Biden Drone stike killed US aid worker loading WATER into his car not a terrorist

That really is just awful. I wonder if ANYONE will be held responsible or if it will just be "investigated" until everyone forgets.
Unfortunately this shit has gone on since warmonger W. Nothing has been done to stop it by anyone in Congress. It should tell us all that they are a bunch of worthless cowards. Too afraid to oppose the war machine.
What is it with you idiots continually being fooled by Faux?
Perhaps when Progs start attacking many of their Progressive Politicians and others alone without adding a Non Prog or Republican for balance you will be believed. We know that every attack on a Non Prog or Republican is baked into the cake.
nope the admin that ordered this cluster
If thats truly what you meant then you wouldnt have said this....

"It seems Xiden and his cult of dembots are doing everything they can to help the terrorist…why not kill someone there that was merely trying to aid the people he abandoned?"

The command was given by a local military commander.
WRONG AGAIN! BIDEN was against killing OBL that day!
Obviously they didn't teach you to read in My Sister So Pretty, Alabama. Lets try reading that again and maybe get an adult to help you.

"Wrong your fucking idiot. Biden had jack shit to do with the drone attack. A local command gave the go ahead. Obama gave the go ahead to grab OBL."
Sure did. Not sure who told you that guy was the one responsible for the attack or they even thought he was?
because Xiden bragged that they got the person, after they killed this innocent aid worker.

I guess I was wrong to believe the Xiden admin....
Show me where he said this was the guy that planned the attack that killed US military. I'll wait.

US drone strike killed 'ISIS-K planner' in Afghanistan, Pentagon says​

The Pentagon says the "target" was killed in the attack​

What am I stretching? Killing innocent families and aid workers should just be swept under the rug now? WTF
It should be…I’m just why it is only news NOW...and no other attributions of “blood on their hands”….Got any ideas?

Gen Milley called the drone strike that killed 10 innocent people, to include 7 children, 'Righteous'

Botched Kabul drone strike latest furor involving Milley, who called the operation 'righteous'

-- Milley has also faced criticism over revelations in a new book that reports he held secret phone calls with his Chinese counterpart​

"A botched drone strike in Kabul aimed at ISIS-K terrorists, but that the Pentagon admitted on Friday instead killed an aid worker and members of his family including seven children, is the latest furor to involve Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley -- who had called the strike "righteous" but on Friday described it as a "horrible tragedy."

This inept, incompetent traitor should be in cuffs by now.

Three young girls were killed in the strike, according to their family: Hayat, 2, Somaya, 3, and Malika, 3.
It is important that you read these names and look at these faces and consider what it means that no one will be held accountable for killing these children.

A little bit of democracy.
The Inspector General of the US Air Force said that he found no violations of the law and the laws of war in an air strike from an American drone in Kabul at the end of August. Then 10 civilians, mostly children, were killed.
A little bit of democracy.
The Inspector General of the US Air Force said that he found no violations of the law and the laws of war in an air strike from an American drone in Kabul at the end of August. Then 10 civilians, mostly children, were killed.
Well of course. It’s never anyone’s fault. The military can murder innocent women and children, yet there are no consequences.

More proof we live in a failed state.

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