All Biden's Fault: Hamas Rejects Latest Ceasefire/Hostage Deal, Seals Their Fate


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

All Biden's Fault:

Hamas Rejects Latest Ceasefire/Hostage Deal, Seals Their Fate

25 Mar 2-24 ~~ By Nick Arama

Joe Biden abandoned Israel on Monday when he refused to have the U.S. veto a UN Security Council resolution. The resolution called for an immediate ceasefire, which would then stop Israel from wiping out the Hamas terrorists. The ceasefire was not conditional on releasing the hostages, according to the Israeli UN ambassador Gilad Erdan.
Republicans, including Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted Biden for throwing Israel under the bus and throwing a lifeline to Hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also ripped the move, saying that he would be canceling a trip to D.C. that his aides had planned.
So what has all that appeasement of Hamas resulted in?
Israel had agreed to a very bad deal in order to try to get the hostages, which included 5 Americans, out. The offer was a six week ceasefire to have an exchange of people.

But even that wasn't enough now, with Biden throwing Israel under the bus and the UN being allowed to pass that disgusting resolution. Now Hamas is responding saying Israel is not responding to any "basic demand" -- that they want a comprehensive ceasefire that has Israel completely pulling out of Gaza and returns all "political prisoners" (Hamas terrorists being held by Israel).

Of course Biden and his Neo-Marxist Democrat freinds did! Hamas could have ended this ANYTIME by releasing the hostages and stopping the rocket attacks and surrendering.
But they were never going to do that.
I can’t think of a more powerful memorial to the 40 remaining Israeli hostages, who have been tortured and repeatedly raped, and will undoubtedly be killed by their Hamas tormentors, is exposing the Hamas corpses to dogs and pigs.

All Biden's Fault:

Hamas Rejects Latest Ceasefire/Hostage Deal, Seals Their Fate

25 Mar 2-24 ~~ By Nick Arama

Joe Biden abandoned Israel on Monday when he refused to have the U.S. veto a UN Security Council resolution. The resolution called for an immediate ceasefire, which would then stop Israel from wiping out the Hamas terrorists. The ceasefire was not conditional on releasing the hostages, according to the Israeli UN ambassador Gilad Erdan.
Republicans, including Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted Biden for throwing Israel under the bus and throwing a lifeline to Hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also ripped the move, saying that he would be canceling a trip to D.C. that his aides had planned.
So what has all that appeasement of Hamas resulted in?
Israel had agreed to a very bad deal in order to try to get the hostages, which included 5 Americans, out. The offer was a six week ceasefire to have an exchange of people.

But even that wasn't enough now, with Biden throwing Israel under the bus and the UN being allowed to pass that disgusting resolution. Now Hamas is responding saying Israel is not responding to any "basic demand" -- that they want a comprehensive ceasefire that has Israel completely pulling out of Gaza and returns all "political prisoners" (Hamas terrorists being held by Israel).

Of course Biden and his Neo-Marxist Democrat freinds did! Hamas could have ended this ANYTIME by releasing the hostages and stopping the rocket attacks and surrendering.
But they were never going to do that.
I can’t think of a more powerful memorial to the 40 remaining Israeli hostages, who have been tortured and repeatedly raped, and will undoubtedly be killed by their Hamas tormentors, is exposing the Hamas corpses to dogs and pigs.

Netanyahu threw Israel under the bus.

All Biden's Fault:

Hamas Rejects Latest Ceasefire/Hostage Deal, Seals Their Fate

25 Mar 2-24 ~~ By Nick Arama

Joe Biden abandoned Israel on Monday when he refused to have the U.S. veto a UN Security Council resolution. The resolution called for an immediate ceasefire, which would then stop Israel from wiping out the Hamas terrorists. The ceasefire was not conditional on releasing the hostages, according to the Israeli UN ambassador Gilad Erdan.
Republicans, including Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted Biden for throwing Israel under the bus and throwing a lifeline to Hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also ripped the move, saying that he would be canceling a trip to D.C. that his aides had planned.
So what has all that appeasement of Hamas resulted in?
Israel had agreed to a very bad deal in order to try to get the hostages, which included 5 Americans, out. The offer was a six week ceasefire to have an exchange of people.

But even that wasn't enough now, with Biden throwing Israel under the bus and the UN being allowed to pass that disgusting resolution. Now Hamas is responding saying Israel is not responding to any "basic demand" -- that they want a comprehensive ceasefire that has Israel completely pulling out of Gaza and returns all "political prisoners" (Hamas terrorists being held by Israel).

Of course Biden and his Neo-Marxist Democrat freinds did! Hamas could have ended this ANYTIME by releasing the hostages and stopping the rocket attacks and surrendering.
But they were never going to do that.
I can’t think of a more powerful memorial to the 40 remaining Israeli hostages, who have been tortured and repeatedly raped, and will undoubtedly be killed by their Hamas tormentors, is exposing the Hamas corpses to dogs and pigs.

