Biden’s Incompetence Is Outstripping Voters’ Fear Of Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden’s Incompetence Is Outstripping Voters’ Fear Of Trump

Democrats were hoping 2024 would be all about Donald Trump.
Instead the No. 1 issue in a world on fire is Joe Biden’s incompetence.
14 May 2024 ~~ By Mark Hemingway

Last week, President Biden said he would withdraw military aid to Israel if it commenced military operations to go into Rafah and go after Hamas. There were many reactions to this announcement because it seemed to perfectly encapsulate the incoherent Israel policy the Biden administration has been developing since Hamas’ brutal attack last October that touched off the war in Gaza.
On one hand, the American people are broadly supportive of Israel and the moral justification for this war. Lest anyone forget, Hamas is still holding American citizens hostage at this very moment. On the other, the hard-left grassroots that are an important part of the Democrat Party’s coalition are radically pro-Palestinian and eager to engage in street violence domestically to prove the point. It’s also worth noting that the hard-left shock troops aren’t just emblematic of the party’s activist heart — their efforts to destabilize colleges and worse are being funded by George Soros, the Tides Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and those that hold the purse strings for billions of dollars of funding for Democrats and their lefty causes.
What’s more is that you can see the panic in real time. Even the compliant media are noticing. “Biden’s nuanced position [on Israel] has created different fault lines of division within his own Democratic Party,” observes NBC News. “Nuanced” is an odd way of describing what Biden is doing, especially since NBC’s own reporting indicates voters don’t view it that way:
Cui Bono?
But foreign policy is just the start of bad news for Biden. There are other very significant issues right now, chiefly the economy and immigration, where a rational voter not bound by ideology would easily prefer Trump’s track record in the wake of Biden’s demonstrable failures. Indeed, the most recent New York Times poll, which has Trump leading in five of the six key swing states, notes that “Mr. Trump’s strength is largely thanks to gains among young, Black and Hispanic voters.” Not exactly the typical GOP demographic.
Based on how he’s handling Israel, along with every other big issue he’s faced, his incompetence is now the biggest issue in this election — and voters simply have a hard time believing at this point that Biden’s even capable of rising to the occasion.

The only chaos from his Joe Biden's term was wholly invented and instigated by the media and the deep state. They managed to turn some of our most prosperous years into a fake memory of "fear" among the idiots who think watching "the news" makes them informed.
Despite all the controversy regarding Joe Bidens's dementia and mental acuity,
Biden is NOT incompetent his handlers are and they are purposely embarked upon destroying the United States of America.
their efforts to destabilize colleges and worse are being funded by George Soros, the Tides Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and those that hold the purse strings for billions of dollars of funding for Democrats and their lefty causes.

Well, u probably know the saying

"You know what God thinks about money by who has it."
Just tell MAGAts when they start the rote lying denials, "Nope, MAGAts, not just 'once more.'"

They are terrified the gallows trap is opened on the election for Trump.
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Joe Biden is already destined to go down as the worst president in history.

Hopefully, dementia will not make it worse than it already is.

Joe Biden is running up massive deficits.

Joe Biden might be lucky to win any state.
There was a time in recent history when democrats as well as the rest of the population actually feared Nixon for a bunch of reasons that don't make much sense by today's standards but that's the power of the press. Here we are in an age of Drone warfare and a demented president but media propaganda encourages Americans to fear the former president who presided over a relative time of peace and prosperity. WTF?

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