As Cop-Beating Illegal Aliens Go Free, DA Bragg Plans Another Prosecution of Trump’s 76-Year-Old CFO


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Lawfare, plain and simple.

Talk about people with no heart, they'd have loved the Cheka, the KGB, the Gestapo, and the Stasi.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is pressuring former president Donald Trump’s chief financial officer to plead guilty yet again, according to a New York Times report.

Last year, Bragg’s office induced Allen Weisselberg, a longtime Trump Organization executive, to plead guilty to 15 tax charges so trifling that he was sentenced to all of 100 days in jail (in the main, the case involved failing to pay taxes on perks).

Of course, that is a significant sentence in Bragg’s Manhattan, where the laws often go minimally enforced, if enforced at all, against hardened criminals. Only yesterday, for example, a group of fighting-age male illegal aliens in the country thanks to Biden’s border crisis smirked and flipped their middle fingers at onlookers as they strutted out of Manhattan court after being released, without bail, following their vicious beating of two NYPD cops near Times Square.

While assaults on police are not a priority for him, Bragg, an elected Democrat, is committed to nailing Donald Trump. So he turned the screws on Weisselberg. While even violent offenders often evade incarceration in Manhattan, the 76-year-old was locked up in Rikers Island for three months after pleading guilty to the minor, non-violent crimes, as Bragg pressured him to testify against Trump. While Weisselberg claimed not to have inculpatory information against Trump himself, he was a useful witness in Bragg’s prosecution of the Trump Organization, which was convicted of minor tax offenses similar to Weisselberg’s. (Once the CFO admits to crimes, it is not difficult for a prosecutor to make a case on the company, though most do not do so since going after a business usually harms employees who are innocent of any wrongdoing. But remember, this is New York prosecutors and Trump’s business we’re talking about.)

While Weisselberg was detained at Rikers, Bragg’s prosecutors continued to pressure him, warning that he could face perjury charges at some point. That threat seemed to fade away but was recently revived. There appear to be two explanations for this.

First, prosecutors and their colleagues at elected Democratic attorney general Letitia James’s office are unhappy with testimony that Weisselberg gave during the trial of James’s civil fraud case against Trump. (We are awaiting the verdict in that case, soon to be rendered by Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron, another elected Democrat.)

Second, because the federal prosecutions against Trump have bogged down in appeals and other complexities (because the Biden Justice Department’s special counsel concocted extravagant legal theories in his quest to get Trump convicted before Election Day), it suddenly appears as if Bragg’s business-records fraud indictment of Trump may go to trial in March after all.

It is not believed that Bragg is banking on testimony from Weisselberg in his Trump prosecution. It does appear, though, that putting Trump’s finance guy through the ringer yet again could be Bragg’s way of warning potential defense witnesses that testifying in Trump’s behalf could carry legal peril.


Thus is Allen Weisselberg getting attention from DA Bragg that cop-bashing “migrants” do not.

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Thread locked for restart after removing posts not related to OP Thread Post and Title:

As Cop-Beating Illegal Aliens Go Free, DA Bragg Plans Another Prosecution of Trump’s 76-Year-Old CFO​

Narrow response to Manhattan DA and his choice of proesecution in his district, or find another thread.
Thread locked for restart after removing posts not related to OP Thread Post and Title:

As Cop-Beating Illegal Aliens Go Free, DA Bragg Plans Another Prosecution of Trump’s 76-Year-Old CFO​

Narrow response to Manhattan DA and his choice of proesecution in his district, or find another thread.
Thread Now Open for business. Remember the thread topic.
Enjoy the thread.
It is not believed that Bragg is banking on testimony from Weisselberg in his Trump prosecution. It does appear, though, that putting Trump’s finance guy through the ringer yet again could be Bragg’s way of warning potential defense witnesses that testifying in Trump’s behalf could carry legal peril.

I definately believe this part. Democrats want to intimidate or persecute anyone associated with Trump. But crime that effects every day citizens? Meh... we are basically on our own with violent criminals getting out same day without bail.
Lawfare, plain and simple.

