Americans owning America.....Mormon church now owns $2 BILLION of US farmland

They’re leaving it all to the church?

My brothers mother in law years ago said she was leaving her money to the church. I said, “ I hope the church takes care of you when you get old”

Today she has dementia and her daughters take care of her.
not everything, and years ago. i was executor and signed off on the will . my siblings seem to think that was wrong. more family dissension than material need.

when i get old? too late for that one@!
Back in the 1980s I worked as an Engineering Manager at an aerospace facility in Orlando.

We needed a remote site to test out "starwars" missile technology under a DOD contract. Everything there was to be highly classified. So classified that none of the testing would be done when Soviet satellites were overhead. Everybody on site would have a Top Secret clearance.

The Mormons had a 4,000 acre track of land east of Orlando. I was involved with several other people in securing the contract for leasing the land.

We told them that only people with the right clearance would be allowed on site.

They told us to cram it where the sun don't shine. They said we could never restrict their "Elders" from coming on site.

It took us three months to work it out. They finally agreed to allow six of their people to get security clearances if we paid for everything and they be allowed unlimited access. The only real concession we got out of them was that they could not take in any recording device. That concession cost us $75K (1980s dollars) in additional lease fees.

It never was a problem. They never showed up when we were doing the real sensitive testing. Although under the contract they didn't have to do it they let us know when they were coming on site. It was also in the contract that they could go unescorted but they never turned down an escort. It was just them letting us know that it was their land and the US government can eat shit.
Hair on fire article:

The Mormon church has sparked a fierce backlash from local farmers after snapping up around 370,000 acres of prime ranch land in Nebraska, with the Utah-based religion now owning at least $2billion of agricultural terrain across the country, can reveal.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), commonly known as the Mormon church, has bought more land than anyone else in the state over the past five years, according to The Flatwater Free Press.

It now owns an estimated $134million worth of agricultural land in Nebraska and is on track to surpass CNN founder Ted Turner as the single largest landowner in the state if it continues its spree at the current rate.

I say good! That's 87 times better than Bill Gates (NWO WEF stooge) or the Chi-Coms owning US farmland.

That said:

Catholic Church...... "Those are rookie numbers!!"

With more than 1 billion adherents, the Catholic Church is one of the largest, if not the largest, nongovernmental landowners in the world. One estimate puts the church’s holdings close to 177 million acres, or 277,000 square miles.

If those properties were grouped together and placed on a list of the world’s countries by land area, it would fall within the top 50, higher than both France and Spain. (Plus, it is unclear whether or not the 177 million acre figure includes land owned by affiliated institutions, such as Catholic schools and hospitals, which number in the hundreds of thousands—if not millions—worldwide.)
Better than foreigners but not near as good as it being family farms. Having a high percentage of our food production in the hands of a small few is not a good thing.

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