Both Michigan Tea Party Reps who were kicked out for an affair are running again, because Jesus....

There are some people I will just never vote for. They could cure cancer and save drowning puppies, but once credibility is shot, people will always remember the scandal. How can anyone David Vitter negotiates with take him seriously after seeing the pics of him in diapers at a whorehouse? Likewise, I'd never vote for David Duke or Edwin Edwards even if they became decent human beings. Now, I can add these two to my list.
remember when the Left lectured on staying out of people's bedrooms??

idiots and hypocrites

If they're going to invoke religion as their justification then people have every right to hit them on it.

um no they dont genius.; you either believe in staying out of people's bedrooms or you dont

Yep, they do. They opened the door themselves.

that doesnt matter; again you either believe in staying out of people's bedrooms or you dont

They let everyone in their bedroom.
remember when the Left lectured on staying out of people's bedrooms??

idiots and hypocrites

One was expelled and the other resigned (when it was clear she would be expelled by as well) by the Michigan House of Representatives which is controlled by...wait for it...The GOP. They deserve what they got but don't let that stop you from circling the wagons and running interference.
And. . . . chances are very good, no matter if these two clowns win or lose, their seats will be filled by Republicans. So I don't really see why the OP cares about this little local drama. It has nothing to do with political party.

As we have seen from the many posts, politicians from both parties do this sort of shit. It doesn't matter if there is a D or an R after one's name, you are just as likely to be corrupt and do stupid shit. Power gives one a sense of invulnerability.

However, one thing is certain. if your Statistikhengst, you're only going to be posting the misdeeds of politicians of one party. It's funny what an agenda does to a person's mind.

Oh, but that is I bald-faced lie. I have also criticized Democrats who have been embroiled in real scandals. Only, you never read that, because you are infernally butthurt.

How could I ever be "butthurt" (sic) if there isn't a single politician I have ever given a damn about in the past decade or so? Seriously? :dunno:

And please, do direct me to the last thread that you posted that criticized Ms. Clinton. Only a child, low information voter, or hyper partisan could seriously believe that she isn't corrupt.

Somehow I think your definition of "real" scandal involves anything that voters can easily grasp that the press can easily explain and prove. If it's complex, nefarious, and involves a conflict of interest and corruption, well, that's just par for the course with you, isn't it?

What these two local yahoos have done is child's play compared to the underhanded corrupt bullshit that Hillary has accomplished in her life. I'd much rather think either of them would make a more reliable and better president than she would. Hillary is dangerous. And evil. You are either too stupid to see it, or worse yet, you know and just don't give a damn how Machiavellian she is. That's what so scary about your posts.

I can't decide if you are dumb or evil. Some posters, it's clear. They know what Hillary is, but they just don't care. Others, don't know, they have been told, but refuse to believe that's how politics works. You, you're a piece of work. I think you know how politics work, so I'm leaning toward evil. What say you?
John Edwards Indicted in Campaign Fund Case - The New ...
The New York Times
Jun 3, 2011 - John Edwards, the former Democratic senator from North Carolina and ... Earlier in the day, a federal grand jury indicted him on charges that he

Edwards went to court over that, as he should have. His political career is over.

On May 31, 2012, Edwards was found not guilty on Count 3, illegal use of campaign funding (contributions from Rachel "Bunny" Mellon), while mistrials were declared on all other counts against him.[2] On June 13, 2012, the Justice Department announced that it dropped the charges and will not attempt to retry Edwards.[3]
Discuss: should born again tea partying affair-loving infidelitous fuck-bunnies get to run again, at taxpayer expense, in a special election that their very behavior caused?

Of course, the entertainment is worth a few $$$

Allthough I think they should promise to get married and get a marriage license from Kim Davis if they win.


Todd Courser (unfaithful husband) /Cindi Gamrat (unfaithful wife), both Republicans, both disgraced.

Expelled Rep. Gamrat files to run for her former seat

"Gamrat confirmed Thursday she filed to run in the special 80th House District Nov. 3 primary in Allegan County after praying and consulting her family. The Plainwell Republican said she doesn’t think the powers-that-be in Lansing who orchestrated her ouster last week should have the final word on her political fate. “I’ve always maintained that I thought the decision should be up to the voters,” Gamrat told The Detroit News. “I think that they ought to have a voice in this matter.” Gamrat said she received an outpouring of support in the district — including a hug from a jogger recently — which influenced her decision to try to win back her House seat. “She felt bad for what I had been put through and thought God still had a plan for me,” Gamrat said."


