Another major objective of the Co2 fraud - UN taxation power


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
A failure of the American people to understand and practice very basic science is about to rip open yet another huge hole in the freedom and wealth of Americans.

The Co2 fraud always had this as a goal, to empower the UN to tax.

What we are witnessing here is the total control of subject "the science" by "globalist" liars, fudgebakers, cheaters, and flunkies to lie their way into your wallet and your freedom. The Co2 fraud is pathetic. They never had any actual data indicating Co2 causes warming. The atmospheric temps had to be FUDGED with laughable lies to get "warming" in the atmosphere = WHERE THE INCREASING CO2 is... NOTHING. The satellite and balloon data was highly correlated. It was spot on accurate. Co2 went up. Atmospheric temps did not. Theory Rejected.

Knowing all along this thing was a total fraud, those involved used all their "research" money to fund side shows, like "solar cycle" for Faux "News" to push...

In reality, $20 trillion already in the hole for a complete hoax, the warmers cannot answer basic questions about a map of the Arctic.

Why is there ice age glacier on Greenland south of Arctic Circle while there are trees and moose north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?

How did Co2 (or Sun) freeze Greenland and thaw North America at the same time?

If you want the truth about Earth climate change, what causes it, what it's parameters are, they are in Environment... and it is hi time to push the media to answer the questions the warmers cannot...

Americans need a lecture on how to argue against the Co2 fraud. Lessons 1-5 are above...

Brought to you by what caused this...

Not only the above but they are claiming private property out west under eminent domain to install CO2 PIPELINE.
I will try and find an article on it.
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The OP is factual, and what it boils down to is they want to tax you for nothing/the air your breathe.

Anyone that goes along with that is a lemming. That is a total bunch of crap!
Not only the above but they are claiming private property out west under eminent domain to install CO2 PIPELINE.
I will try and find an article on it.
CO2 pipeline?


Whoever is suggesting that, should be rode out of town on a rail then tarred and feathered.
A failure of the American people to understand and practice very basic science is about to rip open yet another huge hole in the freedom and wealth of Americans.

The Co2 fraud always had this as a goal, to empower the UN to tax.

What we are witnessing here is the total control of subject "the science" by "globalist" liars, fudgebakers, cheaters, and flunkies to lie their way into your wallet and your freedom. The Co2 fraud is pathetic. They never had any actual data indicating Co2 causes warming. The atmospheric temps had to be FUDGED with laughable lies to get "warming" in the atmosphere = WHERE THE INCREASING CO2 is... NOTHING. The satellite and balloon data was highly correlated. It was spot on accurate. Co2 went up. Atmospheric temps did not. Theory Rejected.

Knowing all along this thing was a total fraud, those involved used all their "research" money to fund side shows, like "solar cycle" for Faux "News" to push...

In reality, $20 trillion already in the hole for a complete hoax, the warmers cannot answer basic questions about a map of the Arctic.

Why is there ice age glacier on Greenland south of Arctic Circle while there are trees and moose north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?

How did Co2 (or Sun) freeze Greenland and thaw North America at the same time?

If you want the truth about Earth climate change, what causes it, what it's parameters are, they are in Environment... and it is hi time to push the media to answer the questions the warmers cannot...

Americans need a lecture on how to argue against the Co2 fraud. Lessons 1-5 are above...

Brought to you by what caused this...

$$$$$/power & control is ALWAYS the motive for these cracked pot wannabe gods.


"The project, dubbed the Midwest Carbon Express, had ambitions to become the world's largest carbon dioxide pipeline, moving climate-warming greenhouse gases from Midwest biofuels plants to North Dakota for permanent storage underground."

As a result of a biofuels plant? Where is there motherfucker? Some people need punched right in the mouth if not worse.

Biofuel is net energy loss in and of itself.

Growing things are meant for people and animals to eat.

What Americans need is definitely NOT more fucking Ethanol. That garbage should be outlawed! :blowup:

It ruins engines!!!

Here's the UN-sponsored retards' site:

So I'm gonna talk like me now.

So these retards are going to grow corn to turn into Biofuel, then build build a pipeline to store their waste in the Dakotas?

Biofuel, okay. So you you gotta grow corn, right? Corn that animals and people could eat, but you're making a fuel

out of it and that's inefficient as all get out, it takes diesel to process it, and furthermore, fertilizer for that corn (and yes, it has to have it)

has to be mined out of Florida and then trucked or trained using diesel to make way less fuel than it even took to make the freakin'


This is total bullshit! Then they want to eminent domain farms to dispose of their waste materials underground in The Dakotas?