Talk about people with no heart, they'd have loved the Cheka, the KGB, the Gestapo, and the Stasi.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is pressuring former president Donald Trump’s chief financial officer to plead guilty yet again, according to a New York Times report.​
Last year, Bragg’s office induced Allen Weisselberg, a longtime Trump Organization executive, to plead guilty to 15 tax charges so trifling that he was sentenced to all of 100 days in jail (in the main, the case involved failing to pay taxes on perks).​
Of course, that is a significant sentence in Bragg’s Manhattan, where the laws often go minimally enforced, if enforced at all, against hardened criminals. Only yesterday, for example, a group of fighting-age male illegal aliens in the country thanks to Biden’s border crisis smirked and flipped their middle fingers at onlookers as they strutted out of Manhattan court after being released, without bail, following their vicious beating of two NYPD cops near Times Square.​
While assaults on police are not a priority for him, Bragg, an elected Democrat, is committed to nailing Donald Trump. So he turned the screws on Weisselberg. While even violent offenders often evade incarceration in Manhattan, the 76-year-old was locked up in Rikers Island for three months after pleading guilty to the minor, non-violent crimes, as Bragg pressured him to testify against Trump. While Weisselberg claimed not to have inculpatory information against Trump himself, he was a useful witness in Bragg’s prosecution of the Trump Organization, which was convicted of minor tax offenses similar to Weisselberg’s. (Once the CFO admits to crimes, it is not difficult for a prosecutor to make a case on the company, though most do not do so since going after a business usually harms employees who are innocent of any wrongdoing. But remember, this is New York prosecutors and Trump’s business we’re talking about.)​
While Weisselberg was detained at Rikers, Bragg’s prosecutors continued to pressure him, warning that he could face perjury charges at some point. That threat seemed to fade away but was recently revived. There appear to be two explanations for this.​
First, prosecutors and their colleagues at elected Democratic attorney general Letitia James’s office are unhappy with testimony that Weisselberg gave during the trial of James’s civil fraud case against Trump. (We are awaiting the verdict in that case, soon to be rendered by Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron, another elected Democrat.)​
Second, because the federal prosecutions against Trump have bogged down in appeals and other complexities (because the Biden Justice Department’s special counsel concocted extravagant legal theories in his quest to get Trump convicted before Election Day), it suddenly appears as if Bragg’s business-records fraud indictment of Trump may go to trial in March after all.​
It is not believed that Bragg is banking on testimony from Weisselberg in his Trump prosecution. It does appear, though, that putting Trump’s finance guy through the ringer yet again could be Bragg’s way of warning potential defense witnesses that testifying in Trump’s behalf could carry legal peril.​
Thus is Allen Weisselberg getting attention from DA Bragg that cop-bashing “migrants” do not.

I wish you guys would make up your minds. Jan 6 defendants are held without bail and that is outrageous. Sure it is the law and legal. And in the next thread you decry a state who has cashless bail.
It is not believed that Bragg is banking on testimony from Weisselberg in his Trump prosecution. It does appear, though, that putting Trump’s finance guy through the ringer yet again could be Bragg’s way of warning potential defense witnesses that testifying in Trump’s behalf could carry legal peril.

I definately believe this part. Democrats want to intimidate or persecute anyone associated with Trump. But crime that effects every day citizens? Meh... we are basically on our own with violent criminals getting out same day without bail.
They were never arrested they have been indicted and will end up in jail.
could be Bragg’s way of warning potential defense witnesses that testifying in Trump’s behalf could carry legal peril.
Well, in the details specific to this CFO's case.....ALL patriotic law-abiding Americans want Bragg's decision here to be "a warning". Hell yes!

If one is gonna commit perjury in court in order to protect oneself or one's employer......hell, yes!! ....lay on that criminal the prosecutions and convictions that will discourage him, or any others from lying to a judge.

What law-abiding American citizen wouldn't want that common sense ethic?
Lawfare, plain and simple.

