America Has Survived

11. The only individuals for whom we have actual evidence….EVIDENCE…of collusion and conspiring with the Kremlin, are Democrats.

The reason for the Mueller Investigation?
Case in point: the sale of Uranium to Russia for huge bribes: the Mueller Investigation is used to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

Holder, Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein"
Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump

Then it turns out that officials in both the FBI and DoJ were in on developing 'insurance' that would reverse the election….

Rule #2

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
12. “This entire monstrous travesty is finally coming apart without even waiting for the horrible disappointment of the special counsel’s inability to adduce a scrap of evidence to justify his replication of Torquemada as an inquisitor and of the Gestapo and KGB at rounding up and accusing unarmed individuals who were not flight risks.

The collapse of this grotesque putsch, …will cause a revulsion against the Democratic Party that will be seismic and prolonged.

…America has survived the greatest constitutional crisis since the Civil War. All those who legitimately oppose or dislike the president, including traditional high-brow Republicans who find him distasteful, should join in the condemnation of this largely criminal assault on democracy…” The Greatest Constitutional Crisis Since the Civil War

13. How should our nation deal with those who endanger the innocent, and, in fact, the very nation itself?

It will be interesting to consider the Hate Hoax of Jussie Smollett in light of what he was willing to allow: if two whites had been arrested….they would have gone to prison, with a shrug from Smollett.

Hence, he deserves no sympathy.

The same should apply to everyone who partook in the Collusion Hoax.

The penalty “is based on the assumption that normal adult beings are rational and moral beings who knew better, who could have done otherwise, but yet who chose to do evil anyway, and who therefore deserve to be punished." "The Ethics of Life and Death," J.P. Moreland, p. 118.

One can only hope.
The Russian Collusion Hoax is simply one more of the variety the Democrats/Liberals use.

"Racial hoaxes have been a major part of the leftist agenda going back decades. In 1987, the Rev. Al Sharpton created the Tawana Brawley hoax, wherein four white men were falsely accused of rape.

For perpetrating the hoax, Sharpton was rewarded by receiving national recognition, millions of dollars, and a career as a television/radio talk show host, and he ran for president in 2004. He also received 82 invitations to advise Barack Obama’s White House on matters of race."
The Kernel of Good News in Hate Hoaxes
Libs keep moving from collusion to new investigation to taxes. And....nothing. The desperation is heavy in the air .

I see lots of problems for the Democrats.....finding their direction, the soul of the party, is primary.

Pelosi certainly has seen enough of this dunce, Ocasio.

Today, Feinstein put the kids mouthing her drivel in their place....

And this:
Bernie Sanders as he launches 2020 campaign:
“We have got to look at candidates, you know, not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age.” …

No intersectional victimology doctrine for Bernie??????

Bernie just broke every rule of Progressive, Liberal, Democrat ideology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He can't possibly run as a Democrat......even if he is an out-of-the-closet Marxist.

I believe the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...and will have to find a way to kill him.

A major reason for the sweats and shakes of their supporters is the battle between the establishment version of the Democrat Party, Biden, and the Stalin-Mao faction, Sanders, Warren, Ocasio, version, is that they sense doom.

The Dems are arranged in a circular firing squad.

And in that battle for the soul of the Democrat Party, here is one more skirmish...

"Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems ‘Clowns’ Is White Supremacist Slur

In April, Bishop unveiled an attack ad calling national Democratic figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders "crazy liberal clowns." Bishop released a longer version earlier this week attacking their policies, such as taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants and "open borders."

Along those lines, Bishop also tweeted several times about Democratic "clowns" after the ad's release. The left-wing Daily Kos did not care for that rhetoric, with staffer David Nir writing a piece headlined, "North Carolina Republican's response to shootings: Embrace ‘clown' slur pushed by white supremacists."

'My God, we are better than this'"
Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems 'Clowns' Is White Supremacist Slur

Unfortunately, even the establishment version of the Democrat Party not much better than the crazies.
Libs keep moving from collusion to new investigation to taxes. And....nothing. The desperation is heavy in the air .

I see lots of problems for the Democrats.....finding their direction, the soul of the party, is primary.

Pelosi certainly has seen enough of this dunce, Ocasio.

