportunity for Trump taking a position of peaceful cooperation with the huge power of China and Russia (and other Brics) by America.

You can smell it on this forum already.
Taiwan: The Chinese Nationalist government was attacked by Chinese Communist forces, not wanting to live under dictatorial Communist rule, they fled to the Island of Taiwan, where they formed their own government where free elections were held, in short, a Democracy. The US allied with the Taiwanese government, for that reason.
Israel, is the only democratic government in the entire Middle East. Why do the Muslims (Palestinians) want the entire nation of Israel, even though many are descendants of the original Hebrews who founded Jerusalem and are thus, an indigenous people of that area? Because of the teachings in the Quran. When Muslims conquer land from infidels, that land is then Islamic land and should the infidels manage to fight and gain back their land, that land shall be considered held by "occupiers," until it can be reconquered by Islamic forces. Whereas the prevailing shouts of "from the river to the sea (Jordan river to the Mediterranean)" are being heard, the actual Islamic chant is: "From the water to the water," meaning, all land between waters (not just Israel).
It is the duty of free infidel nations to struggle against Jihad and Communist and thus help free nations in any way possible to not succumb to such evil.
Senate advances $95 billion Ukraine, Israel funding bill, faces uphill battle as budget talks loom
The Senate originally proposed a $118 funding bill that included aid for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and the U.S. border, which did not pass Wednesday.

Remote : Thu, 08 Feb 2024 18:19:40 GMT
Local : 2024-02-08(Thursday) 19 : 19 : 40
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i'd like our leaders to either show some resolve and hand over blank checks to the Ukranians, Israelis and Taiwanese, or to retreat from those areas on the globe (and accept refugees in a structured manner of course).

Instead of supporting genocidal dictators like the Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, we should be supporting the populations these dictators are abusing.

The natives of the Ukraine are Russian and the Ukraine was always the main part of Russia for over 1000 years until the Treaty of Versailles stole it to punish the Bolsheviks.

The 13 million natives of Palestine are the ones who deserve help, not the 7 million illegal immigrant settlers who call themselves Israelis.

Taiwan actually was almost entirely ethnic Japanese until the US backed dictatorship of Chaing Kai Shek invaded in 1949.

The Republic of China established the Taiwan Provincial Government in September 1945[294] and proclaimed on October 25, 1945, as "Taiwan Retrocession Day." This is the day in which the Japanese troops surrendered. By 1938 about 309,000 Japanese lived in Taiwan.[295] Between the Japanese surrender of Taiwan in 1945 and April 25, 1946, the Republic of China forces repatriated 90% of the Japanese living in Taiwan to Japan.[296] During the immediate postwar period, the Kuomintang (KMT) administration on Taiwan was repressive and extremely corrupt compared with the previous Japanese rule, leading to local discontent. Anti-mainlander violence flared on 28 February 1947.[297] During the ensuing crackdown by the KMT administration in what became known as the February 28 Incident, tens of thousands of people were killed or arrested, and the incident became a taboo topic.
From the 1930s onward the Chinese Civil War was underway in mainland China between Chiang Kai-shek's ROC government and the Chinese Communist Party led by Mao Zedong. When the Communists gained complete control of Mainland China in 1949, two million refugees, predominantly from the Nationalist government, military, and business community, fled to Taiwan. On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China (P.R.C.) was founded in mainland China by the victorious communists; several months before, Chiang Kai-shek had established a provisional ROC capital in Taipei and moved his Nanjing-based government there after fleeing Chengdu. Under Nationalist rule, the mainlanders dominated the government and civil services.
Senate advances $95 billion Ukraine, Israel funding bill, faces uphill battle as budget talks loom
The Senate originally proposed a $118 funding bill that included aid for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and the U.S. border, which did not pass Wednesday.

Remote : Thu, 08 Feb 2024 18:19:40 GMT
Local : 2024-02-08(Thursday) 19 : 19 : 40
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i'd like our leaders to either show some resolve and hand over blank checks to the Ukranians, Israelis and Taiwanese, or to retreat from those areas on the globe (and accept refugees in a structured manner of course).
Israel doesn’t need our money. They are literally doing whatever they want to Gazza with zero repercussion. Why isn’t turkey bombing Tel Aviv. Why isn’t Iran sending a missile to Tel Aviv? Because they sure talk a big game and they sit down like a bitch and don’t do a thing about it.

What about all the wars going on in Africa. Why aren’t we giving $100 billion to Somalia to help them in their war. What is it because they’re blacks? Why do we give money to Ukraine. After all there’s a bunch of resources, rich minerals all throughout Africa. So what’s going on here?

Nobody in the world is doing anything really to help the people of Gaza otherwise they will be getting a bunch of weapons and billions of dollars like Ukrainians are getting. But that’s the racism that’s the brutality that’s your real white privilege. BLM Democrats like Booker and Chuck Schumer support Israel.

BLM Democrats like Corey Booker and Chuck Schumer support giving money to Israel and Ukraine. Why aren’t they arguing to give billions of dollars of weapons to Palestinian freedom fighters. Why isn’t there some kind of a movement in America to form a group in Palestine That is not pro Hamas

It’s never been about morals. Seems like America stopped caring about morals after World War II

If anything, we need to go back to American traditions that we had in World War II … being smart, diplomatically, and working with major powers of the world like the British, the Chinese and the Russians. That’s what we have to do. That’s how you create a better world.
Israel doesn’t need our money. They are literally doing whatever they want to Gazza with zero repercussion. Why isn’t turkey bombing Tel Aviv. Why isn’t Iran sending a missile to Tel Aviv? Because they sure talk a big game and they sit down like a bitch and don’t do a thing about it.