MICHIGAN: Second Ousted Anti-Gay Former State Rep Will Also Run To Get His Old Seat Back


Just to recap, for those who may have hidden under their rocks last month, Cindi Gamrat and Todd Courser, who were both in the Michigan House of Representatives up until last week, are both married, but not to each other. They were just fucking each other like wild bunnies. This is called infidelity, a major sin in the bible, btw.

The weird twist is that, in order to try to cover this up, Todd Courser Courser leaked a bizarre cover story about his having been caught having sex with male prostitute in the alley behind a nightclub. Shortly before their national humiliation, the pair introduced a trio of anti-gay bills that would have outlawed all civil marriages in Michigan. Very, very, VERY weird.

Both of these wildly -ucking bunnies are born-again Christians and self-identified Tea Party members. Both were kicked out of the Michigan House of Representatives last week, in an amazing act of decency and morality on the party of the Michigan Republican Party. It's a moment that almost caused me to think that there is hope for the Republican Party, after all.

But both Cindy and Todd want back in (to each other as well, I suppose, those little fuck bunnies), so they are both running for the special elections that have now been called AT TAXPAYER expense for the seats they just vacated. But are using G-d as their justification for running again, in spite of having just been kicked out of the Michigan HOR.

Ahhhh, family values.

I don't remember Anthony Weiner being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. I don't remember Elliot Spitzer being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. Both of those Democratic horndogs voluntarily resigned and have not run again.

So, tell me, which party is more ethical, again?

Discuss: should born again tea partying affair-loving infidelitous fuck-bunnies get to run again, at taxpayer expense, in a special election that their very behavior caused?

Have fun.

He's banging that worn out old bottle blonde? Jeezus what a loser. A smooth talking good looking guy like him, in politics, should be fucking high school girls getting some 'political experience' on a summer job at the Capitol.

I suppose if he was a Democrat, he'd know what was what, eh sport? Now, you take someone like Clinton or Weiner, they don't mess around with getting to know someone or that intimacy bullshit. It's all about youth and good looks, right? Good politicians have to be superficial about this, they should like women that are young, and socially attractive. Who cares about any other redeeming qualities, wot wot?

So somehow it's better that he fornicates with an older married woman.

Is that in the Bible? Is that in the conservative code of morality?

Todd Courser (unfaithful husband) /Cindi Gamrat (unfaithful wife), both Republicans, both disgraced.

Expelled Rep. Gamrat files to run for her former seat

"Gamrat confirmed Thursday she filed to run in the special 80th House District Nov. 3 primary in Allegan County after praying and consulting her family. The Plainwell Republican said she doesn’t think the powers-that-be in Lansing who orchestrated her ouster last week should have the final word on her political fate. “I’ve always maintained that I thought the decision should be up to the voters,” Gamrat told The Detroit News. “I think that they ought to have a voice in this matter.” Gamrat said she received an outpouring of support in the district — including a hug from a jogger recently — which influenced her decision to try to win back her House seat. “She felt bad for what I had been put through and thought God still had a plan for me,” Gamrat said."


MICHIGAN: Second Ousted Anti-Gay Former State Rep Will Also Run To Get His Old Seat Back


Just to recap, for those who may have hidden under their rocks last month, Cindi Gamrat and Todd Courser, who were both in the Michigan House of Representatives up until last week, are both married, but not to each other. They were just fucking each other like wild bunnies. This is called infidelity, a major sin in the bible, btw.

The weird twist is that, in order to try to cover this up, Todd Courser Courser leaked a bizarre cover story about his having been caught having sex with male prostitute in the alley behind a nightclub. Shortly before their national humiliation, the pair introduced a trio of anti-gay bills that would have outlawed all civil marriages in Michigan. Very, very, VERY weird.

Both of these wildly -ucking bunnies are born-again Christians and self-identified Tea Party members. Both were kicked out of the Michigan House of Representatives last week, in an amazing act of decency and morality on the party of the Michigan Republican Party. It's a moment that almost caused me to think that there is hope for the Republican Party, after all.

But both Cindy and Todd want back in (to each other as well, I suppose, those little fuck bunnies), so they are both running for the special elections that have now been called AT TAXPAYER expense for the seats they just vacated. But are using G-d as their justification for running again, in spite of having just been kicked out of the Michigan HOR.

