Biden At The State Of The Union Grade "C"!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
If you were looking at the State of The Union last night to check to make sure Biden is fit to be President and to run for a second term or that he is a solidly good Democrat candidate for President Biden passed with flying colors! If your grading perspective was whether Joseph Biden would be at least a solidly good President you would have been sorely disappointed because in key areas he is fully a progressive and as such advocates bad policy. So as to be fair to President Biden he made some good important points the country should be supporting Ukraine, America has an unmatched leadership role in the world no one can fulfill the role America can here! Biden was right on the border issue do Republicans want to fix the problem they have the power to do so in the Senate Bipartisan bill. Biden was right on the U.S. should open a temporary port on the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Gaza to get food, water and medicine to the Palestinian civilians in Gaza because history will never forgive America if it doesn't stop the mass civilian starvation and medical care deprivation going on in Gaza.

But Biden speech is just full of progressive idealogue poison that the country of America does not need. Biden wants to increase the corporate tax rate to twenty-eight percent because U.S. Corporations need to pay their fair share he banters this slogan like these Corporations are committing murder. Where's Biden's sense for twenty-five years prior to the 2017 tax reform bill politicians of both parties continually clamored that America need to make our corporate tax rate competitive so to stop U.S. companies from moving abroad; twenty-eight percent isn't competitive however twenty-five percent the long-term consensus rate would be. Biden wants a minimum tax on corporations and wealthy people, twenty-one percent on corporations and twenty-five percent on wealthy people Biden shows a lack of fairness and the requisite sophistication for a leader of the world's premier capitalist economy. Corporations to a large degree pay lower tax rates on their income for good public policy reasons corporations get to expense many research expenses and capital expenditures to name a couple and wealthy individuals invest in municipal bonds and buy tax credits in the various markets that sell them for good public policy reasons. For an America elected office holder it is malpractice to support a minimum tax it over simplifies the problem as shown in part; however, and this is a very very very important point there is a lot of tax revenue that is lost to these taxpayers because of bad tax loopholes. What Joe Biden and good office holders in Congress should be saying is that Washington needs to stand up to the greedy bastard lobbyist who are responsible for these wasteful tax loopholes and were going to close them.

And since were on the topic of greedy bastard lobbyists Joe Biden needs to stop with his celebration that the government has the power to negotiate drug prices in medicare for a limited number of drugs every year. These are bad provision it is complete mislabel to say the Federal government has the power to negotiate prices the government has the power to dictate prices which is going to cause over time the supply of these drugs fall to alarming levels. Biden and members of Congress need to amend this law to an earlier version of the bill which then became law and didn't pass because the drug industry lobbyists threatened and coerced members of Congress to oppose it they need to amend the law to empower Medicare to negotiate these drug price to the same category of prices that other developed countries in the world pay mandate basic fairness apply. Biden again tonight clamored for the John Lewis and the other Democrat voting rights bills to be passed by Congress these are disgraceful anti American and anti fairness bills. They over criminalize thing and cast an overly wide net on legitimate advocacy these bills will prevent the voter rolls from being cleaned up where the same person is on multiple voting rolls, it mandates non excuse mail in ballots which cements unduly pressuring voters to vote a certain way and thus depriving them of the right of franchise thereby permanently destroying integrity in America's voting system, it gives control over America's entire voting system to the Department of Justice. I agree that legislation is needed in this area to bring racial fairness why don't you just mandate for every "x" number of voters in a community a polling station is needed so that all black neighborhoods are treated like white neighborhoods.

