Big things happening in Saudi Arabia. MBS sit down with Brett Bair for an interview.

? There are Christians in Saudi Arabia.

There are not people getting stoned in Saudi Arabia. . That happens only in the very tribal areas of countries like Afghanistan.

There are no accounts of anyone being stoned to death in Saudi Arabia in the past 20 years.

But besides that we have capital punishment in America, so it is brutally hypocritical for somebody in the USA to complain about a law like that. Killing somebody is killing somebody. We have had innocent people on death row in America.

the major point is look at the degradation and filth in America. People saying it’s fine for a man to go into a woman’s bathroom. The radical trans issues, the radical BLM agenda. It is an undeniable fact that some portion of left-wing Americans believe it’s fine for a child to get a sex change.

we have grade schools in America, where a child is allowed to dress and act like a cat and literally walk through school like they’re a cat. That’s just degradation of society for responsible person to look at.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is doing incredible things. And the amount of trolling and miss information from the far left wingers when it comes to Saudi Arabia will continue to happen.

No account of anyone being stoned in the past 100 years.
No account of anyone being stoned in the past 100 years.
how interesting---NO STONING. I communicated with a Saudi who told me that
he witnessed BEHEADINGS-----there have also been reports of mutilations.----eg--
extirpation of an eye----no less. There are no reports of stonings in jewish law for more
than 2000 years----. The description of "STEVEN"---was not a Sanhedrin
decree----it was more like a MOB LYNCHING-----lots of executions in the 20th century
for the glory of Jesus and much more for the glory of ALLAH---around the world in the
21st century---AND COUNTING
how interesting---NO STONING. I communicated with a Saudi who told me that
he witnessed BEHEADINGS-----there have also been reports of mutilations.----eg--
extirpation of an eye----no less. There are no reports of stonings in jewish law for more
than 2000 years----. The description of "STEVEN"---was not a Sanhedrin
decree----it was more like a MOB LYNCHING-----lots of executions in the 20th century
for the glory of Jesus and much more for the glory of ALLAH---around the world in the
21st century---AND COUNTING

Saudi Arabia has capital punishment, but no stonings.
When are the Whahabbists going to ever moderate, never?

You should probably read the Wahhabi Myth.

The movement was just to purge Islam of the innovations brought by the Ottoman Turks. Have you ever been around any Wahhabis?
Sorry bout that,

1. Just lop of their heads instead.
2. I'm sure a person here or there was stoned, when a machete wasn't around.
3. Life is cheap in those lands, no rights, but a right to die.


Nope. Life isn't cheap. They do have capital punishment for murder, rape and molesting children. You're so ignorant about the Arab world why don't you quit making a fool of yourself?
Nope. Life isn't cheap. They do have capital punishment for murder, rape and molesting children. You're so ignorant about the Arab world why don't you quit making a fool of yourself?
actually, YOU are a lot more ignorant of the "arab" <<< sorta sorta shorthand for
DA UMMAH Rignt now Ethnic Armenians fleeing Azerbaijan can tell you about
No need to resort to personal attacks. I don’t do the same thing to you.

In verbatim, it is quoted from Jewish law from the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, that in a pasta state should be put to death. By the way, the word infidel appears in the old testament to describe non-Jews.

But sort of like you’re saying with the Hebrew Bible it’s an entire Bible with many passages. It’s the same thing with the Koran.

Using machine gun tactics in other words, bringing up cultural issues from decades ago, talking about sharia law, finding individual ways to pick out texts from the Quran has also been done by anti-jews throughout history. Most notably during the Holocaust by Christians who advocated for the third Reich. 99% of the third Reich was Christian which was opposed by Christians from America and England, and even the Soviet union.

yet again Saudi Arabia has undergone revolutionary changes in just a few years. Unless your husband is seven years old clearly you’re talking about two different Saudi Arabia’s.

I’ll ask for an answer because I’ve answered all of your concerns. Do you think it is appropriate for a child in an American grade school to be allowed to act like a cat crawl around on all fours? That is happening in America. It’s not a case of allowing people to be nutty … that is degradation of society.

It’s not a case of allowing someone to be nutty to allow a grown man to go into a woman’s bathroom. That is degeneracy and it is dangerous. So it has to be stopped. And the point is that that’s not allowed in Saudi Arabia. It used to be not be allowed in America only a few years ago.