Ahhhh, family values.

I don't remember Anthony Weiner being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. I don't remember Elliot Spitzer being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. Both of those Democratic horndogs voluntarily resigned and have not run again.

So, tell me, which party is more ethical, again?

Discuss: should born again tea partying affair-loving infidelitous fuck-bunnies get to run again, at taxpayer expense, in a special election that their very behavior caused?

Have fun.

He's banging that worn out old bottle blonde? Jeezus what a loser. A smooth talking good looking guy like him, in politics, should be fucking high school girls getting some 'political experience' on a summer job at the Capitol.

I suppose if he was a Democrat, he'd know what was what, eh sport? Now, you take someone like Clinton or Weiner, they don't mess around with getting to know someone or that intimacy bullshit. It's all about youth and good looks, right? Good politicians have to be superficial about this, they should like women that are young, and socially attractive. Who cares about any other redeeming qualities, wot wot?

If he was a Democrat he wouldn't be touting "family values" and pretending to be holy and righteous and religious while all the while messing around ........:rolleyes:

Todd Courser (unfaithful husband) /Cindi Gamrat (unfaithful wife), both Republicans, both disgraced.

Expelled Rep. Gamrat files to run for her former seat

"Gamrat confirmed Thursday she filed to run in the special 80th House District Nov. 3 primary in Allegan County after praying and consulting her family. The Plainwell Republican said she doesn’t think the powers-that-be in Lansing who orchestrated her ouster last week should have the final word on her political fate. “I’ve always maintained that I thought the decision should be up to the voters,” Gamrat told The Detroit News. “I think that they ought to have a voice in this matter.” Gamrat said she received an outpouring of support in the district — including a hug from a jogger recently — which influenced her decision to try to win back her House seat. “She felt bad for what I had been put through and thought God still had a plan for me,” Gamrat said."


MICHIGAN: Second Ousted Anti-Gay Former State Rep Will Also Run To Get His Old Seat Back


Just to recap, for those who may have hidden under their rocks last month, Cindi Gamrat and Todd Courser, who were both in the Michigan House of Representatives up until last week, are both married, but not to each other. They were just fucking each other like wild bunnies. This is called infidelity, a major sin in the bible, btw.

The weird twist is that, in order to try to cover this up, Todd Courser Courser leaked a bizarre cover story about his having been caught having sex with male prostitute in the alley behind a nightclub. Shortly before their national humiliation, the pair introduced a trio of anti-gay bills that would have outlawed all civil marriages in Michigan. Very, very, VERY weird.

Both of these wildly -ucking bunnies are born-again Christians and self-identified Tea Party members. Both were kicked out of the Michigan House of Representatives last week, in an amazing act of decency and morality on the party of the Michigan Republican Party. It's a moment that almost caused me to think that there is hope for the Republican Party, after all.

But both Cindy and Todd want back in (to each other as well, I suppose, those little fuck bunnies), so they are both running for the special elections that have now been called AT TAXPAYER expense for the seats they just vacated. But are using G-d as their justification for running again, in spite of having just been kicked out of the Michigan HOR.

Ahhhh, family values.

I don't remember Anthony Weiner being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. I don't remember Elliot Spitzer being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. Both of those Democratic horndogs voluntarily resigned and have not run again.

So, tell me, which party is more ethical, again?

Discuss: should born again tea partying affair-loving infidelitous fuck-bunnies get to run again, at taxpayer expense, in a special election that their very behavior caused?

Have fun.

Can't NOT let someone RUN for office but you CAN make sure voters know they have no family values and to hopefully not vote for them,you CAN as in the Republican party of Michigan disown them and refuse them funds and support and back someone else....

Yeah, like that happened in South Carolina, eh? It's amazing that conservatives believe that God always forgives conservatives, but conservatives are not able to do the same for those that don't have an (R) next to their name, ala Bill Clinton, Anthony Wiener, John Edwards....:rolleyes:

"I want to thank my God," Sanford said. "I used to cringe when somebody would say, `I want to thank my God' because at that point I would think this is getting uncomfortable. But once you really receive God's grace and (have) seen it reflected in others you stop and acknowledge that grace and the difference He has made in my life and in so many lives across this state and across this nation."
South Carolina's Mark Sanford wins GOP primary for old House seat

Todd Courser (unfaithful husband) /Cindi Gamrat (unfaithful wife), both Republicans, both disgraced.

