Bidenomics Flops. Again


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Inflation is 2% higher than GDP growth. That's bad news folks. Bad enough for the DJIA to fall off a cliff today.

And inflation data doesn't even inclde the two most important day-to-day expenses to the average American -- Food and fuel. Anybody that shops for food can tell you how bad inflation is.

Sorry this is pay-walled but if you care enough, you can find it elsewhere --

Here's the truth, people. Dems can't do anything right. Everything they touch turns to crap. Everything
Inflation is 2% higher than GDP growth. That's bad news folks. Bad enough for the DJIA to fall off a cliff today.

And inflation data doesn't even inclde the two most important day-to-day expenses to the average American -- Food and fuel. Anybody that shops for food can tell you how bad inflation is.

Sorry this is pay-walled but if you care enough, you can find it elsewhere --

Here's the truth, people. Dems can't do anything right. Everything they touch turns to crap. Everything
GDP is still growing, as opposed to shrinking by double digits under Trump.
Here's the truth, people. Dems can't do anything right. Everything they touch turns to crap. Everything
Because...Dem policies are completely disconnected from the here and now. When current conditions conflict with Dem policies and agenda they don't care, they cram it through anyway regardless of the damage to the economy or American people.
More silly-assed leftism at work --

Seattle takeout orders have reached a breaking point. Amid horror stories of $122 Thai delivery and $26 to-go coffees, the Emerald City is now considering rolling back a brand new wage law that�s causing food takeout prices to skyrocket and delivery orders to tank. It's just the latest in a series of wage laws that are backfiring this year, causing chaos for customers, restaurants, and the gig workers they were meant to help.

The true minimum wage is $0.00/hr, and any other mandated wage distorts the labor markets. That is fact. Governments have been playing fast and loose with immutable economic laws for centuries, and while they are expert at obfuscation, they cannot hide the undeniable fact of their missteps, because the data are screaming in everyone's faces!

Every minimum wage law, every legal restriction on the free exchange of capital for goods and labor restrains the natural growth of an economy. That's the obvious first order effect. But there are even more malign ones that do not appear for years. teenagers can't get summer jobs when the minimum wage is higher than their labor is worth. Who wants to pay some pimply-faced 16-year old $20/hour to push a broom around or flip burgers? So that work experience is lost to him, never to be recovered. Companies on the margin of profitability will fail, and companies that are someone's life's dream will never be created because the artificial labor market -- courtesy of our legislators who never worked an honest day in their entitled lives -- has priced them out.

Maybe that would have been the next Apple or Lincoln Electric or Carnegie Steel.

Lincoln Electric is EMPLOYEE-OWNED. Fact. Has been for years. I applied for a job there. when I was a kid. Friend has worked there for 25 years. Leftist scum scream bloody murder about socialism, which they are, but good ol' Capitalist America provides more Employee-owned Companies than ANY 'socialist' shit-hole.

socialism is the ownership by WORKERS of the means of production. Socialist shit-hole Countries don't allow that. EVERYTHING is owned by THE STATE.

Capitalism does a better job of socialism than socialist countries do. Explain that dimocrap scum. You can't. Because you have no belief system. You are simply scum. ALL of you

edgetho does not know. Just accept it as fact.,

We have a massive market rebuke today to the fed refusing to signal solid times for rate cuts.

I tend to play the markets conservatively, but I think we should cut the rate and ride the wave of market reaction.
/---/ Why do you have to twist and distort everything? Governors shut down their economies, AND don't pretend you didn't know that.

Outside their perhaps innate ability to practice intellectual dishonesty, leftists don't know how govt. works.

But they sure meet the description per my signature, every time, all the time.
It's worse than that OP.

Along with the downbeat growth rate for the quarter, the report showed consumer prices increased at a 3.4% pace, well above the previous quarter's 1.8% advance. This raised concern over persistent inflation and put into question whether the Federal Reserve will be able to cut rates anytime soon.

Inflation is 2% higher than GDP growth. That's bad news folks. Bad enough for the DJIA to fall off a cliff today.

And inflation data doesn't even inclde the two most important day-to-day expenses to the average American -- Food and fuel. Anybody that shops for food can tell you how bad inflation is.

Sorry this is pay-walled but if you care enough, you can find it elsewhere --

Here's the truth, people. Dems can't do anything right. Everything they touch turns to crap. Everything
True. The DJIA down 487 right now but it has rallied a bit from the 600+ it was down at opening. Nasdaq and S&P also taking heavy hits today. A tray of cut up watermelon I bought for $5 in 2019 and 2020 was $10 yesterday at the grocery store. A loaf of bread I paid 85 cents for in 2019 and 2020 is now $1.89. Far more restrictions on and much higher copays on my medical insurance too. Bidenomics is a pure disaster for sure.

Compare this to Trump's record in which ALL Demographics saw their wealth increase by thousands, the deficit in relation to GDP looked pretty darn good, inflation remained very low, and the market grew normally and steadily with few setbacks.

If the MSM would be objective and honest in their reporting, Biden wouldn't get 5% of the vote in November.
80% decline and almost 15% unemployment. The 97% increase in jobs in the last thirty years are under Democratic presidents.
ILMAO at 97% job increase "cuz Democracked POTUS"

Here's your GDP numb-nuts.
80% decline and almost 15% unemployment. The 97% increase in jobs in the last thirty years are under Democratic presidents.
98% of the jobs 'created' during the Obama administration were part time or temporary jobs with few or no benefits. More than half of the jobs 'created' under Biden were people returning to jobs they had under Trump but were sidelined due to COVID. More than 25% of the jobs 'created' under Biden are government jobs and most of the rest are in healthcare or low paying, uncertain jobs in the hospitality industry.

The left and its surrogate media love to say that Trump LOST jobs in his four years but they rarely include that the job loss was entirely due to people not being allowed to work due to COVID in 2020. In the first three years, the new jobs were most full time, sustainable good jobs with benefits.

Intellectual honesty is not something you find in much of the media these days or among those desperately trying to prove that Democrats are better than Republicans.
This is an absolute lie: "98% of the jobs 'created' during the Obama administration were part time or temporary jobs with few or no benefits". There is absolutely no valid evidence of that at all. You are on Ignore for that, Foxfyre. For shame. I though you an honest if mistaken poster.
This is an absolute lie: "98% of the jobs 'created' during the Obama administration were part time or temporary jobs with few or no benefits". There is absolutely no valid evidence of that at all. You are on Ignore for that, Foxfyre. For shame. I though you an honest if mistaken poster.
Too bad I'm on ignore because you will be unable to be educated that way. The original assessment I saw, I think on Marketwatch--in no way a rightwing propaganda publication--was 98% part time jobs.

This article also not anybody's idea of rightwing propaganda says almost 95%. So I'll concede 3 or 4% if that in fact is the case. NOBODY suggest that the jobs created were not largely part time jobs.


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