BUCKLE UP: Lawmakers Ask Banks To Run Special Wartime Test, What Do They Know That We Don’t?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016


Lawmakers Ask Banks To Run Special Wartime Test,​

What Do They Know That We Don’t?​

15 Dec 2023 ~~ By Vince Quill

Are we headed toward a war with China? Recent developments seem to suggest that things are heading in that direction.
Congressional lawmakers are now pressing the Federal Reserve to ‘stress tests’ banks for the ensuing fallout from a potential war with the Chinese Communist Party.
Aside from the fact that this indicates Washington D.C. is anticipating conflict, it also calls into question the current health of our banking sector overall.
It’s no secret that banks have been failing left and right, while both consumer and national debt have skyrocketed to unsustainable levels.

The Washington Post had more details on the House Select Committee report:
The report, released Tuesday by the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, contains a broad legislative blueprint that — if followed — could ratchet up duties on Chinese goods, significantly curtail certain U.S. investments in China and further restrict or ban U.S. market access for companies including TikTok, as well as drone makers, chip manufacturers and telecommunications groups.


The DNCCP is working very hard to bring in millions more illegals, on our dime. Crime in your city? No problem, the Democrats have decriminalized all crime.
Mournfully, War is inevitable with China and Russia. However, that's not the reason for wartime banking tests.
Election steal of 2020 set up that war coming. We see it due to weak Democrats in the White House through their strawman vegetable Biden.
Those behind the steal know they messed-up big time and fear Trump's re-election.


Lawmakers Ask Banks To Run Special Wartime Test,​

What Do They Know That We Don’t?​

15 Dec 2023 ~~ By Vince Quill

Are we headed toward a war with China? Recent developments seem to suggest that things are heading in that direction.
Congressional lawmakers are now pressing the Federal Reserve to ‘stress tests’ banks for the ensuing fallout from a potential war with the Chinese Communist Party.
Aside from the fact that this indicates Washington D.C. is anticipating conflict, it also calls into question the current health of our banking sector overall.
It’s no secret that banks have been failing left and right, while both consumer and national debt have skyrocketed to unsustainable levels.

The Washington Post had more details on the House Select Committee report:
The report, released Tuesday by the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, contains a broad legislative blueprint that — if followed — could ratchet up duties on Chinese goods, significantly curtail certain U.S. investments in China and further restrict or ban U.S. market access for companies including TikTok, as well as drone makers, chip manufacturers and telecommunications groups.

The DNCCP is working very hard to bring in millions more illegals, on our dime. Crime in your city? No problem, the Democrats have decriminalized all crime.
Mournfully, War is inevitable with China and Russia. However, that's not the reason for wartime banking tests.
Election steal of 2020 set up that war coming. We see it due to weak Democrats in the White House through their strawman vegetable Biden.
Those behind the steal know they messed-up big time and fear Trump's re-election.

No. Probably just the Republican controlled house committee, running a spook campaign to dampend the retail and banking economy, as it keeps going up.
The already ran one earlier this year and the banks passed. I suspect they want to see exactly what it would take to break the system then break it in order to push for the completely digital plan they have been hinting at. The more diversified your holdings are the better you will be able to fight back
No. Military war against China isn't possible.

And Biden is making serious efforts to de-escalate any remaining attempts to harm China through economic war.
As an American, he should be putting effort to stop China's economic war against the US. He's a fucking traitor.
They run scenarios like this to be prepared just in case of the event. Given that China has been an aggressor in their corner of the world, it's not completely out of the question.
The OP source is 100%fedup.

Does anyone have a better source?

It's called Google......

When I did a search 'are banks running a special wartime test'.......this is what came up (other than panic driven clickbait)

From Reuters......


(one of the many paragraphs....)

Among them: forcing a ban or Chinese divestment of social media platform TikTok, directing the Commerce Department to impose import duties on legacy Chinese semiconductors, requiring the Federal Reserve to stress-test U.S. banks' ability to withstand a potential loss of market access to China, and restricting U.S. federal agencies from buying Chinese-made drones.
The already ran one earlier this year and the banks passed. I suspect they want to see exactly what it would take to break the system then break it in order to push for the completely digital plan they have been hinting at. The more diversified your holdings are the better you will be able to fight back


I'm all in on adrenochrome.
As an American, he should be putting effort to stop China's economic war against the US. He's a fucking traitor.
Trump put the screws to China before the Covid epidemic.
Biden bent over backwards to kill the deal....
Does the OP know what's going on in China?

---China’s real estate industry is collapsing in slow motion.---

Indeed, the real estate market is collapsing in China because they've built these tall apartment buildings in all the cities and packed them with the people.


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