Axios reported, “Unsold electric cars are piling up on dealer lots.”

Is this a topic that Liberals and Conservatives can have a discussion on.

I own a Honda Accord and won't be buying an E.V.

But, I have read some history and know that wagon owners never believed the automobile would amount to anything at all. Didn't anticipate a lot of things, including Henry Ford's assembly line and cheap Model T's.

So, I have an open mind.

How do EV's in the USA go toward offsetting the two coal plants a week China is opening?

They don’t. They offset votes for democrats at taxpayer expense.
EMH has been saying this for MONTHS now...

Then Traitor Joe handed Ford a $9 billion taxpayer funded "loan" to build even more EV capacity...

and the GOP just bowed and nodded....
9 billon is chump change compared to what the Kenyan shelled out for the Chevy Volt. They don’t even make them anymore I think I’ve seen maybe ten on the road since inception.
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That they do not know is pretty dumb but the question is certainly not a 'smart' question. It is a pointless question as the percentage of the atmosphere that is CO2 is meaningless without context as to what that percentage means in climate change.

If I said .05% of the atmosphere in a given area was nerve agent you would not willfully walk through the area (or at least not for very long). Chlorine gas can kill at .0001% concertation.

Because the number is .0001% means nothing without the context in question.
That they do not know is pretty dumb but the question is certainly not a 'smart' question. It is a pointless question as the percentage of the atmosphere that is CO2 is meaningless without context as to what that percentage means in climate change.

If I said .05% of the atmosphere in a given area was nerve agent you would not willfully walk through the area (or at least not for very long). Chlorine gas can kill at .0001% concertation.

Because the number is .0001% means nothing without the context in question.
Oh I get that this is yet another grandstanding play....but one I found interesting.

Because of the ice cores from the poles that they claim show increased amounts of CO² during periods of global warming.

So....since this can is opened....what does the data show without the hype?
Is this a topic that Liberals and Conservatives can have a discussion on.

I own a Honda Accord and won't be buying an E.V.

But, I have read some history and know that wagon owners never believed the automobile would amount to anything at all. Didn't anticipate a lot of things, including Henry Ford's assembly line and cheap Model T's.

So, I have an open mind.

How do EV's in the USA go toward offsetting the two coal plants a week China is opening?
Yep too expensive
Oh I get that this is yet another grandstanding play....but one I found interesting.

Because of the ice cores from the poles that they claim show increased amounts of CO² during periods of global warming.

So....since this can is opened....what does the data show without the hype?
Hossenfelder does a good job of explaining the complex concepts in how CO2 effects temperatures:

And basically every argument on this board is irrelevant because they are arguing against a grade school interpretation of climate science.

And ice cores are fairly irrelevant as they do not model what the current issues are. Mainly, there is no unnatural source of atmosphere alteration in those atmospheres and that means modeling future effects based off of them is going to be rather pointless.
Hossenfelder does a good job of explaining the complex concepts in how CO2 effects temperatures:

And basically every argument on this board is irrelevant because they are arguing against a grade school interpretation of climate science.

And ice cores are fairly irrelevant as they do not model what the current issues are. Mainly, there is no unnatural source of atmosphere alteration in those atmospheres and that means modeling future effects based off of them is going to be rather pointless.

Since "greenhouse " gasses are usually heavier than oxygen and nitrogen they stay relatively low. In fact there's been several instances of trapped gasses being released from a mountain lake that have suffocated villages below.

Methane is another greenhouse gas (from "wetlands" or swamps) as well as waste sites and farms. But again....heavier than oxygen and nitrogen and not reaching the all important stratosphere.

The one deviation she noted in her model of the stratosphere was from a volcanic eruption that did reach the upper atmosphere as gasses and ash was injected higher in the atmosphere from great pressure than any city or farming area could create.

Where all of this is encouraging for those who argue against "climate change" and all the EVs....
What I do know is that coal contains mercury which creates a toxic environment for all life in its vicinity. There have been some great technologies to remove the mercury from coal's expensive to remove.

Water vapor is still the chief "greenhouse " gas. Not much can be done about that. And CO² is such a tiny fraction of the atmosphere....I still have a difficult time believing in EVs doing anything other than being an expensive and problematic replacement for ICE vehicles. Lithium mining is extremely toxic and troublesome with supporting "bad actors" on the world stage as well as the corresponding rare earth elements needed for lithium batteries to function. Especially when the vehicle itself needs so many petroleum products.
Hossenfelder does a good job of explaining the complex concepts in how CO2 effects temperatures:

And basically every argument on this board is irrelevant because they are arguing against a grade school interpretation of climate science.

And ice cores are fairly irrelevant as they do not model what the current issues are. Mainly, there is no unnatural source of atmosphere alteration in those atmospheres and that means modeling future effects based off of them is going to be rather pointless.

You say that with such confidence. Kinda like you know what you’re talking about.

Sadly you don’t
You say that with such confidence. Kinda like you know what you’re talking about.

Sadly you don’t
Actually he does...
The physics and wavelengths of light she discusses are well known....heck, I had to know them for fiber optic cabling.


Where some of her final conclusions are somewhat subjective in the final few moments....she does explain much very clearly.
And you do?

Enlighten me, what did I say that was incorrect? What was incorrect that the cited physicist stated?

I doubt you even listened to the description given.
Start with your claim that ice cores tell us nothing useful
Like it or not there is a TV series on a cable network who tells us all of the men who built America. Whether they were nice or not so nice. Accommodating or ruthless. I guarantee you Joe or Obama would not be part of those men who we live easier lives today because of their genius. That was private side pushing advancements with bankruptcy and the poorhouse likely without success. Government trying to do this creates sloppiness and a loss of creativity because a money spigot is keeping something alive that has to still pass many hurdles even with success. The result is many people are enriched who receive the government money while there is little benefit. Somehow, Progs think that we are at war. And wars were to be won. Well at least until WW 2.

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