Bringing some heat to the bird feeders

Do you have any citations for this? The Cherokee shaman, Swimmer, is involved in this story. Having examined the Swimmer manuscript (Bureau of American Ethnology), it is not know just what area Swimmer was from. Likely CNF.

No, just what I've heard, having heard a lot of headline stuff about the controversy, and knowing well that the medical industrial complex have every reason to keep any actual cures from being spread around. If the MIC demanded that the bloodroot be banned, then I can easily believe that it's quite effective.


No, just what I've heard, having heard a lot of headline stuff about the controversy, and knowing well that the medical industrial complex have every reason to keep any actual cures from being spread around. If the MIC demanded that the bloodroot be banned, then I can easily believe that it's quite effective.

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Of the bloodroot constituents, chelerythrine depresses breathing (personal experience). It is also found in the Ice Age poppy, Chelidonium. However, the dose that depresses breathing was not known at the time, and it was the Chelidonium that had this action. Thus, there is a bloodroot connection for political reasons:

SARS2 / Chelerythrine
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Of the bloodroot constituents, chelerythrine depresses breathing (personal experience). It is also found in the Ice Age poppy, Chelidonium. However, the dose that depresses breathing was not known at the time, and it was the Chelidonium that had this action. Thus, there is a bloodroot connection for political reasons:

SARS2 / Chelerythrine

Thank you.

There are at least two more citations worth mentioning for the constituent of bloodroot, chelerythrine. Its inhibition of West Nile virus links to the same mechanism of inhibition for SARS2:

Chelerythrine / WNV / PKC (Protein Kinase C)
'....A reduction of the fluorescence intensity was observed in infected cells treated with either durg (calphostin C or chelerythrine), being significantly lower in those treated with chelerythrine, thus confirming the impairment of WNV viral replication exerted by this PKC inhibitor.'

Dec 2020 Germany
'....The remarkable properties of chelerythrine: [a] a fast diffusion across the cell membrane asymmetric distribution between cytosol and membrane particulate fractions [c] preferential inhibition of both conventional PKC-alpha and beta [d] causing a pro-apoptotic effect in nucleated cells and thus creating a pro-survival effect in enucleated human erythrocytes and thus enhancing the antiviral and antibacterial activities of these cells [e] its curative effect against viral and bacterial infection-associated anemia [f] its capability to interact with divers DNA and RNA confirmations, allows the legitimate hypothesis that chelerythrine is pre-destined for COVID-19 treatment.'
Field test for bee gun. Works as advertised, blew a european hornet off the feeder, but those things are tough, need to be about 3" from the muzzle. Hart to aim with just a pistol grip, I don't know how those gang bangers hit anything. I patterned it on a cherry tree leaf, from about a foot, good pattern for a cylinder bore. I wish they had screw in chokes so I could hit a hard boiled egg in the air to impress dinner guests. More fun than whacking them.

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