Biden to save America in 2024 Election

not a radical but trump surely is
Which actions did he take, in particular, that you think of as "radical"? I'm not talking about Twitter insults. What did he DO as president that was radical?
Actually I hope neither Biden nor trump will be running. We need some new blood that isn't radical. Clarify that Biden is not a radical but trump surely is. If it has to be one of those two Biden is of course the best choice. We don't want to go through the insanity and awkwardly backward steps that took place with trump. We need to embrace the future and all it's possibilities.
Trump spoke for and represented the half plus of this nation that S'Hillary referred to as "deplorables", whom are the real wealth producers and prosperity makers of our nation as opposed to the parasites and plunderers of the Dumbocrats whom haven't a clue on how to make wealth nor sustain such, just takers and "redistributors".
Which actions did he take, in particular, that you think of as "radical"? I'm not talking about Twitter insults. What did he DO as president that was radical?
You don't actually think you will get a reply, do you? I don't even mean a cogent reply, just any reply at all short of just some blanket TDS insult.
Nope. There were multiple accusations, with evidence, that there were votes coming in by mail or by drop box without signatures, from addresses where 100s or even 1000s of those voters supposedly lived. Many were addressed from parking lots and some where there was no address there AT ALL. Something you folks really need to twig to before '24, is that we are in an info-war. ALL OF US. For most of my life I trusted the DC crowd to do the right thing.

When Trump was elected as blowback for the Democrat nominee being hated, I saw the media AND the government put on a 4-year campaign to discredit, vilify, slander, and otherwise impede Trump from pursuing his and his voter's agenda. Winning entitles the party that won to the chance to implement their plans for the country. THAT has always been the deal. The DC crowd and their lockstep media 5th column as well as parts of intelligence agencies and other alphabet groups, declared war on the Right. They dropped all pretenses of being unbiased.

My point is simple. The fact that "your guy" was declared a winner by the media and the DC crowd does NOT prove that he did. There were dozens of facts in evidence where serious rules were broken at polling places, mostly in the crucial states Biden HAD to win. I don't bother listing any of the evidence any longer because it's a waste of time BUT, my favorite example was the fact that the vote counting proved that thousands of ballots were counted, nearly every one of them for Biden, in a period of time that was PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Those ballot counting machines are hand-fed individual ballots and the number of votes registered by the software exceeded the capability of the that machine's ability to process them.

NOT ONE of these complaints were investigated by ANY COURT. All the courts did was to either refuse to hear the case because it had been brought "too early" or "too late". IF your party tries it again, there is going to be widespread civil disobedience of all laws that your party passes in DC. PERIOD. Being the good totalitarians you folks are, you'll laugh at that statement and tell yourself "sure", you'll even advocate for mass arrests and imprisonment but the part you guys don't grasp is that law enforcement works only when those laws are ACCEPTED as legitimate by MOST Americans. Somehow, I doubt that even blue states will get LEOs to start putting people in camps.
You make a great Nazi lol. Total BS and anti American garbage. No election fraud ever found....
Which actions did he take, in particular, that you think of as "radical"? I'm not talking about Twitter insults. What did he DO as president that was radical?
Trying to overturn an election LOL. Cutting off all immigration across the southern border. Endless lies and love for dictators
He stomped a mud hole in Trumps ass the first time. He will again if Trump runs, but we all know that’s not happening don’t we.

Don’t be to sure about this year either. Just because your mouth is big and your breath is bad, doesn’t mean anything.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Or wished for.
I never count my chickens.....However, it isn't looking good for the home team....It is the people who will have the big mouth and bad breath who will most likely stick your head up your ass, along with your bad breath.
Actually I hope neither Biden nor trump will be running. We need some new blood that isn't radical. Clarify that Biden is not a radical but trump surely is. If it has to be one of those two Biden is of course the best choice. We don't want to go through the insanity and awkwardly backward steps that took place with trump. We need to embrace the future and all it's possibilities.
Biden is the insane obviously have no issue with the puppet running the football.
That wasn't your tune for 2016 when you Lefty Loonies claimed Trump "colluded" with the Russians to steal from S'Hillary.

Try being honest for once!
Collusion is only for the dupes lol. Why the hell would the Russians want any help from these idiot trump people? It is proven that the Russians filled social media with crap false flags all kinds of false flag stuff and also hacked into emails so that fox etc went crazy over all kinds of stupid emails. 30,000 emails deleted meant absolutely nothing and James Comey should be the GOP hero of all time. You and the GOP base BS movement are a total disgrace...

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