Wasting resources and valuable farming land even further. :cuckoo:

Yep, they should be rode out on a rail and tarred and feathered for trying some stupid crap like that.

No companies like this should exist, period. They are a drain on society and humanity, not necessarily in that order.

This is on par with cow fart catchers.


Note that that thing is constructed of plastic and nylon (fossil fuel products)

These people are either beyond retarded, or they assume everyone else it and will fall for their crap.

If they're not planning on using the CO2 to grow pot or some other hydroponic crop, or jettisoning it into outer space, wtf are they doing?

The truth is, they're just full of shit about all of it.
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What Americans need is definitely NOT more fucking Ethanol. That garbage should be outlawed! :blowup:

It ruins engines!!!

Here's the UN-sponsored retards' site:

So I'm gonna talk like me now.

So these retards are going to grow corn to turn into Biofuel, then build build a pipeline to store their waste in the Dakotas?

Biofuel, okay. So you you gotta grow corn, right? Corn that animals and people could eat, but you're making a fuel

out of it and that's inefficient as all get out, it takes diesel to process it, and furthermore, fertilizer for that corn (and yes, it has to have it)

has to be mined out of Florida and then trucked or trained using diesel to make way less fuel than it even took to make the freakin'


This is total bullshit! Then they want to eminent domain farms to dispose of their waste materials underground in The Dakotas?

Wasting resources and valuable farming land even further. :cuckoo:

Yep, they should be rode out on a rail and tarred and feathered for trying some stupid crap like that.

No companies like this should exist, period. They are a drain on society and humanity, not necessarily in that order.

This is on par with cow fart catchers.
Where can we mail or e-mail our positions on the subject to where it may do some good?

Macron Suggests International Taxation System to Subsidise Green Agenda​

I'll tell you what: You tell Macron that we are all in for it! We will do it just like they do NATO:

His country pays 5% or 1% of their total NATO obligation, responsibility and promise, so we will likewise uphold about 1% to 5% of our obligation and promise to uphold green energy!!!
Where can we mail or e-mail our positions on the subject to where it may do some good?
Fuck email, BooBoo, this will come down to powder and lead.

Maybe a governor, or a legislator that hasn't been bought. They will buy some legislators.
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It starts with standing up and declaring Co2 a fraud and making the correct science arguments that prove it.

It won't come from Faux, McConnell, or McCarthy.

If it doesn't come from somewhere, the Co2 fraud will grow and get worse...

W had a chance to stop it and sold out as he did on everything.

homO hid it in the Closet.

Trump knew it was a fraud, KNEW because DoJ does have a case, and appointed Jeff Sessions, Jeff Sessions to make sure it never came out...

Who wants to lead America? Who wants to be an American hero? Who wants to save America from the Co2 fraud?
What Americans need is definitely NOT more fucking Ethanol. That garbage should be outlawed! :blowup:

It ruins engines!!!

Here's the UN-sponsored retards' site:

So I'm gonna talk like me now.

So these retards are going to grow corn to turn into Biofuel, then build build a pipeline to store their waste in the Dakotas?

Biofuel, okay. So you you gotta grow corn, right? Corn that animals and people could eat, but you're making a fuel

out of it and that's inefficient as all get out, it takes diesel to process it, and furthermore, fertilizer for that corn (and yes, it has to have it)

has to be mined out of Florida and then trucked or trained using diesel to make way less fuel than it even took to make the freakin'


This is total bullshit! Then they want to eminent domain farms to dispose of their waste materials underground in The Dakotas?

Wasting resources and valuable farming land even further. :cuckoo:

Yep, they should be rode out on a rail and tarred and feathered for trying some stupid crap like that.

No companies like this should exist, period. They are a drain on society and humanity, not necessarily in that order.

This is on par with cow fart catchers.


Note that that thing is constructed of plastic and nylon (fossil fuel products)

These people are either beyond retarded, or they assume everyone else it and will fall for their crap.

If they're not planning on using the CO2 to grow pot or some other hydroponic crop, or jettisoning it into outer space, wtf are they doing?

The truth is, they're just full of shit about all of it.

They do a lot more than just bilk the taxpayer over fudged fraud. They bully and they murder... and sometimes they attempt murder and whiff... and DoJ does nothing.

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