Joe Biden isn't the best quality Presidential leader, overall he is definitely better than Donald Trump but that isn't saying much because Trump is a super narcissist to list just one of his alarming character traits. Biden showed his shortcoming tonight in raising the border protection bill instead of focusing on how Trump played politics here he should have used it as an opportunity to persuade moderate Republicans in Congress and in the electorate to support the bipartisan bill. Biden should have said you Republicans think I have the power to just shut down the border bipartisan lawyers inform me I cannot that if I try immigrant advocates will just run to the courts and get an injunction on my efforts because illegal immigrants have a legal right to claim asylum. Biden further should have said you Republicans think I should do what my predecessor did and just have the asylum seekers remain in Mexico well the Mexican government said we are ending that agreement that allowed that so if my predecessor wins this years election he won't be able to do in in 2025 well you say he could force Mexico's cooperation by threatening tariffs on Mexico's exports to America but Mexico will have a new President and he will likely call such an American President's bluff so then the American president will have to impose the tariff and who will be hurt American consumers and American workers who depend on the supply chain from Mexico; why fight a needless trade war to solve the problem of a broken asylum system where the sensible solution is to fix the asylum system and stop the gaming of this system which the bipartisan bill does! Another imprudent thing Biden did is why does he raise the January 6th issue and just drive a certain voting bloc away from Joe Biden. Many many Americans believe the 2020 elections were fraudulent no one is going to change their mind and many of these people are good people there is nothing to be gained by raising the issue and condemning the participants who genuinely believed the election results were fraudulent for a candidate that wants to be a welcoming candidate his track record doesn't demonstrate such values!
If you were looking at the State of The Union last night to check to make sure Biden is fit to be President and to run for a second term or that he is a solidly good Democrat candidate for President Biden passed with flying colors! If your grading perspective was whether Joseph Biden would be at least a solidly good President you would have been sorely disappointed because in key areas he is fully a progressive and as such advocates bad policy. So as to be fair to President Biden he made some good important points the country should be supporting Ukraine, America has an unmatched leadership role in the world no one can fulfill the role America can here! Biden was right on the border issue do Republicans want to fix the problem they have the power to do so in the Senate Bipartisan bill. Biden was right on the U.S. should open a temporary port on the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Gaza to get food, water and medicine to the Palestinian civilians in Gaza because history will never forgive America if it doesn't stop the mass civilian starvation and medical care deprivation going on in Gaza.

But Biden speech is just full of progressive idealogue poison that the country of America does not need. Biden wants to increase the corporate tax rate to twenty-eight percent because U.S. Corporations need to pay their fair share he banters this slogan like these Corporations are committing murder. Where's Biden's sense for twenty-five years prior to the 2017 tax reform bill politicians of both parties continually clamored that America need to make our corporate tax rate competitive so to stop U.S. companies from moving abroad; twenty-eight percent isn't competitive however twenty-five percent the long-term consensus rate would be. Biden wants a minimum tax on corporations and wealthy people, twenty-one percent on corporations and twenty-five percent on wealthy people Biden shows a lack of fairness and the requisite sophistication for a leader of the world's premier capitalist economy. Corporations to a large degree pay lower tax rates on their income for good public policy reasons corporations get to expense many research expenses and capital expenditures to name a couple and wealthy individuals invest in municipal bonds and buy tax credits in the various markets that sell them for good public policy reasons. For an America elected office holder it is malpractice to support a minimum tax it over simplifies the problem as shown in part; however, and this is a very very very important point there is a lot of tax revenue that is lost to these taxpayers because of bad tax loopholes. What Joe Biden and good office holders in Congress should be saying is that Washington needs to stand up to the greedy bastard lobbyist who are responsible for these wasteful tax loopholes and were going to close them.

And since were on the topic of greedy bastard lobbyists Joe Biden needs to stop with his celebration that the government has the power to negotiate drug prices in medicare for a limited number of drugs every year. These are bad provision it is complete mislabel to say the Federal government has the power to negotiate prices the government has the power to dictate prices which is going to cause over time the supply of these drugs fall to alarming levels. Biden and members of Congress need to amend this law to an earlier version of the bill which then became law and didn't pass because the drug industry lobbyists threatened and coerced members of Congress to oppose it they need to amend the law to empower Medicare to negotiate these drug price to the same category of prices that other developed countries in the world pay mandate basic fairness apply. Biden again tonight clamored for the John Lewis and the other Democrat voting rights bills to be passed by Congress these are disgraceful anti American and anti fairness bills. They over criminalize thing and cast an overly wide net on legitimate advocacy these bills will prevent the voter rolls from being cleaned up where the same person is on multiple voting rolls, it mandates non excuse mail in ballots which cements unduly pressuring voters to vote a certain way and thus depriving them of the right of franchise thereby permanently destroying integrity in America's voting system, it gives control over America's entire voting system to the Department of Justice. I agree that legislation is needed in this area to bring racial fairness why don't you just mandate for every "x" number of voters in a community a polling station is needed so that all black neighborhoods are treated like white neighborhoods.

