Biden Lawyers Searching For Classified & Turning It Into DOJ Is Reminiscent Of Hillary Deleting 33,000 E-mails & Telling FBI They Weren't Relevant


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Joe Biden Classified scandal resembles HILLARY's classified document / e-mail scandal more than it does Trump's.


' you remember that time you had TS/SCI classified documents you weren't supposed to have ... and you were sending and receiving classified information illegally ... and you deleted 33,000 e-mails ... and then you told them that YOU made the devision which ones were 'relevant' / 'personal' and took it upon yourself to delete them before the FBI could look at them? THAT WAS AWSOME!


In late 2014, the State Department asked Clinton and other former secretaries of state to hand over any work-related emails they may have.

Hillary was caught using a personal e-mail and server to conduct official work IOT get around having to archive her work and avoid nasty FOIA Requests.

Hillary Clinton informed the State Department and FBI that SHE had gone through her own server / e-mails, SHE decided which ones were work-related and which ones were 'personal' / not relevant, then SHE deleted 33,000 e-mails before the FBI could access /check themselves.

Hillary and her team called that 'cooperating' and being 'transparent', too.

In Biden's case, the DOJ refused to allow the FBI to raid his home, just like they did not allow the FBI to raid Hillary's residence and search for classified material.

Biden's lawyers and aides were allowed to search for Joe's classified & turn in what they found, much like how Hillary and her aides were given time to search through her server / e-mails and delete what SHE thought was not 'relevant'.

Biden's lawyers and the WH have said several times 'we have turned over all of Biden's classified documents'...after which the DOJ reported they found MORE.

Hillary declared she did not send / reveive classified, among other things proven false; however, Comey testified under oath that YES, 'classified was received and sent'.

So every time a Democrat, snowflake, or fake news source tries to tell you Biden's classified documents / scandal is just like Trump's, you can tell them, "NO, his is more like Hillary's."


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