Biden announces national address on dangers of white supremacy on Jan 6 anniversary

President Joe Biden, who has spent 37 percent of his 2023 year on vacation, will make sure to mark the coming anniversary of January 6, 2021 by stoking fears of white supremacy. He's been keeping this at the forefront of his rhetoric since he took office.

Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris intend to make fears over white supremacy and domestic terrorism—carried out by Americans, not by any potential cells that have crossed through the collapsed US-Mexico border—a centerpiece of their re-election campaign.

That fateful day when hundreds of Trump supporters were let into the Capitol Building by Capitol Police officers and then arrested for trespassing has been used by fearmongering Democrats to stoke racial animus against white people and Trump supporters. Trump leads Biden among Hispanic voters and young people, and his 12 percent support among black voters has not declined since 2020 despite Biden's carefully constructed rhetoric.

As soon as the building was cleared, Democrats began vilifying Trump supporters and claiming that they had staged a "deadly insurrection." They mostly failed to note, however, that the only person killed that day was unarmed Trump supporter and veteran Ashli Babbitt, who was shot by Capitol Police. It was revealed months later that there was "no good reason" for shooting her.

For Biden, this is a great opportunity to remind America of his talking point that domestic terrorism and white supremacy—not border collapse, rising crime, inflation, or a $34 trillion debt—are the real threats facing America. In May, Biden promised "to stand up against the poison of white supremacy, as I did in my inaugural address — to single it out as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy."

Over the top you might think? Hold NBC's beer.

Biden campaign casts Trump as threat to democracy ahead of speech on Jan. 6 anniversary

Do the dems really think this will improve tater's popularity?

Hell, when are they going to make it a Federal Holiday of remembrance? You know, like Juneteenth?

Ooh! Maybe he will say that republicans are a threat to the country again! Why not. Nothing says “ELECT ME!” like sowing division.

Isn’t what he’s doing “insurrection”? He using an allegation that trump hasn’t been charged with to influence the outcome of an election! He’s trying to steal the election! That’s insurrection! Time for states to disqualify him. At least that’s an interpretation of it!

Come on, let’s get this party started!
President Joe Biden, who has spent 37 percent of his 2023 year on vacation, will make sure to mark the coming anniversary of January 6, 2021 by stoking fears of white supremacy. He's been keeping this at the forefront of his rhetoric since he took office.

Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris intend to make fears over white supremacy and domestic terrorism—carried out by Americans, not by any potential cells that have crossed through the collapsed US-Mexico border—a centerpiece of their re-election campaign.

That fateful day when hundreds of Trump supporters were let into the Capitol Building by Capitol Police officers and then arrested for trespassing has been used by fearmongering Democrats to stoke racial animus against white people and Trump supporters. Trump leads Biden among Hispanic voters and young people, and his 12 percent support among black voters has not declined since 2020 despite Biden's carefully constructed rhetoric.

As soon as the building was cleared, Democrats began vilifying Trump supporters and claiming that they had staged a "deadly insurrection." They mostly failed to note, however, that the only person killed that day was unarmed Trump supporter and veteran Ashli Babbitt, who was shot by Capitol Police. It was revealed months later that there was "no good reason" for shooting her.

For Biden, this is a great opportunity to remind America of his talking point that domestic terrorism and white supremacy—not border collapse, rising crime, inflation, or a $34 trillion debt—are the real threats facing America. In May, Biden promised "to stand up against the poison of white supremacy, as I did in my inaugural address — to single it out as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy."

Over the top you might think? Hold NBC's beer.

Biden campaign casts Trump as threat to democracy ahead of speech on Jan. 6 anniversary

Do the dems really think this will improve tater's popularity?

Hell, when are they going to make it a Federal Holiday of remembrance? You know, like Juneteenth?

Let him sink further. Potato isn't going to be reelected. Bank it

That new sunburn Ol Beezelbub is sporting should blend right in.
I see that picture and I just think:


“I AM CORNHLIO! I need t.p for my bunghole!”

