American Christians in Bethlehem React to Israeli Occupation


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Our fellow American Christians are telling us of the struggle the Palestinian people go through.

We’re talking about the holy land here the very land of Jesus. This is the information you don’t always see in our western media. But now many people are aware of it With technology where it’s at.
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Our fellow American Christians are telling us of the struggle the Palestinian people go through.

We’re talking about the holy land here the very land of Jesus. This is the information you don’t always see in our western media. But now many people are aware of it With technology where it’s at.

Why don't you just go over there and live?
While it was historically a city of Arab Christians, Bethlehem now has a majority of Arab Muslims; it is still home to a significant community of Palestinian Christians, however.[9][10] Presently, Bethlehem has become encircled by dozens of Israeli settlements, which effectively separate Palestinians in the city from being able to openly access their land and livelihoods, and has likewise triggered their steady exodus.
Another al jihadZeera clip?.
Are you that naiive to believing Arabs under Islamic rule are not fored to say certain things?

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Our fellow American Christians are telling us of the struggle the Palestinian people go through.

We’re talking about the holy land here the very land of Jesus. This is the information you don’t always see in our western media. But now many people are aware of it With technology where it’s at.

I’m sure they go through a lot…that why I support israel attempt to liberate the region of Hamas
Another al jihadZeera clip?.
Are you that naiive to believing Arabs under Islamic rule are not fored to say certain things?

Arafat? What a stupid lie.
Another al jihadZeera clip?.
Are you that naiive to believing Arabs under Islamic rule are not fored to say certain things?

Don't you remember when World Net Daily was hawking the world's largest oilfield in Israel. They sold stock, cheated a lot of Christian and Jewish old ladies out of their life savings and never put down a single bore hole???

It was 1998 and they were in cahoots with Hayseed Stevens. He was a con man like Ron Wyatt.
Never forget who these subhuman scum are. Never forget that dimocrap FILTH are about the only people sticking up for them, making excuses for them, defending them. Never forget.

Over and over, one reads that the attack on the Israelis was incredibly sadistic. For example (serious content warning):

In the interest of preserving sanity as well as the contents of your stomachs this early in the morning, I will omit that quote. Continuing:

This is Stone Age barbarism, completely unburdened by the civilizing influences of modernity. It’s also not the stuff of “take your kids to work day”—and yet that’s exactly what Hamas did:
Eran Smilansky, a 28-year-old potato farmer, watched Gazan children go from house to house in his kibbutz on Oct. 7. Hamas terrorists followed. The boys laughed as the gunmen shot or dragged away Israeli families.
“They were like young, young kids,” said Smilansky, who defended his home from terrorists for more than six hours that day. “They were going in front of the terrorists, laughing with their friends and looking very calm. I remember thinking, What the fuck?”
Smilansky was one of a dozen survivors of the Nir Oz massacre who told the Washington Free Beacon they witnessed boys or women from the Gaza Strip looting the kibbutz, helping the armed terrorists, and apparently enjoying themselves. The youngest children were around 10 years old, according to several of the survivors, one of whom provided photographs of some of the women and children he saw. The survivors spoke at a hotel in Eilat, Israel’s Red Sea resort town, where most of them have been temporarily relocated.

This shouldn’t surprise anyone. Hamas educates its children in hatred from the cradle (often with UN funding paid for by American tax dollars). While your children are lisping about flowers and friendship when they graduate from kindergarten, this is what’s happening amongst the Gazastanians as their parents proudly film them. . .
. . . To avoid the peace that will deprive these bureaucrats of their sinecures, UNWRA perpetuates hatred. The alleged “educational” materials UNRWA allows in schools in Gaza and the West Bank would have fit nicely in Nazis schools in 1930s Germany. In addition to allowing the antisemitic tyrants in Gaza and the West Bank to provide their own “educational” materials in UNWRA-run schools, UNWRA also provides its own materials that align with the Islamists’ virulent ideology. . .
. . . Frankly, I don’t know what you do with a generation like this. Can these values be untaught? Maybe for some, but children who will happily laugh and help out as they see women raped to death, babies cooked, and children their own age tortured, murdered, and kidnapped seem pretty unsalvageable…and remember that all of this done with your tax dollars helping to foot the bill.

As a reminder, so-called "citizens" of Gaza followed on and participated in the barbaric butchery of Israelis and then the sacking and pillaging of their homes. To the extent that any of them can or will ever be identified and punished once the shooting stops is questionable.
The walls and the checkpoints and the other "abominations" that the locals endure are the direct result of a decades-long terrorist campaign against the Zionist state (see: "intifada"). If the terrorism would stop - if Hamas and the PA would overtly disavow their previous campaign to destroy Israel - then the walls and whatnot could be dismantled and removed. The fact that individual "Palestinians" - Christian or otherwise - are not culpable for the terrorist campaign does not render the protective measures unjustified.

Ultimately, peace can only come if/when the "Palestinians" accept the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state. That would remove the supposed need for a two-state paradigm. Around the world, and particularly in avowedly Muslim countries, non-Muslims are compelled to live in analogous circumstances; the government is of one religious philosophy that is at odds with their personal religious beliefs. Indeed, these conditions have existed for hundreds of years, most notably in Western Europe where the religion of the Sovereign has dictated the country's policies and those of other religions have had to live with it - often at their peril.

Non-Jewish Israeli's could have full rights of citizenship, except they could never elect an anti-Jewish government. Simple as that.

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