Thiis is not all Bidens fault. Hamas was never going to agree as they want Israel to cease the war forever. They are keeping the hostages because they believe it is insurance to keep them safe from the IDF. I support Israel and all democracies. The people who were killed on Oct 7th were some of the most peaceful, non threatening citizens and they didnt deserve their fate. Biden is under immense pressure domestically AND Internationally, especially as the U.N has many Arab nations and China pulling the cart. Biden has to thread the needle in the middle of a war, near impossible. In the end, his team needs to be more vocal about the hostages IMO. Use that as the starting point. Israel spokespeople have made it clear "if you give us the hostages and surrender, this war is over". This is how this negotiation should begin (and hopefully end). With all of the pressure in the world to end the conflict by any means necessary, Hamas figures they can just run out the clock, hope Bibi is replaced etc. Too many in the West are falling for this strategy, even unconsciously aiding it. Just as I didnt envy IDFs job when this war began I don't envy Bidens teams challenge. The key is staying on the course that Hamas must release hostages in any negotiation but the external pressures and an upcoming election have weighed too heavily in the process. Israel wants justice for this terror.attack and the best deal these terrorists will receive is facing an Israeli court. Hamas basically wants to walk freely after murdering 1200 people. Israel will never accept this, thus, the stalemate.
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This and worse woud be happening. Trump couldn't lead when a virus hit, he damn sure couldn't lead in this situation.
No, it would not be happening under Trump because Trump does not side with an antisemitic state sponsor of terror - and would not have enriched Iran, thereby freeing them to fund the Arab savages against the Jews. There would have been no Oct 7th.

This is what happens when a Muslim-siding ex-president pulls the strings of the current one, who is too demented to make his own decisions.
“You have to finish up your war. You have to finish it up. You’ve got to get it done,” he said in an interview with Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom. “We’ve got to get to peace. You can’t have this going on, and I will say Israel has to be very careful because you are losing a lot of the world. You are losing a lot of support.”

The continuation of this war (or whatever you want to call it) is ENTIRELY the fault of Hamas, which has no justification whatsoever for NOT surrendering, laying down its arms and releasing all hostages.

This obvious fact should be the preface to every single communication from the Biden Administration on the subject.

If Hamas stops shooting, the battle is over within 24 hours. Why is Hamas still trying to kill IDF forces? Seriously. Israel was attacked - not just on October 7th, but for decades - and is fighting to stop the attacks. What is Hamas fighting for?

Serious question.

Biden's cowardly action w/r/t the latest UN resolution is ENTIRELY to shore up Biden's political support in Michigan and Minnesota. And yet the Media ignore that obvious fact.
Thiis is not all Bidens fault.
Yes, it is. Do you think that all of these conflicts during his administration are coincidences? The world knows that he is a feckless politician who can't see beyond his latest poll numbers. His recent fiasco regarding a UN ceasefire resolution is a case on point. First he vetoes the Russia/China resolutions, then offers a half-baked resolution of his own that is promptly rejected, and then meekly accepts the previous resolution. Who can take the US seriously, anymore?

All Biden's Fault:

Hamas Rejects Latest Ceasefire/Hostage Deal, Seals Their Fate

25 Mar 2-24 ~~ By Nick Arama

Joe Biden abandoned Israel on Monday when he refused to have the U.S. veto a UN Security Council resolution. The resolution called for an immediate ceasefire, which would then stop Israel from wiping out the Hamas terrorists. The ceasefire was not conditional on releasing the hostages, according to the Israeli UN ambassador Gilad Erdan.
Republicans, including Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted Biden for throwing Israel under the bus and throwing a lifeline to Hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also ripped the move, saying that he would be canceling a trip to D.C. that his aides had planned.
So what has all that appeasement of Hamas resulted in?
Israel had agreed to a very bad deal in order to try to get the hostages, which included 5 Americans, out. The offer was a six week ceasefire to have an exchange of people.

But even that wasn't enough now, with Biden throwing Israel under the bus and the UN being allowed to pass that disgusting resolution. Now Hamas is responding saying Israel is not responding to any "basic demand" -- that they want a comprehensive ceasefire that has Israel completely pulling out of Gaza and returns all "political prisoners" (Hamas terrorists being held by Israel).

Of course Biden and his Neo-Marxist Democrat freinds did! Hamas could have ended this ANYTIME by releasing the hostages and stopping the rocket attacks and surrendering.
But they were never going to do that.
I can’t think of a more powerful memorial to the 40 remaining Israeli hostages, who have been tortured and repeatedly raped, and will undoubtedly be killed by their Hamas tormentors, is exposing the Hamas corpses to dogs and pigs.

Biden had a deal worked out in the UN, but Trump’s buddies, Xi and Putin, vetoed it in the Security Council! Are you standing with the dictators or democracy?