Talk about people with no heart, they'd have loved the Cheka, the KGB, the Gestapo, and the Stasi.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is pressuring former president Donald Trump’s chief financial officer to plead guilty yet again, according to a New York Times report.​
Last year, Bragg’s office induced Allen Weisselberg, a longtime Trump Organization executive, to plead guilty to 15 tax charges so trifling that he was sentenced to all of 100 days in jail (in the main, the case involved failing to pay taxes on perks).​
Of course, that is a significant sentence in Bragg’s Manhattan, where the laws often go minimally enforced, if enforced at all, against hardened criminals. Only yesterday, for example, a group of fighting-age male illegal aliens in the country thanks to Biden’s border crisis smirked and flipped their middle fingers at onlookers as they strutted out of Manhattan court after being released, without bail, following their vicious beating of two NYPD cops near Times Square.​
While assaults on police are not a priority for him, Bragg, an elected Democrat, is committed to nailing Donald Trump. So he turned the screws on Weisselberg. While even violent offenders often evade incarceration in Manhattan, the 76-year-old was locked up in Rikers Island for three months after pleading guilty to the minor, non-violent crimes, as Bragg pressured him to testify against Trump. While Weisselberg claimed not to have inculpatory information against Trump himself, he was a useful witness in Bragg’s prosecution of the Trump Organization, which was convicted of minor tax offenses similar to Weisselberg’s. (Once the CFO admits to crimes, it is not difficult for a prosecutor to make a case on the company, though most do not do so since going after a business usually harms employees who are innocent of any wrongdoing. But remember, this is New York prosecutors and Trump’s business we’re talking about.)​
While Weisselberg was detained at Rikers, Bragg’s prosecutors continued to pressure him, warning that he could face perjury charges at some point. That threat seemed to fade away but was recently revived. There appear to be two explanations for this.​
First, prosecutors and their colleagues at elected Democratic attorney general Letitia James’s office are unhappy with testimony that Weisselberg gave during the trial of James’s civil fraud case against Trump. (We are awaiting the verdict in that case, soon to be rendered by Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron, another elected Democrat.)​
Second, because the federal prosecutions against Trump have bogged down in appeals and other complexities (because the Biden Justice Department’s special counsel concocted extravagant legal theories in his quest to get Trump convicted before Election Day), it suddenly appears as if Bragg’s business-records fraud indictment of Trump may go to trial in March after all.​
It is not believed that Bragg is banking on testimony from Weisselberg in his Trump prosecution. It does appear, though, that putting Trump’s finance guy through the ringer yet again could be Bragg’s way of warning potential defense witnesses that testifying in Trump’s behalf could carry legal peril.​
Thus is Allen Weisselberg getting attention from DA Bragg that cop-bashing “migrants” do not.

What do New York's bail laws have to do with AWs perjury?
I wish you guys would make up your minds. Jan 6 defendants are held without bail and that is outrageous. Sure it is the law and legal. And in the next thread you decry a state who has cashless bail.

No, no, you don't understand. You see, the Jan Sixers are political prisoners. They are freedom fighters and martyrs to the cause!!!
Lawfare, plain and simple.

Talk about people with no heart, they'd have loved the Cheka, the KGB, the Gestapo, and the Stasi.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is pressuring former president Donald Trump’s chief financial officer to plead guilty yet again, according to a New York Times report.​
Last year, Bragg’s office induced Allen Weisselberg, a longtime Trump Organization executive, to plead guilty to 15 tax charges so trifling that he was sentenced to all of 100 days in jail (in the main, the case involved failing to pay taxes on perks).​
Of course, that is a significant sentence in Bragg’s Manhattan, where the laws often go minimally enforced, if enforced at all, against hardened criminals. Only yesterday, for example, a group of fighting-age male illegal aliens in the country thanks to Biden’s border crisis smirked and flipped their middle fingers at onlookers as they strutted out of Manhattan court after being released, without bail, following their vicious beating of two NYPD cops near Times Square.​
While assaults on police are not a priority for him, Bragg, an elected Democrat, is committed to nailing Donald Trump. So he turned the screws on Weisselberg. While even violent offenders often evade incarceration in Manhattan, the 76-year-old was locked up in Rikers Island for three months after pleading guilty to the minor, non-violent crimes, as Bragg pressured him to testify against Trump. While Weisselberg claimed not to have inculpatory information against Trump himself, he was a useful witness in Bragg’s prosecution of the Trump Organization, which was convicted of minor tax offenses similar to Weisselberg’s. (Once the CFO admits to crimes, it is not difficult for a prosecutor to make a case on the company, though most do not do so since going after a business usually harms employees who are innocent of any wrongdoing. But remember, this is New York prosecutors and Trump’s business we’re talking about.)​
While Weisselberg was detained at Rikers, Bragg’s prosecutors continued to pressure him, warning that he could face perjury charges at some point. That threat seemed to fade away but was recently revived. There appear to be two explanations for this.​
First, prosecutors and their colleagues at elected Democratic attorney general Letitia James’s office are unhappy with testimony that Weisselberg gave during the trial of James’s civil fraud case against Trump. (We are awaiting the verdict in that case, soon to be rendered by Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron, another elected Democrat.)​
Second, because the federal prosecutions against Trump have bogged down in appeals and other complexities (because the Biden Justice Department’s special counsel concocted extravagant legal theories in his quest to get Trump convicted before Election Day), it suddenly appears as if Bragg’s business-records fraud indictment of Trump may go to trial in March after all.​
It is not believed that Bragg is banking on testimony from Weisselberg in his Trump prosecution. It does appear, though, that putting Trump’s finance guy through the ringer yet again could be Bragg’s way of warning potential defense witnesses that testifying in Trump’s behalf could carry legal peril.​
Thus is Allen Weisselberg getting attention from DA Bragg that cop-bashing “migrants” do not.