What about all the wars going on in Africa. Why aren’t we giving $100 billion to Somalia to help them in their war. What is it because they’re blacks? Why do we give money to Ukraine. After all there’s a bunch of resources, rich minerals all throughout Africa. So what’s going on here?

Nobody in the world is doing anything really to help the people of Gaza otherwise they will be getting a bunch of weapons and billions of dollars like Ukrainians are getting. But that’s the racism that’s the brutality that’s your real white privilege. BLM Democrats like Booker and Chuck Schumer support Israel.

BLM Democrats like Corey Booker and Chuck Schumer support giving money to Israel and Ukraine. Why aren’t they arguing to give billions of dollars of weapons to Palestinian freedom fighters. Why isn’t there some kind of a movement in America to form a group in Palestine That is not pro Hamas

It’s never been about morals. Seems like America stopped caring about morals after World War II

If anything, we need to go back to American traditions that we had in World War II … being smart, diplomatically, and working with major powers of the world like the British, the Chinese and the Russians. That’s what we have to do. That’s how you create a better world.
i'm merely asking our governments to clearly pick a side.
either we support our allies, and do so thoroughly and at every corner, or we evacuate them.
anything else leads to endless or repeated wars. :(
Senate advances $95 billion Ukraine, Israel funding bill, faces uphill battle as budget talks loom
The Senate originally proposed a $118 funding bill that included aid for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and the U.S. border, which did not pass Wednesday.

Remote : Thu, 08 Feb 2024 18:19:40 GMT
Local : 2024-02-08(Thursday) 19 : 19 : 40
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i'd like our leaders to either show some resolve and hand over blank checks to the Ukranians, Israelis and Taiwanese, or to retreat from those areas on the globe (and accept refugees in a structured manner of course).
Aid to Taiwan should be limited to technical and scientific funding. Taiwan's future is not its own and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

I'm not sure what kind of aid Israel needs but I do know that if we don't want to see Israel vanish from the face of the earth we may have to do something.

Ukraine doesn't deserve one penny. A very high percentage of the money and hardware sent to them is grifted off into the personal bank accounts of the mafioso style politicians running the place. Sending money to Ukraine is flushing money down the toilet.
Aid to Taiwan should be limited to technical and scientific funding. Taiwan's future is not its own and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
yes. trying to hold on to Taiwan is an endlessly recurring source of problems anyway. better to evac the inhabitants.
I'm not sure what kind of aid Israel needs but I do know that if we don't want to see Israel vanish from the face of the earth we may have to do something.
agreed. unlimited political, humanitarian and military support come to mind.
Ukraine doesn't deserve one penny. A very high percentage of the money and hardware sent to them is grifted off into the personal bank accounts of the mafioso style politicians running the place. Sending money to Ukraine is flushing money down the toilet.
i agree that Ukranian politicians are corrupt, their behavior in public is quite arrogant and just has that odor of corruption, and i'd love to see some links backing that up with data.
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i'm merely asking our governments to clearly pick a side.
either we support our allies, and do so thoroughly and at every corner, or we evacuate them.
anything else leads to endless or repeated wars. :(
Rather fight any one some place else than fight them here in USA.
i'm merely asking our governments to clearly pick a side.
either we support our allies, and do so thoroughly and at every corner, or we evacuate them.
anything else leads to endless or repeated wars. :(
Unfortunately the only side our government is on is the side of their own pockets. If you study their involvement in global warfare carefully you can follow the money back to the bankers.

Saddam threatened to trade oil for gold They killed him. Gaddafi threatened to trade oil for gold they killed him too. The entire Ukrainian war is built on legislation loaded with boomerang bucks for our legislators. The after war business will be reconstruction legislation all with grift, graft and kick back.

The entire Ukrainian war is built on legislation loaded with boomerang bucks for our legislators. The after war business will be reconstruction legislation all with grift, graft and kick back.

I doubt that's the reason for the war. Think more of traditional reasons for a country starting wars.
Senate advances $95 billion Ukraine, Israel funding bill, faces uphill battle as budget talks loom
The Senate originally proposed a $118 funding bill that included aid for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and the U.S. border, which did not pass Wednesday.

Remote : Thu, 08 Feb 2024 18:19:40 GMT
Local : 2024-02-08(Thursday) 19 : 19 : 40
Found via World Headlines on

i'd like our leaders to either show some resolve and hand over blank checks to the Ukranians, Israelis and Taiwanese, or to retreat from those areas on the globe (and accept refugees in a structured manner of course).

We shouldn't be helping them at all. We can't even fix our own problems here in America, why should we be devoting all this time, energy, resources man power and hundreds of billions of dollars we will never get back to help other countries that don't help us when everyone else isn't giving nearly as much as we do?

America needs to worry about america first.
We shouldn't be helping them at all. We can't even fix our own problems here in America, why should we be devoting all this time, energy, resources man power and hundreds of billions of dollars we will never get back to help other countries that don't help us when everyone else isn't giving nearly as much as we do?

America needs to worry about america first.
America desires to be the arms supplier for the western world.
and since every dollar spent is going to US-domestic arms companies,
you really shouldn't parrot what's coming out of Trump concerning NATO funding.

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