Joe Biden isn't the best quality Presidential leader, overall he is definitely better than Donald Trump but that isn't saying much because Trump is a super narcissist to list just one of his alarming character traits. Biden showed his shortcoming tonight in raising the border protection bill instead of focusing on how Trump played politics here he should have used it as an opportunity to persuade moderate Republicans in Congress and in the electorate to support the bipartisan bill. Biden should have said you Republicans think I have the power to just shut down the border bipartisan lawyers inform me I cannot that if I try immigrant advocates will just run to the courts and get an injunction on my efforts because illegal immigrants have a legal right to claim asylum. Biden further should have said you Republicans think I should do what my predecessor did and just have the asylum seekers remain in Mexico well the Mexican government said we are ending that agreement that allowed that so if my predecessor wins this years election he won't be able to do in in 2025 well you say he could force Mexico's cooperation by threatening tariffs on Mexico's exports to America but Mexico will have a new President and he will likely call such an American President's bluff so then the American president will have to impose the tariff and who will be hurt American consumers and American workers who depend on the supply chain from Mexico; why fight a needless trade war to solve the problem of a broken asylum system where the sensible solution is to fix the asylum system and stop the gaming of this system which the bipartisan bill does! Another imprudent thing Biden did is why does he raise the January 6th issue and just drive a certain voting bloc away from Joe Biden. Many many Americans believe the 2020 elections were fraudulent no one is going to change their mind and many of these people are good people there is nothing to be gained by raising the issue and condemning the participants who genuinely believed the election results were fraudulent for a candidate that wants to be a welcoming candidate his track record doesn't demonstrate such values!
it was a campaign speech not a state of the union,,
If you were looking at the State of The Union last night to check to make sure Biden is fit to be President and to run for a second term or that he is a solidly good Democrat candidate for President Biden passed with flying colors! If your grading perspective was whether Joseph Biden would be at least a solidly good President you would have been sorely disappointed because in key areas he is fully a progressive and as such advocates bad policy. So as to be fair to President Biden he made some good important points the country should be supporting Ukraine, America has an unmatched leadership role in the world no one can fulfill the role America can here! Biden was right on the border issue do Republicans want to fix the problem they have the power to do so in the Senate Bipartisan bill. Biden was right on the U.S. should open a temporary port on the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Gaza to get food, water and medicine to the Palestinian civilians in Gaza because history will never forgive America if it doesn't stop the mass civilian starvation and medical care deprivation going on in Gaza.

But Biden speech is just full of progressive idealogue poison that the country of America does not need. Biden wants to increase the corporate tax rate to twenty-eight percent because U.S. Corporations need to pay their fair share he banters this slogan like these Corporations are committing murder. Where's Biden's sense for twenty-five years prior to the 2017 tax reform bill politicians of both parties continually clamored that America need to make our corporate tax rate competitive so to stop U.S. companies from moving abroad; twenty-eight percent isn't competitive however twenty-five percent the long-term consensus rate would be. Biden wants a minimum tax on corporations and wealthy people, twenty-one percent on corporations and twenty-five percent on wealthy people Biden shows a lack of fairness and the requisite sophistication for a leader of the world's premier capitalist economy. Corporations to a large degree pay lower tax rates on their income for good public policy reasons corporations get to expense many research expenses and capital expenditures to name a couple and wealthy individuals invest in municipal bonds and buy tax credits in the various markets that sell them for good public policy reasons. For an America elected office holder it is malpractice to support a minimum tax it over simplifies the problem as shown in part; however, and this is a very very very important point there is a lot of tax revenue that is lost to these taxpayers because of bad tax loopholes. What Joe Biden and good office holders in Congress should be saying is that Washington needs to stand up to the greedy bastard lobbyist who are responsible for these wasteful tax loopholes and were going to close them.

And since were on the topic of greedy bastard lobbyists Joe Biden needs to stop with his celebration that the government has the power to negotiate drug prices in medicare for a limited number of drugs every year. These are bad provision it is complete mislabel to say the Federal government has the power to negotiate prices the government has the power to dictate prices which is going to cause over time the supply of these drugs fall to alarming levels. Biden and members of Congress need to amend this law to an earlier version of the bill which then became law and didn't pass because the drug industry lobbyists threatened and coerced members of Congress to oppose it they need to amend the law to empower Medicare to negotiate these drug price to the same category of prices that other developed countries in the world pay mandate basic fairness apply. Biden again tonight clamored for the John Lewis and the other Democrat voting rights bills to be passed by Congress these are disgraceful anti American and anti fairness bills. They over criminalize thing and cast an overly wide net on legitimate advocacy these bills will prevent the voter rolls from being cleaned up where the same person is on multiple voting rolls, it mandates non excuse mail in ballots which cements unduly pressuring voters to vote a certain way and thus depriving them of the right of franchise thereby permanently destroying integrity in America's voting system, it gives control over America's entire voting system to the Department of Justice. I agree that legislation is needed in this area to bring racial fairness why don't you just mandate for every "x" number of voters in a community a polling station is needed so that all black neighborhoods are treated like white neighborhoods.