Think of the peoples that did not call right-leaners deplorables and then reassess who the real enemy is.
Speaking at a fundraiser in New York City on Friday, Hillary Clinton said half of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables” characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” views.
“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
She said the other half of Trump’s supporters “feel that the government has let them down” and are “desperate for change.”
So 'right-leaners' are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic. Interesting concept, not without evidence to back it up.
Are you being sarcastic?

But to answer your questions, I AM involved in communications campaigns to educate American Jews about what’s going on.
You are the second person to ask me if I'm being sarcastic. I'm not.

I'm happy to hear that you're getting involved!
He will also accuse Trump of bombing black churches. With any luck at all it will be a full throated call to arms and end the white threat.
They are impotent idiots who's only agency is given to them by SJW idiots hoisting them as boogeymen.

Meanwhile massive border incursion, left wing protesters going hog wild in multiple blue cities, Atlanta's new police academy location under constant attack.....
Yes. The counter to the white haters is to be a brown hater. :rolleyes:

Ooh! Maybe he will say that republicans are a threat to the country again! Why not. Nothing says “ELECT ME!” like sowing division.

Isn’t what he’s doing “insurrection”? He using an allegation that trump hasn’t been charged with to influence the outcome of an election! He’s trying to steal the election! That’s insurrection! Time for states to disqualify him. At least that’s an interpretation of it!

Come on, let’s get this party started!
Tell me some more about the “ vermin”, dupe.
Tell me some more about the “ vermin”, dupe.

You know, the funny thing about the “vermin” comment is that it was the left who made that connection, as always, they take things that aren’t there and the lefty media spouts that all over the air waves, and the left just believe it.

Trump never said anything about the nazis or whatever, he just made a comment, and it was the left who took that, added all kinds of negativity to it, and then tried to attribute it to trump. The left did that..not trump.

The thing about what Biden said is, he said it, we know he said it, it was plain as day. Whether he meant it like that or not is up for debate but when you say “maga extremists are the biggest threat to our nation”, considering to the left, maga = all republicans, or at least anyone who votes for trump, that’s over 70 million people, that’s a dangerous thing.
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maga extremists are the biggest threat to our nation”,

Back when America passed the PA and created it's own HS gestapo there were many who lamented it all being aimed at the American public

1/4 century later, we've a career gub'mit incumbent labeling his constituency 'an extremist threat to democracy'

are the 'threat' , not us


Back when America passed the PA and created it's own HS gestapo there were many who lamented it all being aimed at the American public

1/4 century later, we've a career gub'mit incumbent labeling his constituency 'an extremist threat to democracy'

are the 'threat' , not us

The only thing that’s missing are the Hitler light and sound effects he used in his last speech to condemn his constituents - a red background, dark lighting, and of course U.S. Marines at his side.
You know, the funny thing about the “vermin” comment is that it was the left who made that connection, as always, they take things that aren’t there and the lefty media spouts that all over the air waves, and the left just believe it.

Trump never said anything about the nazis or whatever, he just made a comment, and it was the left who took that, added all kinds of negativity to it, and then tried to attribute it to trump. The left did that..not trump.

The thing about what Biden said is, he said it, we know he said it, it was plain as day. Whether he meant it like that or not is up for debate but when you say “maga extremists are the biggest threat to our nation”, considering to the left, maga = all republicans, or at least anyone who votes for trump, that’s over 70 million people, that’s a dangerous thing.
Always the false equivalencies when Trump has been shown to be deplorable.
You know, the funny thing about the “vermin” comment is that it was the left who made that connection, as always, they take things that aren’t there and the lefty media spouts that all over the air waves, and the left just believe it.

Trump never said anything about the nazis or whatever, he just made a comment, and it was the left who took that, added all kinds of negativity to it, and then tried to attribute it to trump. The left did that..not trump.

The thing about what Biden said is, he said it, we know he said it, it was plain as day. Whether he meant it like that or not is up for debate but when you say “maga extremists are the biggest threat to our nation”, considering to the left, maga = all republicans, or at least anyone who votes for trump, that’s over 70 million people, that’s a dangerous thing.
There's no denying that democrats are vermin. Grass is green. The sky is blue. Democrats are vermin.

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