You’re talking with somebody like myself who respects, Islam, Christianity and Judaism. So you cannot buy all logic. Call me some kind of a bigot or something like that. Now if you think it’s OK to criticize Islam, that is no different than somebody criticizing Judaism. The better approach is to respect the three religions of Abraham, no matter what your faith is.

You can see above a man from Bosnia, a conservative Muslim guy who is actually open about having dialogue with Christians. This is revolutionary stuff. There are some very popular figures from the Muslim world on YouTube who have millions of followers. And they’re doing something that we didn’t really see 10 years ago and that is reaching out to Christians to work with them. To treat each other as equals. Help fight common enemies like the radical LGBT people who want to have sex change operations for children. That is not something that should ever be allowed in America. It’s not a case of allowing nutty people to say what they want. It is evil. And not say anything about it or to say it’s just allowing people to be naughty is giving into evil.

not so long ago----I interviewed an elderly man with a european accent regarding his
illness. I assumed him to be a jew by virtue of the accent & the location. I could
not elicit much of his medical history---he was INTENT on telling me something else---
It turned out that he was from BOSNIA ---and a christian. He spoke with TEARS IN
HIS EYES of the BIG MISTAKE the US was making----over there in the Balkans. At that
time----the US was hot on the effort of saving MUSLIMS in the Balkans----specifically in
Bosnia. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE....." he kept repeating. "they will pay
you back with knives and bombs" He spoke BITTERLY of his childhood as a christian
kid amongst muslims
Your hatred is very tiresome.
I have no hatred----it is you who actually LIVED amongst muslims and never got
invited to a mosque PRAYER SESSION. I lived amongst christians and did the church
thing MANY TIMES. I worked with muslims and got INVITED to mosques MANY TIMES--
and actually went twice. -----I did hindu stuff too-----but not actually their temple prayer
sessions----more like cultural celebrations. Buddhist--once. Tea cup in hand as guest based
on economic convenience is no way to learn about a people
You should probably read the Wahhabi Myth.

The movement was just to purge Islam of the innovations brought by the Ottoman Turks. Have you ever been around any Wahhabis?
A good example of THE PURGE OF OTTOMAN INNOVATIONS includes such
disgusting ideas as the end of DHIMMIA attempted by the MUSLIM APOSTATE---
Ataturk. Ataturk is vilified amongst devout muslims including mosques in the USA
A good example of THE PURGE OF OTTOMAN INNOVATIONS includes such
disgusting ideas as the end of DHIMMIA attempted by the MUSLIM APOSTATE---
Ataturk. Ataturk is vilified amongst devout muslims including mosques in the USA

This was long before Ataturk...
This was long before Ataturk...
really?----my very own hubby was a DHIMMI in the land of his birth which had
already passed thru Ataturk----and at his time was part of the British mandate.
Ataturk had already come----passed his edicts----and gone at the time of his birth.
Try real history----as opposed to the Episcopalian OIL-PHIL version. Do you have
a date for your "THIS" that was "LONG BEFORE ATATURK"? You remind me of the
PREFACE to the Pickthal version of the kharahan----Pickthal credited muhummad with
the abolition of slavery ROFLMAO I was young back then----no computer----
I had to check out the era of the time of this GREAT INNOVATOR (sic) "muhummad"---
in the library
Last edited:
really?----my very own hubby was a DHIMMI in the land of his birth which had
already passed thru Ataturk----and at his time was part of the British mandate.
Ataturk had already come----passed his edicts----and gone at the time of his birth.
Try real history----as opposed to the Episcopalian OIL-PHIL version. Do you have
a date for your "THIS" that was "LONG BEFORE ATATURK"? You remind me of the
PREFACE to the Pickthal version of the kharahan----Pickthal credited muhummad with
the abolition of slavery ROFLMAO I was young back then----no computer----
I had to check out the era of the time of this GREAT INNOVATOR (sic) "muhummad"---
in the library

Al Wahab lived and died hundreds of years before Ataturk. Too bad about your husband.
Al Wahab lived and died hundreds of years before Ataturk. Too bad about your husband.
what point are you struggling to make? You seem to any logical person to have
just shot yourself in your foot. Dhimmia preceded and survived past BOTH Al Wahab
and Ataturk. I suggest that you request more training from your handlers
When are the Whahabbists going to ever moderate, never?
what ever this or that "ROYAL" says----it is true that Whahabbism is ingrained
in the population----some of the "royals" do put up an admirable but IMO
hopeless struggle against it. The sunni shiite divide is sorta exploited---that
will not go away either

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