Joe Biden isn't the best quality Presidential leader, overall he is definitely better than Donald Trump but that isn't saying much because Trump is a super narcissist to list just one of his alarming character traits. Biden showed his shortcoming tonight in raising the border protection bill instead of focusing on how Trump played politics here he should have used it as an opportunity to persuade moderate Republicans in Congress and in the electorate to support the bipartisan bill. Biden should have said you Republicans think I have the power to just shut down the border bipartisan lawyers inform me I cannot that if I try immigrant advocates will just run to the courts and get an injunction on my efforts because illegal immigrants have a legal right to claim asylum. Biden further should have said you Republicans think I should do what my predecessor did and just have the asylum seekers remain in Mexico well the Mexican government said we are ending that agreement that allowed that so if my predecessor wins this years election he won't be able to do in in 2025 well you say he could force Mexico's cooperation by threatening tariffs on Mexico's exports to America but Mexico will have a new President and he will likely call such an American President's bluff so then the American president will have to impose the tariff and who will be hurt American consumers and American workers who depend on the supply chain from Mexico; why fight a needless trade war to solve the problem of a broken asylum system where the sensible solution is to fix the asylum system and stop the gaming of this system which the bipartisan bill does! Another imprudent thing Biden did is why does he raise the January 6th issue and just drive a certain voting bloc away from Joe Biden. Many many Americans believe the 2020 elections were fraudulent no one is going to change their mind and many of these people are good people there is nothing to be gained by raising the issue and condemning the participants who genuinely believed the election results were fraudulent for a candidate that wants to be a welcoming candidate his track record doesn't demonstrate such values!
It is an election year. I give him a "B+". Not bad for a sitting president the partisan assholes have been trying to sell as aged, infirm and mentally impaired. He did a good job. Fuck the trumpers.
It is an election year. I give him a "B+". Not bad for a sitting president the partisan assholes have been trying to sell as aged, infirm and mentally impaired. He did a good job. Fuck the trumpers.
Yea instead he came off as a bitter asshole who wants war with Russia, your daughters to get their breasts chopped off, and for you to go broke for climate change.
Who gives a shit? He’s a senile mouthpiece for an anti-American cabal out to destroy the US.
He does and says what he’s told and what he’s told is awful for the American people. Economic disaster, racial segregation, family structure depletion and resulting social demise.
Democrat voters are among the stupidest humans in the entire existence of the species.
GEICO should think about using democrat voters in lieu of cavemen for an ad campaign.
I'm not gonna get past that fucking animal raping its 11-year old daughter in the shower.

That's a deal killer for me.... always has been.

biden yo ashley shower .jpg
If he and Dems win in 2024, he promises:

More war with Russia
More abortions
More transgenderism
More illegals
Higher Gas prices

Man, how can voters turn that deal down?
More war with Russia might involve nuclear weapons.

Putin may believe Joe Biden doesn’t have the balls to retaliate. That might cause him to miscalculate and start what may become an all out nuclear war.

A full scale nuclear war could not only cause a nuclear winter but could cause nuclear reactors to melt down due to lack of power to support cooling systems. It could put us back in the Stone Age.

I personally would like to have a President with a healthy mental capacity in the Oval Office. I really don’t want a President in the early stages of dementia running the show. Biden has good days and really bad days which lead me to suspect he is on some powerful experimental meds. He is really much better at critical events like The State of the Union.

Perhaps we should insist both Trump and Biden take tests from an independent source to insure they are not suffering from mental issues that plague many elderly people.
Yea instead he came off as a bitter asshole who wants war with Russia, your daughters to get their breasts chopped off, and for you to go broke for climate change.
We all know for a fact how he went to bat for the Taliban by fleeing Afghanistan. I have for 2 years objected to him slow walking the war in Ukraine commenced by the Russians. He is helping Putin by slow walking all the help to Ukraine. And he wants to help the Gaza peole who live under a dictatorship called Hamas. And now he confessed he has sent temporary piers to Gaza to feed them and supply the Killers of Israel. Why not let the Arabs feed those in Gaza and we send more bombs to Israel? They know what to do with them.
Perhaps we should insist both Trump and Biden take tests from an independent source to insure they are not suffering from mental issues that plague many elderly people.
Biden refused. Trump will agree to take such tests. BTW, a number of us here are older than those two twerps. We know for a fact we have no problems mentally. I believe because Biden refuses mental tests he has some. And he took some medicine to keep him alive long enough to lie as he did today. It was so hard to watch such a man stand there pissing off so many decent Americans.
I was not able to see or hear it and I appreciate this write up in your thread but since you probably did not write that yourself you should attribute your sources.
No... I'd give the old boy a "B"... he did well... for an Old Fart... although he was full-of-it regarding Illegals and the Border.

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