Expelled Rep. Gamrat files to run for her former seat

"Gamrat confirmed Thursday she filed to run in the special 80th House District Nov. 3 primary in Allegan County after praying and consulting her family. The Plainwell Republican said she doesn’t think the powers-that-be in Lansing who orchestrated her ouster last week should have the final word on her political fate. “I’ve always maintained that I thought the decision should be up to the voters,” Gamrat told The Detroit News. “I think that they ought to have a voice in this matter.” Gamrat said she received an outpouring of support in the district — including a hug from a jogger recently — which influenced her decision to try to win back her House seat. “She felt bad for what I had been put through and thought God still had a plan for me,” Gamrat said."


MICHIGAN: Second Ousted Anti-Gay Former State Rep Will Also Run To Get His Old Seat Back


Just to recap, for those who may have hidden under their rocks last month, Cindi Gamrat and Todd Courser, who were both in the Michigan House of Representatives up until last week, are both married, but not to each other. They were just fucking each other like wild bunnies. This is called infidelity, a major sin in the bible, btw.

The weird twist is that, in order to try to cover this up, Todd Courser Courser leaked a bizarre cover story about his having been caught having sex with male prostitute in the alley behind a nightclub. Shortly before their national humiliation, the pair introduced a trio of anti-gay bills that would have outlawed all civil marriages in Michigan. Very, very, VERY weird.

Both of these wildly -ucking bunnies are born-again Christians and self-identified Tea Party members. Both were kicked out of the Michigan House of Representatives last week, in an amazing act of decency and morality on the party of the Michigan Republican Party. It's a moment that almost caused me to think that there is hope for the Republican Party, after all.

But both Cindy and Todd want back in (to each other as well, I suppose, those little fuck bunnies), so they are both running for the special elections that have now been called AT TAXPAYER expense for the seats they just vacated. But are using G-d as their justification for running again, in spite of having just been kicked out of the Michigan HOR.

Ahhhh, family values.

I don't remember Anthony Weiner being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. I don't remember Elliot Spitzer being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. Both of those Democratic horndogs voluntarily resigned and have not run again.

So, tell me, which party is more ethical, again?

Discuss: should born again tea partying affair-loving infidelitous fuck-bunnies get to run again, at taxpayer expense, in a special election that their very behavior caused?

Have fun.

Can't NOT let someone RUN for office but you CAN make sure voters know they have no family values and to hopefully not vote for them,you CAN as in the Republican party of Michigan disown them and refuse them funds and support and back someone else....

Yeah, like that happened in South Carolina, eh? It's amazing that conservatives believe that God always forgives conservatives, but conservatives are not able to do the same for those that don't have an (R) next to their name, ala Bill Clinton, Anthony Wiener, John Edwards....:rolleyes:

"I want to thank my God," Sanford said. "I used to cringe when somebody would say, `I want to thank my God' because at that point I would think this is getting uncomfortable. But once you really receive God's grace and (have) seen it reflected in others you stop and acknowledge that grace and the difference He has made in my life and in so many lives across this state and across this nation."
South Carolina's Mark Sanford wins GOP primary for old House seat
Wasn't my congressman nor senator not my problem. Must be a real problem if he was best the GOP could put up...

Todd Courser (unfaithful husband) /Cindi Gamrat (unfaithful wife), both Republicans, both disgraced.

Expelled Rep. Gamrat files to run for her former seat

"Gamrat confirmed Thursday she filed to run in the special 80th House District Nov. 3 primary in Allegan County after praying and consulting her family. The Plainwell Republican said she doesn’t think the powers-that-be in Lansing who orchestrated her ouster last week should have the final word on her political fate. “I’ve always maintained that I thought the decision should be up to the voters,” Gamrat told The Detroit News. “I think that they ought to have a voice in this matter.” Gamrat said she received an outpouring of support in the district — including a hug from a jogger recently — which influenced her decision to try to win back her House seat. “She felt bad for what I had been put through and thought God still had a plan for me,” Gamrat said."


MICHIGAN: Second Ousted Anti-Gay Former State Rep Will Also Run To Get His Old Seat Back


Just to recap, for those who may have hidden under their rocks last month, Cindi Gamrat and Todd Courser, who were both in the Michigan House of Representatives up until last week, are both married, but not to each other. They were just fucking each other like wild bunnies. This is called infidelity, a major sin in the bible, btw.

