Zone1 Been in Vietnam for One Month


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
The Vietnamese I have to say are the most polite and intelligent people I have ever met. It is a small wonder then that East-Asians are called the ideal minority. Unlike others, who we are all too familiar with, they pursue educational success, assimilation and even if they are impoverished they keep their children and property clean and usually crime-free.

If, for example, Haiti was populated by Vietnamese instead of "Africans", I can guarantee it would be a tropical paradise instead of the shithole it is.
The Vietnamese I have to say are the most polite and intelligent people I have ever met. It is a small wonder then that East-Asians are called the ideal minority. Unlike others, who we are all too familiar with, they pursue educational success, assimilation and even if they are impoverished they keep their children and property clean and usually crime-free.

If, for example, Haiti was populated by Vietnamese instead of "Africans", I can guarantee it would be a tropical paradise instead of the shithole it is.
tell us bout the cuisine you've been munching on....they smoke weed?
The Vietnam war was was a lesson in capitalism we taught them, and what fine capitalists those Vietnamese turned out to be: Electronics, textile products, machinery, footwear products, transportation products, wooden products, seafood products, steel, crude oil, pepper, rice and coffee.

Now if we could just get North Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan to pitch in and join the 21st century. Maybe we just didn't bomb them hard enough like we did Germany and Japan.
After 16 months serving in the army in Vietnam, I decided to have my first Vietnamese meal in Saigon the evening before my flight back to The World. I was sick for 36 hours. Had fluid coming out every orifice of my body.

In retrospect I probably should have tried it with a GI who was familiar with the local cuisine.

But the Vietnamese people I met and worked with were generally pleasant and intelligent.
The Vietnamese I have to say are the most polite and intelligent people I have ever met. It is a small wonder then that East-Asians are called the ideal minority. Unlike others, who we are all too familiar with, they pursue educational success, assimilation and even if they are impoverished they keep their children and property clean and usually crime-free.

If, for example, Haiti was populated by Vietnamese instead of "Africans", I can guarantee it would be a tropical paradise instead of the shithole it is.
that i believe at once!
The Vietnamese I have to say are the most polite and intelligent people I have ever met. It is a small wonder then that East-Asians are called the ideal minority. Unlike others, who we are all too familiar with, they pursue educational success, assimilation and even if they are impoverished they keep their children and property clean and usually crime-free.

If, for example, Haiti was populated by Vietnamese instead of "Africans", I can guarantee it would be a tropical paradise instead of the shithole it is.
Many good things about Asian culture, respecting the elderly, emphasis on education, etc.

But when they get to the states, it all starts to go out the window as they become dead brained Leftists.
The Vietnamese I have to say are the most polite and intelligent people I have ever met. It is a small wonder then that East-Asians are called the ideal minority. Unlike others, who we are all too familiar with, they pursue educational success, assimilation and even if they are impoverished they keep their children and property clean and usually crime-free.

If, for example, Haiti was populated by Vietnamese instead of "Africans", I can guarantee it would be a tropical paradise instead of the shithole it is.
Some of the Vietnamese I met several decades ago were trying to kill me and my friends. They were also killing their fellow Vietnamese. They were not very polite.
Some of the Vietnamese I met several decades ago were trying to kill me and my friends. They were also killing their fellow Vietnamese. They were not very polite.
Some of the Vietnamese I met several decades ago were trying to kill me and my friends. They were also killing their fellow Vietnamese. They were not very polite.
i understand. …..
The Vietnamese I have to say are the most polite and intelligent people I have ever met. It is a small wonder then that East-Asians are called the ideal minority. Unlike others, who we are all too familiar with, they pursue educational success, assimilation and even if they are impoverished they keep their children and property clean and usually crime-free.

If, for example, Haiti was populated by Vietnamese instead of "Africans", I can guarantee it would be a tropical paradise instead of the shithole it is.
Haiti is indeed a shythole to the max. When in the Dom Republic I ACTUALLY SAW BLACK SLAVES IN ACTION !!!!!! I mean leg irons and whips. They were digging a well into coral using what appeared to be crude spear and all they got for working all day was a burger and fries. I saw a babys skeleton burned into charcoals along the sidewalk while going to school down there ( It was VOODOO).
Haiti is indeed a shythole to the max. When in the Dom Republic I ACTUALLY SAW BLACK SLAVES IN ACTION !!!!!! I mean leg irons and whips. They were digging a well into coral using what appeared to be crude spear and all they got for working all day was a burger and fries. I saw a babys skeleton burned into charcoals along the sidewalk while going to school down there ( It was VOODOO).
I've been in there a few times and really like the place. I remember cruising on the Danang River which had to be a river of blood many years ago, but now it's so peaceful and serene. Good people.
This didn't happen to me but one of my friends.

At this time we were stationed at Camp McDermott in Nha Trang.

In relative terms at this particular time Nha Trang was safe.

My buddy decided to go into town one after afternoon after coming in from the field to get a little pussy.

He went to the whore/bar section of the town.

He went into a bar and begin negotiations with some of the girls. In the bar were also some Vietnamese "Cowboys".

The Cowboys were draft dodging street thugs that were usually involved with drugs and the Black market. They were the "Crips and Bloods" of Vietnam.

The Cowboys didn't take too kindly to the GI hitting on their women. A gang of them jumped my buddy and began to beat on him pretty badly.

At Nha Trang there was a regiment of South Korean soldiers stationed there and fortunately for my friend a group of them were also in the area looking to get some pussy and get drunk.

They saw the commotion and saw the American getting his ass kicked by a gang of Cowboys and like the good allies they are they jumped in and started to kick some Cowboy ass of their own.

They saved my friends life. To this day I have great respect for Koreans.

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