Biden Orders Australian Leftists To Attack Trump's Children


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"More activists have joined the call for the Australian government to ban Donald Trump Junior from entering Australia for his upcoming tour with Nigel Farage, fearing his right-wing, anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric will encourage neo-Nazis and other anti-LGBTQ+ groups to attend. Donald Trump Jr and his family have been vocal about their hatred for the LGBTQ+ community throughout the years, with the former US President even banning qualified transgender people from serving in the military. rump Jr’s past actions against the LGBTQ+ community include mocking transgendered people - He’s also previously stated that the only reason that the Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg obtained his position was because “he’s the gay guy, so we gotta give him something." With his tour in Australia drawing closer, online petitions have started and activist groups are planning protests against Trump Jr. Activists from the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (CARF) announced their plans to protest in Melbourne on 11th July.

One of the protest organisers, Omar Hassan has said “Donald Trump Junior is a far-right agitator who spreads bigotry wherever he goes. His visit is likely to be a magnet for far right and neo-nazi groups across Melbourne, so we will be there in numbers to send the message that people here reject and despise everything they stand for,” Hassan said. Trump Jr. has said he has a "huge fan base in Australia" and that after speaking to some of those supporters "it's clear the same disease of woke identity politics and cancel culture that's crippled the US has clearly taken hold there." He called those issues "the biggest existential threat we face in the West and is literally the decay of Western society."

How can these people claim that Trump Jr. and Nigel Farage are magnets for Neo-Nazis, fascists and white supremacists? Based on what? The only times I see white supremacists and Neo-Nazis express their political support for anyone is when it is for liberal-Democrat-leftists politicians - Biden has a near cult following amongst the radical left-white supremacist groups such as Antifa, KKK and also The Girl Scouts and their woke cookie sales operation that funds drag queen sleeper cells. There has never been a time in the history of the presidency where a sitting president has outright attacked the children of their political opponents; these are children for God's sake.

Why would you attack Trump Jr, who has for the most part, remained outside of politics and the mudslinging? Can you imagine if a republican attacked Obama's daughters? Can you imagine if some Republican claimed Obama's daughters were not his real daughters, but actors? The left would go crazy -- but Republicans have remain above cheap shots and personal attacks....especially against children. This is in no doubt the work of the Biden admin -- he is afraid of the support Trump Jr, Nigel Farage and famous historian David Irving and others are getting -- and how they are so beloved all over the world and are fighting back against the lies of wokeism and their attempt to tear down western democracies around the world, if not western civilization altogether.

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