The weird twist is that, in order to try to cover this up, Todd Courser Courser leaked a bizarre cover story about his having been caught having sex with male prostitute in the alley behind a nightclub. Shortly before their national humiliation, the pair introduced a trio of anti-gay bills that would have outlawed all civil marriages in Michigan. Very, very, VERY weird.

Both of these wildly -ucking bunnies are born-again Christians and self-identified Tea Party members. Both were kicked out of the Michigan House of Representatives last week, in an amazing act of decency and morality on the party of the Michigan Republican Party. It's a moment that almost caused me to think that there is hope for the Republican Party, after all.

But both Cindy and Todd want back in (to each other as well, I suppose, those little fuck bunnies), so they are both running for the special elections that have now been called AT TAXPAYER expense for the seats they just vacated. But are using G-d as their justification for running again, in spite of having just been kicked out of the Michigan HOR.

Ahhhh, family values.

I don't remember Anthony Weiner being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. I don't remember Elliot Spitzer being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. Both of those Democratic horndogs voluntarily resigned and have not run again.

So, tell me, which party is more ethical, again?

Discuss: should born again tea partying affair-loving infidelitous fuck-bunnies get to run again, at taxpayer expense, in a special election that their very behavior caused?

Have fun.

Can't NOT let someone RUN for office but you CAN make sure voters know they have no family values and to hopefully not vote for them,you CAN as in the Republican party of Michigan disown them and refuse them funds and support and back someone else....

Yeah, like that happened in South Carolina, eh? It's amazing that conservatives believe that God always forgives conservatives, but conservatives are not able to do the same for those that don't have an (R) next to their name, ala Bill Clinton, Anthony Wiener, John Edwards....:rolleyes:

"I want to thank my God," Sanford said. "I used to cringe when somebody would say, `I want to thank my God' because at that point I would think this is getting uncomfortable. But once you really receive God's grace and (have) seen it reflected in others you stop and acknowledge that grace and the difference He has made in my life and in so many lives across this state and across this nation."
South Carolina's Mark Sanford wins GOP primary for old House seat
Wasn't my congressman nor senator not my problem. Must be a real problem if he was best the GOP could put up...

Well, the conservatives in South Carolina are a weird lot.......they still think the confederate flag is about patriotism!:rolleyes:
remember when the Left lectured on staying out of people's bedrooms??

idiots and hypocrites

Absolutely agree.

The problem I have with all the RW loons is that they consistently preach one thing while living another.

RWs want in Americans' bedrooms. They want to control every detail of our private lives - but then, they commit every single "sin" they lecture against.


Todd Courser (unfaithful husband) /Cindi Gamrat (unfaithful wife), both Republicans, both disgraced.

Expelled Rep. Gamrat files to run for her former seat

"Gamrat confirmed Thursday she filed to run in the special 80th House District Nov. 3 primary in Allegan County after praying and consulting her family. The Plainwell Republican said she doesn’t think the powers-that-be in Lansing who orchestrated her ouster last week should have the final word on her political fate. “I’ve always maintained that I thought the decision should be up to the voters,” Gamrat told The Detroit News. “I think that they ought to have a voice in this matter.” Gamrat said she received an outpouring of support in the district — including a hug from a jogger recently — which influenced her decision to try to win back her House seat. “She felt bad for what I had been put through and thought God still had a plan for me,” Gamrat said."


MICHIGAN: Second Ousted Anti-Gay Former State Rep Will Also Run To Get His Old Seat Back


Just to recap, for those who may have hidden under their rocks last month, Cindi Gamrat and Todd Courser, who were both in the Michigan House of Representatives up until last week, are both married, but not to each other. They were just fucking each other like wild bunnies. This is called infidelity, a major sin in the bible, btw.

The weird twist is that, in order to try to cover this up, Todd Courser Courser leaked a bizarre cover story about his having been caught having sex with male prostitute in the alley behind a nightclub. Shortly before their national humiliation, the pair introduced a trio of anti-gay bills that would have outlawed all civil marriages in Michigan. Very, very, VERY weird.

Both of these wildly -ucking bunnies are born-again Christians and self-identified Tea Party members. Both were kicked out of the Michigan House of Representatives last week, in an amazing act of decency and morality on the party of the Michigan Republican Party. It's a moment that almost caused me to think that there is hope for the Republican Party, after all.