Today, Feinstein put the kids mouthing her drivel in their place....

And this:
Bernie Sanders as he launches 2020 campaign:
“We have got to look at candidates, you know, not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age.” …

No intersectional victimology doctrine for Bernie??????

Bernie just broke every rule of Progressive, Liberal, Democrat ideology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He can't possibly run as a Democrat......even if he is an out-of-the-closet Marxist.

I believe the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...and will have to find a way to kill him.

A major reason for the sweats and shakes of their supporters is the battle between the establishment version of the Democrat Party, Biden, and the Stalin-Mao faction, Sanders, Warren, Ocasio, version, is that they sense doom.

The Dems are arranged in a circular firing squad.

And in that battle for the soul of the Democrat Party, here is one more skirmish...

"Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems ‘Clowns’ Is White Supremacist Slur

In April, Bishop unveiled an attack ad calling national Democratic figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders "crazy liberal clowns." Bishop released a longer version earlier this week attacking their policies, such as taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants and "open borders."

Along those lines, Bishop also tweeted several times about Democratic "clowns" after the ad's release. The left-wing Daily Kos did not care for that rhetoric, with staffer David Nir writing a piece headlined, "North Carolina Republican's response to shootings: Embrace ‘clown' slur pushed by white supremacists."

'My God, we are better than this'"
Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems 'Clowns' Is White Supremacist Slur

Unfortunately, even the establishment version of the Democrat Party not much better than the crazies.

I was using the dem clown car before it became racist! I guess Im a white supremacist now. My wife won't be happy to learn of these developments. Lol.
Libs keep moving from collusion to new investigation to taxes. And....nothing. The desperation is heavy in the air .

I see lots of problems for the Democrats.....finding their direction, the soul of the party, is primary.

Pelosi certainly has seen enough of this dunce, Ocasio.

Today, Feinstein put the kids mouthing her drivel in their place....

And this:
Bernie Sanders as he launches 2020 campaign:
“We have got to look at candidates, you know, not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age.” …

No intersectional victimology doctrine for Bernie??????

Bernie just broke every rule of Progressive, Liberal, Democrat ideology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He can't possibly run as a Democrat......even if he is an out-of-the-closet Marxist.

I believe the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...and will have to find a way to kill him.

A major reason for the sweats and shakes of their supporters is the battle between the establishment version of the Democrat Party, Biden, and the Stalin-Mao faction, Sanders, Warren, Ocasio, version, is that they sense doom.

The Dems are arranged in a circular firing squad.

And in that battle for the soul of the Democrat Party, here is one more skirmish...

"Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems ‘Clowns’ Is White Supremacist Slur

In April, Bishop unveiled an attack ad calling national Democratic figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders "crazy liberal clowns." Bishop released a longer version earlier this week attacking their policies, such as taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants and "open borders."

Along those lines, Bishop also tweeted several times about Democratic "clowns" after the ad's release. The left-wing Daily Kos did not care for that rhetoric, with staffer David Nir writing a piece headlined, "North Carolina Republican's response to shootings: Embrace ‘clown' slur pushed by white supremacists."

'My God, we are better than this'"
Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems 'Clowns' Is White Supremacist Slur

Unfortunately, even the establishment version of the Democrat Party not much better than the crazies.

I was using the dem clown car before it became racist! I guess Im a white supremacist now. My wife won't be happy to learn of these developments. Lol.

Notwithstanding being a GOP supporter, I hope that the Democrats suffer a withering defeat a al the Reagan 49 state slaughter simply to bring the Democrat Party back to its senses.

It needs an ideological cleansing.

The Bolshevik influence that Franklin Roosevelt injected has metastasized and need be excised.
Libs keep moving from collusion to new investigation to taxes. And....nothing. The desperation is heavy in the air .

I see lots of problems for the Democrats.....finding their direction, the soul of the party, is primary.

Pelosi certainly has seen enough of this dunce, Ocasio.

Today, Feinstein put the kids mouthing her drivel in their place....

And this:
Bernie Sanders as he launches 2020 campaign:
“We have got to look at candidates, you know, not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age.” …

No intersectional victimology doctrine for Bernie??????