All Biden's Fault:

Hamas Rejects Latest Ceasefire/Hostage Deal, Seals Their Fate

25 Mar 2-24 ~~ By Nick Arama

Joe Biden abandoned Israel on Monday when he refused to have the U.S. veto a UN Security Council resolution. The resolution called for an immediate ceasefire, which would then stop Israel from wiping out the Hamas terrorists. The ceasefire was not conditional on releasing the hostages, according to the Israeli UN ambassador Gilad Erdan.
Republicans, including Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted Biden for throwing Israel under the bus and throwing a lifeline to Hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also ripped the move, saying that he would be canceling a trip to D.C. that his aides had planned.
So what has all that appeasement of Hamas resulted in?
Israel had agreed to a very bad deal in order to try to get the hostages, which included 5 Americans, out. The offer was a six week ceasefire to have an exchange of people.

But even that wasn't enough now, with Biden throwing Israel under the bus and the UN being allowed to pass that disgusting resolution. Now Hamas is responding saying Israel is not responding to any "basic demand" -- that they want a comprehensive ceasefire that has Israel completely pulling out of Gaza and returns all "political prisoners" (Hamas terrorists being held by Israel).

Of course Biden and his Neo-Marxist Democrat freinds did! Hamas could have ended this ANYTIME by releasing the hostages and stopping the rocket attacks and surrendering.
But they were never going to do that.
I can’t think of a more powerful memorial to the 40 remaining Israeli hostages, who have been tortured and repeatedly raped, and will undoubtedly be killed by their Hamas tormentors, is exposing the Hamas corpses to dogs and pigs.

The hostages are all dead, including the six Americans that were still held.

This is the fault of Joe Biden and EVERY person who supports him.

All Biden's Fault:

Hamas Rejects Latest Ceasefire/Hostage Deal, Seals Their Fate

25 Mar 2-24 ~~ By Nick Arama

Joe Biden abandoned Israel on Monday when he refused to have the U.S. veto a UN Security Council resolution. The resolution called for an immediate ceasefire, which would then stop Israel from wiping out the Hamas terrorists. The ceasefire was not conditional on releasing the hostages, according to the Israeli UN ambassador Gilad Erdan.
Republicans, including Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted Biden for throwing Israel under the bus and throwing a lifeline to Hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also ripped the move, saying that he would be canceling a trip to D.C. that his aides had planned.
So what has all that appeasement of Hamas resulted in?
Israel had agreed to a very bad deal in order to try to get the hostages, which included 5 Americans, out. The offer was a six week ceasefire to have an exchange of people.

But even that wasn't enough now, with Biden throwing Israel under the bus and the UN being allowed to pass that disgusting resolution. Now Hamas is responding saying Israel is not responding to any "basic demand" -- that they want a comprehensive ceasefire that has Israel completely pulling out of Gaza and returns all "political prisoners" (Hamas terrorists being held by Israel).

Of course Biden and his Neo-Marxist Democrat freinds did! Hamas could have ended this ANYTIME by releasing the hostages and stopping the rocket attacks and surrendering.
But they were never going to do that.
I can’t think of a more powerful memorial to the 40 remaining Israeli hostages, who have been tortured and repeatedly raped, and will undoubtedly be killed by their Hamas tormentors, is exposing the Hamas corpses to dogs and pigs.

Once again you prove how full of shit you really are.
Thiis is not all Bidens fault. Hamas was never going to agree as they want Israel to cease the war forever. They are keeping the hostages because they believe it is insurance to keep them safe from the IDF. I support Israel and all democracies. The people who were killed on Oct 7th were some of the most peaceful, non threatening citizens and they didnt deserve their fate. Biden is under immense pressure domestically AND Internationally, especially as the U.N has many Arab nations and China pulling the cart. Biden has to thread the needle in the middle of a war, near impossible. In the end, his team needs to be more vocal about the hostages IMO. Use that as the starting point. Israel spokespeople have made it clear "if you give us the hostages and surrender, this war is over". This is how this negotiation should begin (and hopefully end). With all of the pressure in the world to end the conflict by any means necessary, Hamas figures they can just run out the clock, hope Bibi is replaced etc. Too many in the West are falling for this strategy, even unconsciously aiding it. Just as I didnt envy IDFs job when this war began I don't envy Bidens teams challenge. The key is staying on the course that Hamas must release hostages in any negotiation but the external pressures and an upcoming election have weighed too heavily in the process. Israel wants justice for this terror.attack and the best deal these terrorists will receive is facing an Israeli court. Hamas basically wants to walk freely after murdering 1200 people. Israel will never accept this, thus, the stalemate.
Meanwhile, Biden wrote off the American hostages held by Hamas.
This shows his weakness and perfidy.
The continuation of this war (or whatever you want to call it) is ENTIRELY the fault of Hamas, which has no justification whatsoever for NOT surrendering, laying down its arms and releasing all hostages.

This obvious fact should be the preface to every single communication from the Biden Administration on the subject.

If Hamas stops shooting, the battle is over within 24 hours. Why is Hamas still trying to kill IDF forces? Seriously. Israel was attacked - not just on October 7th, but for decades - and is fighting to stop the attacks. What is Hamas fighting for?

Serious question.

Biden's cowardly action w/r/t the latest UN resolution is ENTIRELY to shore up Biden's political support in Michigan and Minnesota. And yet the Media ignore that obvious fact.
And, Joey XiBaiDung bends to the will of iran and it's proxies.

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