But both Cindy and Todd want back in (to each other as well, I suppose, those little fuck bunnies), so they are both running for the special elections that have now been called AT TAXPAYER expense for the seats they just vacated. But are using G-d as their justification for running again, in spite of having just been kicked out of the Michigan HOR.

Ahhhh, family values.

I don't remember Anthony Weiner being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. I don't remember Elliot Spitzer being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. Both of those Democratic horndogs voluntarily resigned and have not run again.

So, tell me, which party is more ethical, again?

Discuss: should born again tea partying affair-loving infidelitous fuck-bunnies get to run again, at taxpayer expense, in a special election that their very behavior caused?

Have fun.

Can't NOT let someone RUN for office but you CAN make sure voters know they have no family values and to hopefully not vote for them,you CAN as in the Republican party of Michigan disown them and refuse them funds and support and back someone else....

Yeah, like that happened in South Carolina, eh? It's amazing that conservatives believe that God always forgives conservatives, but conservatives are not able to do the same for those that don't have an (R) next to their name, ala Bill Clinton, Anthony Wiener, John Edwards....:rolleyes:

"I want to thank my God," Sanford said. "I used to cringe when somebody would say, `I want to thank my God' because at that point I would think this is getting uncomfortable. But once you really receive God's grace and (have) seen it reflected in others you stop and acknowledge that grace and the difference He has made in my life and in so many lives across this state and across this nation."
South Carolina's Mark Sanford wins GOP primary for old House seat
Wasn't my congressman nor senator not my problem. Must be a real problem if he was best the GOP could put up...

I thought you were a traitorous RW American.

So, uh, what country you from?

Todd Courser (unfaithful husband) /Cindi Gamrat (unfaithful wife), both Republicans, both disgraced.

Expelled Rep. Gamrat files to run for her former seat

"Gamrat confirmed Thursday she filed to run in the special 80th House District Nov. 3 primary in Allegan County after praying and consulting her family. The Plainwell Republican said she doesn’t think the powers-that-be in Lansing who orchestrated her ouster last week should have the final word on her political fate. “I’ve always maintained that I thought the decision should be up to the voters,” Gamrat told The Detroit News. “I think that they ought to have a voice in this matter.” Gamrat said she received an outpouring of support in the district — including a hug from a jogger recently — which influenced her decision to try to win back her House seat. “She felt bad for what I had been put through and thought God still had a plan for me,” Gamrat said."


MICHIGAN: Second Ousted Anti-Gay Former State Rep Will Also Run To Get His Old Seat Back


Just to recap, for those who may have hidden under their rocks last month, Cindi Gamrat and Todd Courser, who were both in the Michigan House of Representatives up until last week, are both married, but not to each other. They were just fucking each other like wild bunnies. This is called infidelity, a major sin in the bible, btw.

The weird twist is that, in order to try to cover this up, Todd Courser Courser leaked a bizarre cover story about his having been caught having sex with male prostitute in the alley behind a nightclub. Shortly before their national humiliation, the pair introduced a trio of anti-gay bills that would have outlawed all civil marriages in Michigan. Very, very, VERY weird.

Both of these wildly -ucking bunnies are born-again Christians and self-identified Tea Party members. Both were kicked out of the Michigan House of Representatives last week, in an amazing act of decency and morality on the party of the Michigan Republican Party. It's a moment that almost caused me to think that there is hope for the Republican Party, after all.

But both Cindy and Todd want back in (to each other as well, I suppose, those little fuck bunnies), so they are both running for the special elections that have now been called AT TAXPAYER expense for the seats they just vacated. But are using G-d as their justification for running again, in spite of having just been kicked out of the Michigan HOR.

Ahhhh, family values.

I don't remember Anthony Weiner being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. I don't remember Elliot Spitzer being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. Both of those Democratic horndogs voluntarily resigned and have not run again.

So, tell me, which party is more ethical, again?

Discuss: should born again tea partying affair-loving infidelitous fuck-bunnies get to run again, at taxpayer expense, in a special election that their very behavior caused?

Have fun.

Can't NOT let someone RUN for office but you CAN make sure voters know they have no family values and to hopefully not vote for them,you CAN as in the Republican party of Michigan disown them and refuse them funds and support and back someone else....

