Another Poll Has Haley Within 4 Points of Trump in New Hampshire

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
A new poll out today from American Research Group has Nikki Haley within four points of Trump in New Hampshire. The momentum in New Hampshire is real. Additionally, DeSantis has a huge ground game in Iowa that dwarves Trump's. We may see a realistic scenario in which DeSantis wins Iowa and Haley wins New Hampshire.

A new poll out today from American Research Group has Nikki Haley within four points of Trump in New Hampshire. The momentum in New Hampshire is real. Additionally, DeSantis has a huge ground game in Iowa that dwarves Trump's. We may see a realistic scenario in which DeSantis wins Iowa and Haley wins New Hampshire.

Doubtful she wins.

But she really doesn't need to. If she loses SC, thats the ball game.

The thing is (as much as it is a "thing") is that if the opinion polls have Trump up by 40% and he wins by 25..the press is going to wonder what happened to the support he lost?

Running the "inevitability" offense is fraught. Ask Hillary in 08.
A new poll out today from American Research Group has Nikki Haley within four points of Trump in New Hampshire. The momentum in New Hampshire is real. Additionally, DeSantis has a huge ground game in Iowa that dwarves Trump's. We may see a realistic scenario in which DeSantis wins Iowa and Haley wins New Hampshire.

You guys sure do love that Hopium, huh? Ok, for the sake of that let's say that one or more of these primaries fall to an also-ran. Do you honestly still believe that Trump would ever step away? Refuse to continue running or not take the nation to the wall by calling for mass write-in votes? He's been the target of so much shit that there is no way he walks away before burning it all down and most of his supporters would cheerfully help him.
I know I WOULD. Maybe someday you lot will finally realize that 75 million Americans aren't all subnormally intelligent or "cult members".

We are the constituency that realizes DC is the enemy, not a single outside candidate they fear.
A new poll out today from American Research Group has Nikki Haley within four points of Trump in New Hampshire. The momentum in New Hampshire is real. Additionally, DeSantis has a huge ground game in Iowa that dwarves Trump's. We may see a realistic scenario in which DeSantis wins Iowa and Haley wins New Hampshire.

For years we've been regaled with the fable of how allegedly deep the GOP bench is...And these are the two clods you trot out.

A new poll out today from American Research Group has Nikki Haley within four points of Trump in New Hampshire. The momentum in New Hampshire is real. Additionally, DeSantis has a huge ground game in Iowa that dwarves Trump's. We may see a realistic scenario in which DeSantis wins Iowa and Haley wins New Hampshire.

Haley said we should not call the millions of military aged men illegally invading our country “criminals”, she’s got NO CHANCE at the Republican nomination

The “News” you mentioned comes from the Iraqi WMD, Trump Russia Collusion outlets
The open borders and her lengthy career in goveenment ensure she won't beat.Trump. The border has been the greatest gift to Trumps campaign, along with the variois wars which are ongoing now but weren't when he was in power. a Americans should read comments.from citizens around the world, a return of Trunp is far more welcome than people realize. Iran is now.a.member of BRIC with china and Russia, Israel I'm sure understands the fight they are in for their existence while Iran has closer.allies now. How would Haley solve this?
A new poll out today from American Research Group has Nikki Haley within four points of Trump in New Hampshire. The momentum in New Hampshire is real. Additionally, DeSantis has a huge ground game in Iowa that dwarves Trump's. We may see a realistic scenario in which DeSantis wins Iowa and Haley wins New Hampshire.

I'd not be at all surprised, Cruz won Iowa by 3.3 points and Trump won in NH with 35% in 2016. The field was a lot more crowded.

As a aside (least we forget) Hillary only won in Iowa by .3 % and Bernie beat Hillary in NH causing a full blown DNC panic.
Ah. Heh heh. Another ARG poll, pushing the same narrative as the other AGR poll they put out a couple of weeks ago. I wonder who is funding the endeavor. They never really say. But whoever it is pushing Haley by way of ARG sure does seem to be persistent. And apparently hoping the pubic will just go along with whatever bullsugar they're putting out there for consumption.

I'm thinking that it's more than likely the Koch network.

Anyway. About ARG...

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By the way. Why does Haley contend that it is wrong to correctly refer to the illegal aliens invading our country by the millions as criminals?

The two lively youngsters DeSantis and Haley have been out polling the old rooster for the entire presidential campaign. Let nature take its course.
Haley is a RINO, and its not DeSantis' time yet....
The only reason Tazbro even mentions them is that he is campaigning for Trump.
Ah. Heh heh. Another ARG poll, pushing the same narrative as the other AGR poll they put out a couple of weeks ago. I wonder who is funding the endeavor. They never really say. But whoever it is pushing Haley by way of ARG sure does seem to be persistent. And apparently hoping the pubic will just go along with whatever bullsugar they're putting out there for consumption.

I'm thinking that it's more than likely the Koch network.

Anyway. About ARG...

Well then Tazbro must be working for them....
Well then Tazbro must be working for them....

Nah. He's just a regular schmuck like the rest of us.

This stuff is tailored to be seeded into social media and spread around by those whom it's specifically tailored for and on the assumption that they will spread it around.

Especially when you're dealing with the likes of ARG.

I'm sticking with my hunch that it's likely a Koch network endeavor being run through ARG in order to project some illusion of legitimacy.

Anyone who is familiar with AGR's methodology and practices should be able to figure out why their platform is utilized by these special interestes to fund their so-called ''research.''
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By the way. Why does Haley contend that it is wrong to correctly refer to the illegal aliens invading our country by the millions as criminals?

Deport Nikki and her Illegal Allies. I bet they're the ones who voted for her in the fake poll

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