Bernie just broke every rule of Progressive, Liberal, Democrat ideology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He can't possibly run as a Democrat......even if he is an out-of-the-closet Marxist.

I believe the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...and will have to find a way to kill him.

A major reason for the sweats and shakes of their supporters is the battle between the establishment version of the Democrat Party, Biden, and the Stalin-Mao faction, Sanders, Warren, Ocasio, version, is that they sense doom.

The Dems are arranged in a circular firing squad.

And in that battle for the soul of the Democrat Party, here is one more skirmish...

"Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems ‘Clowns’ Is White Supremacist Slur

In April, Bishop unveiled an attack ad calling national Democratic figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders "crazy liberal clowns." Bishop released a longer version earlier this week attacking their policies, such as taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants and "open borders."

Along those lines, Bishop also tweeted several times about Democratic "clowns" after the ad's release. The left-wing Daily Kos did not care for that rhetoric, with staffer David Nir writing a piece headlined, "North Carolina Republican's response to shootings: Embrace ‘clown' slur pushed by white supremacists."

'My God, we are better than this'"
Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems 'Clowns' Is White Supremacist Slur

Unfortunately, even the establishment version of the Democrat Party not much better than the crazies.

I was using the dem clown car before it became racist! I guess Im a white supremacist now. My wife won't be happy to learn of these developments. Lol.

Notwithstanding being a GOP supporter, I hope that the Democrats suffer a withering defeat a al the Reagan 49 state slaughter simply to bring the Democrat Party back to its senses.

It needs an ideological cleansing.

The Bolshevik influence that Franklin Roosevelt injected has metastasized and need be excised.

It is a startling paradox. Here, libs are begging for the yoke of oppression while on the other side of the world, hong kongers are defiant in the face of it
Libs keep moving from collusion to new investigation to taxes. And....nothing. The desperation is heavy in the air .

I see lots of problems for the Democrats.....finding their direction, the soul of the party, is primary.

Pelosi certainly has seen enough of this dunce, Ocasio.

Today, Feinstein put the kids mouthing her drivel in their place....

And this:
Bernie Sanders as he launches 2020 campaign:
“We have got to look at candidates, you know, not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age.” …

No intersectional victimology doctrine for Bernie??????

Bernie just broke every rule of Progressive, Liberal, Democrat ideology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He can't possibly run as a Democrat......even if he is an out-of-the-closet Marxist.

I believe the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...and will have to find a way to kill him.

A major reason for the sweats and shakes of their supporters is the battle between the establishment version of the Democrat Party, Biden, and the Stalin-Mao faction, Sanders, Warren, Ocasio, version, is that they sense doom.

The Dems are arranged in a circular firing squad.

And in that battle for the soul of the Democrat Party, here is one more skirmish...

"Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems ‘Clowns’ Is White Supremacist Slur

In April, Bishop unveiled an attack ad calling national Democratic figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders "crazy liberal clowns." Bishop released a longer version earlier this week attacking their policies, such as taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants and "open borders."

Along those lines, Bishop also tweeted several times about Democratic "clowns" after the ad's release. The left-wing Daily Kos did not care for that rhetoric, with staffer David Nir writing a piece headlined, "North Carolina Republican's response to shootings: Embrace ‘clown' slur pushed by white supremacists."

'My God, we are better than this'"
Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems 'Clowns' Is White Supremacist Slur

Unfortunately, even the establishment version of the Democrat Party not much better than the crazies.

I was using the dem clown car before it became racist! I guess Im a white supremacist now. My wife won't be happy to learn of these developments. Lol.

Notwithstanding being a GOP supporter, I hope that the Democrats suffer a withering defeat a al the Reagan 49 state slaughter simply to bring the Democrat Party back to its senses.

It needs an ideological cleansing.

The Bolshevik influence that Franklin Roosevelt injected has metastasized and need be excised.

It is a startling paradox. Here, libs are begging for the yoke of oppression while on the other side of the world, hong kongers are defiant in the face of it

Nah.....they believe that they will be the ones doing the oppressing.

Don't forget, these are government school grads, with no understanding of history.
Libs keep moving from collusion to new investigation to taxes. And....nothing. The desperation is heavy in the air .

I see lots of problems for the Democrats.....finding their direction, the soul of the party, is primary.