Yeah, like that happened in South Carolina, eh? It's amazing that conservatives believe that God always forgives conservatives, but conservatives are not able to do the same for those that don't have an (R) next to their name, ala Bill Clinton, Anthony Wiener, John Edwards....:rolleyes:

"I want to thank my God," Sanford said. "I used to cringe when somebody would say, `I want to thank my God' because at that point I would think this is getting uncomfortable. But once you really receive God's grace and (have) seen it reflected in others you stop and acknowledge that grace and the difference He has made in my life and in so many lives across this state and across this nation."
South Carolina's Mark Sanford wins GOP primary for old House seat

I agree.

The left doesn't tell others how they should live.

RWs are so holier than thou, thumping their bibles and committing every "sin" they preach against.

Todd Courser (unfaithful husband) /Cindi Gamrat (unfaithful wife), both Republicans, both disgraced.

Expelled Rep. Gamrat files to run for her former seat

"Gamrat confirmed Thursday she filed to run in the special 80th House District Nov. 3 primary in Allegan County after praying and consulting her family. The Plainwell Republican said she doesn’t think the powers-that-be in Lansing who orchestrated her ouster last week should have the final word on her political fate. “I’ve always maintained that I thought the decision should be up to the voters,” Gamrat told The Detroit News. “I think that they ought to have a voice in this matter.” Gamrat said she received an outpouring of support in the district — including a hug from a jogger recently — which influenced her decision to try to win back her House seat. “She felt bad for what I had been put through and thought God still had a plan for me,” Gamrat said."


MICHIGAN: Second Ousted Anti-Gay Former State Rep Will Also Run To Get His Old Seat Back


Just to recap, for those who may have hidden under their rocks last month, Cindi Gamrat and Todd Courser, who were both in the Michigan House of Representatives up until last week, are both married, but not to each other. They were just fucking each other like wild bunnies. This is called infidelity, a major sin in the bible, btw.

The weird twist is that, in order to try to cover this up, Todd Courser Courser leaked a bizarre cover story about his having been caught having sex with male prostitute in the alley behind a nightclub. Shortly before their national humiliation, the pair introduced a trio of anti-gay bills that would have outlawed all civil marriages in Michigan. Very, very, VERY weird.

Both of these wildly -ucking bunnies are born-again Christians and self-identified Tea Party members. Both were kicked out of the Michigan House of Representatives last week, in an amazing act of decency and morality on the party of the Michigan Republican Party. It's a moment that almost caused me to think that there is hope for the Republican Party, after all.

But both Cindy and Todd want back in (to each other as well, I suppose, those little fuck bunnies), so they are both running for the special elections that have now been called AT TAXPAYER expense for the seats they just vacated. But are using G-d as their justification for running again, in spite of having just been kicked out of the Michigan HOR.

Ahhhh, family values.

I don't remember Anthony Weiner being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. I don't remember Elliot Spitzer being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. Both of those Democratic horndogs voluntarily resigned and have not run again.

So, tell me, which party is more ethical, again?

Discuss: should born again tea partying affair-loving infidelitous fuck-bunnies get to run again, at taxpayer expense, in a special election that their very behavior caused?

Have fun.

Can't NOT let someone RUN for office but you CAN make sure voters know they have no family values and to hopefully not vote for them,you CAN as in the Republican party of Michigan disown them and refuse them funds and support and back someone else....

Yeah, like that happened in South Carolina, eh? It's amazing that conservatives believe that God always forgives conservatives, but conservatives are not able to do the same for those that don't have an (R) next to their name, ala Bill Clinton, Anthony Wiener, John Edwards....:rolleyes:

"I want to thank my God," Sanford said. "I used to cringe when somebody would say, `I want to thank my God' because at that point I would think this is getting uncomfortable. But once you really receive God's grace and (have) seen it reflected in others you stop and acknowledge that grace and the difference He has made in my life and in so many lives across this state and across this nation."
South Carolina's Mark Sanford wins GOP primary for old House seat

I agree.

The left doesn't tell others how they should live.

RWs are so holier than thou, thumping their bibles and committing every "sin" they preach against.

So, Todd Courser and Josh Duggar walked into a whorehouse together....
remember when the Left lectured on staying out of people's bedrooms??

idiots and hypocrites

Not when you pretend to be more moral than everyone else and you're running on those alleged morals.

Idiot and hypocrite? Yes, you are.

Maybe if the teatards really did stay out of everyone's bedrooms you'd have a point. Don't worry though. I understand these concepts are over your little wingnut head.

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