This white wing dog whistle talking point is hot garbage.
Lawfare, plain and simple.

Talk about people with no heart, they'd have loved the Cheka, the KGB, the Gestapo, and the Stasi.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is pressuring former president Donald Trump’s chief financial officer to plead guilty yet again, according to a New York Times report.​
Last year, Bragg’s office induced Allen Weisselberg, a longtime Trump Organization executive, to plead guilty to 15 tax charges so trifling that he was sentenced to all of 100 days in jail (in the main, the case involved failing to pay taxes on perks).​
Of course, that is a significant sentence in Bragg’s Manhattan, where the laws often go minimally enforced, if enforced at all, against hardened criminals. Only yesterday, for example, a group of fighting-age male illegal aliens in the country thanks to Biden’s border crisis smirked and flipped their middle fingers at onlookers as they strutted out of Manhattan court after being released, without bail, following their vicious beating of two NYPD cops near Times Square.​
While assaults on police are not a priority for him, Bragg, an elected Democrat, is committed to nailing Donald Trump. So he turned the screws on Weisselberg. While even violent offenders often evade incarceration in Manhattan, the 76-year-old was locked up in Rikers Island for three months after pleading guilty to the minor, non-violent crimes, as Bragg pressured him to testify against Trump. While Weisselberg claimed not to have inculpatory information against Trump himself, he was a useful witness in Bragg’s prosecution of the Trump Organization, which was convicted of minor tax offenses similar to Weisselberg’s. (Once the CFO admits to crimes, it is not difficult for a prosecutor to make a case on the company, though most do not do so since going after a business usually harms employees who are innocent of any wrongdoing. But remember, this is New York prosecutors and Trump’s business we’re talking about.)​
While Weisselberg was detained at Rikers, Bragg’s prosecutors continued to pressure him, warning that he could face perjury charges at some point. That threat seemed to fade away but was recently revived. There appear to be two explanations for this.​
First, prosecutors and their colleagues at elected Democratic attorney general Letitia James’s office are unhappy with testimony that Weisselberg gave during the trial of James’s civil fraud case against Trump. (We are awaiting the verdict in that case, soon to be rendered by Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron, another elected Democrat.)​
Second, because the federal prosecutions against Trump have bogged down in appeals and other complexities (because the Biden Justice Department’s special counsel concocted extravagant legal theories in his quest to get Trump convicted before Election Day), it suddenly appears as if Bragg’s business-records fraud indictment of Trump may go to trial in March after all.​
It is not believed that Bragg is banking on testimony from Weisselberg in his Trump prosecution. It does appear, though, that putting Trump’s finance guy through the ringer yet again could be Bragg’s way of warning potential defense witnesses that testifying in Trump’s behalf could carry legal peril.​
Thus is Allen Weisselberg getting attention from DA Bragg that cop-bashing “migrants” do not.

The DA has nothing to do with the Court system of Judges, who determine bail.

And the State judges follow the parameters that the State legislature sets up for the judges for bail.
Lawfare, plain and simple.

Talk about people with no heart, they'd have loved the Cheka, the KGB, the Gestapo, and the Stasi.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is pressuring former president Donald Trump’s chief financial officer to plead guilty yet again, according to a New York Times report.​
Last year, Bragg’s office induced Allen Weisselberg, a longtime Trump Organization executive, to plead guilty to 15 tax charges so trifling that he was sentenced to all of 100 days in jail (in the main, the case involved failing to pay taxes on perks).​
Of course, that is a significant sentence in Bragg’s Manhattan, where the laws often go minimally enforced, if enforced at all, against hardened criminals. Only yesterday, for example, a group of fighting-age male illegal aliens in the country thanks to Biden’s border crisis smirked and flipped their middle fingers at onlookers as they strutted out of Manhattan court after being released, without bail, following their vicious beating of two NYPD cops near Times Square.​
While assaults on police are not a priority for him, Bragg, an elected Democrat, is committed to nailing Donald Trump. So he turned the screws on Weisselberg. While even violent offenders often evade incarceration in Manhattan, the 76-year-old was locked up in Rikers Island for three months after pleading guilty to the minor, non-violent crimes, as Bragg pressured him to testify against Trump. While Weisselberg claimed not to have inculpatory information against Trump himself, he was a useful witness in Bragg’s prosecution of the Trump Organization, which was convicted of minor tax offenses similar to Weisselberg’s. (Once the CFO admits to crimes, it is not difficult for a prosecutor to make a case on the company, though most do not do so since going after a business usually harms employees who are innocent of any wrongdoing. But remember, this is New York prosecutors and Trump’s business we’re talking about.)​
While Weisselberg was detained at Rikers, Bragg’s prosecutors continued to pressure him, warning that he could face perjury charges at some point. That threat seemed to fade away but was recently revived. There appear to be two explanations for this.​
First, prosecutors and their colleagues at elected Democratic attorney general Letitia James’s office are unhappy with testimony that Weisselberg gave during the trial of James’s civil fraud case against Trump. (We are awaiting the verdict in that case, soon to be rendered by Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron, another elected Democrat.)​
Second, because the federal prosecutions against Trump have bogged down in appeals and other complexities (because the Biden Justice Department’s special counsel concocted extravagant legal theories in his quest to get Trump convicted before Election Day), it suddenly appears as if Bragg’s business-records fraud indictment of Trump may go to trial in March after all.​
It is not believed that Bragg is banking on testimony from Weisselberg in his Trump prosecution. It does appear, though, that putting Trump’s finance guy through the ringer yet again could be Bragg’s way of warning potential defense witnesses that testifying in Trump’s behalf could carry legal peril.​
Thus is Allen Weisselberg getting attention from DA Bragg that cop-bashing “migrants” do not.

