Alec Baldwin Shooting -- ‘Rust’ Armorer Convicted of Manslaughter

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If you're shooting a weapon .. you're responsible for what happens down range. If an armorer provided me with a weapon, claimed it was safe, I pointed at you, shot and killed you .. I'm responsible. It's called manslaughter.

Not when the armorers sole responsibility is to hand you a safe weapon. That's what they are hired for. You didn't do anything except what you were instructed to do by a paid professional hired to insure the safety of everyone.

You're working under the assumption he even knows anything about guns and somehow qualified to say what is a safe weapon and what isn't on a movie set.

This isn't his gun on his time. He was on a production set filming and is nothing more than just an actor. He used someone else's gun handed to him by someone that is supposed to be the professional to tell him what is safe and isn't.

Still goes back to the car analogy I gave. If a car on a set malfunctions and someone dies it isn't the fault of the actor driving it simply because they aren't a mechanic and it's their job to inspect all facets of the vehicle for proper functionality before driving it for a movie.

He might be a dick in real life, but that doesn't take away from the fact a armorer gave him a gun that wasn't safe.
Retribution? Alec Baldwin killed more people than all of the January 6 rioters. He pulled the trigger and "common sense" would be to verify the gun isn't loaded. That's like shooting 101 for retards.
Hollywood Democrats haven’t taken shooting 101, not even the retard version.

If it wouldn’t be a foot in the door for other gun confiscations, I’d ban Hollywood using working firearms as movie props. Not like todays CGI heavy films have any realism anyway.
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