Pelosi certainly has seen enough of this dunce, Ocasio.

Today, Feinstein put the kids mouthing her drivel in their place....

And this:
Bernie Sanders as he launches 2020 campaign:
“We have got to look at candidates, you know, not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age.” …

No intersectional victimology doctrine for Bernie??????

Bernie just broke every rule of Progressive, Liberal, Democrat ideology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He can't possibly run as a Democrat......even if he is an out-of-the-closet Marxist.

I believe the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...and will have to find a way to kill him.

A major reason for the sweats and shakes of their supporters is the battle between the establishment version of the Democrat Party, Biden, and the Stalin-Mao faction, Sanders, Warren, Ocasio, version, is that they sense doom.

The Dems are arranged in a circular firing squad.

And in that battle for the soul of the Democrat Party, here is one more skirmish...

"Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems ‘Clowns’ Is White Supremacist Slur

In April, Bishop unveiled an attack ad calling national Democratic figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders "crazy liberal clowns." Bishop released a longer version earlier this week attacking their policies, such as taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants and "open borders."

Along those lines, Bishop also tweeted several times about Democratic "clowns" after the ad's release. The left-wing Daily Kos did not care for that rhetoric, with staffer David Nir writing a piece headlined, "North Carolina Republican's response to shootings: Embrace ‘clown' slur pushed by white supremacists."

'My God, we are better than this'"
Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems 'Clowns' Is White Supremacist Slur

Unfortunately, even the establishment version of the Democrat Party not much better than the crazies.

I was using the dem clown car before it became racist! I guess Im a white supremacist now. My wife won't be happy to learn of these developments. Lol.

I watched the clown car video. That is crazy. I have sad news. There is yet another word that is on the 'bad' list. My mom is in a group that offers classes to the elderly, and these leftist bozos banned the word 'picnic.' Has anyone ever heard about negative connotations to the word picnic?
Libs keep moving from collusion to new investigation to taxes. And....nothing. The desperation is heavy in the air .

I see lots of problems for the Democrats.....finding their direction, the soul of the party, is primary.

Pelosi certainly has seen enough of this dunce, Ocasio.

Today, Feinstein put the kids mouthing her drivel in their place....

And this:
Bernie Sanders as he launches 2020 campaign:
“We have got to look at candidates, you know, not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age.” …

No intersectional victimology doctrine for Bernie??????

Bernie just broke every rule of Progressive, Liberal, Democrat ideology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He can't possibly run as a Democrat......even if he is an out-of-the-closet Marxist.

I believe the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...and will have to find a way to kill him.

A major reason for the sweats and shakes of their supporters is the battle between the establishment version of the Democrat Party, Biden, and the Stalin-Mao faction, Sanders, Warren, Ocasio, version, is that they sense doom.

The Dems are arranged in a circular firing squad.

And in that battle for the soul of the Democrat Party, here is one more skirmish...

"Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems ‘Clowns’ Is White Supremacist Slur

In April, Bishop unveiled an attack ad calling national Democratic figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders "crazy liberal clowns." Bishop released a longer version earlier this week attacking their policies, such as taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants and "open borders."

Along those lines, Bishop also tweeted several times about Democratic "clowns" after the ad's release. The left-wing Daily Kos did not care for that rhetoric, with staffer David Nir writing a piece headlined, "North Carolina Republican's response to shootings: Embrace ‘clown' slur pushed by white supremacists."

'My God, we are better than this'"
Dem House Candidate: Calling Dems 'Clowns' Is White Supremacist Slur

Unfortunately, even the establishment version of the Democrat Party not much better than the crazies.

I was using the dem clown car before it became racist! I guess Im a white supremacist now. My wife won't be happy to learn of these developments. Lol.

I watched the clown car video. That is crazy. I have sad news. There is yet another word that is on the 'bad' list. My mom is in a group that offers classes to the elderly, and these leftist bozos banned the word 'picnic.' Has anyone ever heard about negative connotations to the word picnic?

Of course not....but it does fall under withing rule #5

Rule #5

Liberal government has two purposes: either ban, or mandate. Liberty, individuality, nor difference of opinion have any place in their firmament. That’s the reason for concentration camps.

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