That's what you get, when you commit perjury.

Try it.
Lawfare, plain and simple.

Talk about people with no heart, they'd have loved the Cheka, the KGB, the Gestapo, and the Stasi.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is pressuring former president Donald Trump’s chief financial officer to plead guilty yet again, according to a New York Times report.​
Last year, Bragg’s office induced Allen Weisselberg, a longtime Trump Organization executive, to plead guilty to 15 tax charges so trifling that he was sentenced to all of 100 days in jail (in the main, the case involved failing to pay taxes on perks).​
Of course, that is a significant sentence in Bragg’s Manhattan, where the laws often go minimally enforced, if enforced at all, against hardened criminals. Only yesterday, for example, a group of fighting-age male illegal aliens in the country thanks to Biden’s border crisis smirked and flipped their middle fingers at onlookers as they strutted out of Manhattan court after being released, without bail, following their vicious beating of two NYPD cops near Times Square.​
While assaults on police are not a priority for him, Bragg, an elected Democrat, is committed to nailing Donald Trump. So he turned the screws on Weisselberg. While even violent offenders often evade incarceration in Manhattan, the 76-year-old was locked up in Rikers Island for three months after pleading guilty to the minor, non-violent crimes, as Bragg pressured him to testify against Trump. While Weisselberg claimed not to have inculpatory information against Trump himself, he was a useful witness in Bragg’s prosecution of the Trump Organization, which was convicted of minor tax offenses similar to Weisselberg’s. (Once the CFO admits to crimes, it is not difficult for a prosecutor to make a case on the company, though most do not do so since going after a business usually harms employees who are innocent of any wrongdoing. But remember, this is New York prosecutors and Trump’s business we’re talking about.)​
While Weisselberg was detained at Rikers, Bragg’s prosecutors continued to pressure him, warning that he could face perjury charges at some point. That threat seemed to fade away but was recently revived. There appear to be two explanations for this.​
First, prosecutors and their colleagues at elected Democratic attorney general Letitia James’s office are unhappy with testimony that Weisselberg gave during the trial of James’s civil fraud case against Trump. (We are awaiting the verdict in that case, soon to be rendered by Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron, another elected Democrat.)​
Second, because the federal prosecutions against Trump have bogged down in appeals and other complexities (because the Biden Justice Department’s special counsel concocted extravagant legal theories in his quest to get Trump convicted before Election Day), it suddenly appears as if Bragg’s business-records fraud indictment of Trump may go to trial in March after all.​
It is not believed that Bragg is banking on testimony from Weisselberg in his Trump prosecution. It does appear, though, that putting Trump’s finance guy through the ringer yet again could be Bragg’s way of warning potential defense witnesses that testifying in Trump’s behalf could carry legal peril.​
Thus is Allen Weisselberg getting attention from DA Bragg that cop-bashing “migrants” do not.

Geriatric my ass get your ass back in Rikers you old ass bastard-DA Bragg
So what?

You lie every day.

You should be in jail.
Don’t lie on your taxes.
Don’t lie to a judge.
Don’t lie to a cop.
Don’t lie to your bank.
Don’t lie to your investors.
Don’t lie to your wife.

All but the last one will get you thrown in jail and the last one is way worse.
Welp looks like Weisselberg is getting ready to go back to eating cockmeat sandwiches again for the next few months.

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