Zone1 California Stuff Ya Can't Make Up


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
I keep a good eye on the crazy laws in my state, what's going on at the federal level, and the crazy crap California passes that last till it goes to a higher court. My home state I would never enter it's borders. Oh maybe 20 years ago as part of a militia to arrest the government and restore Constitutional order. But now anyone left in that shit hole needs to be there. It's full of crazies who don't have a clue to their rights so Gavin Newsom gives them none. How do these people allow these political hacks to take their basic rights and have been doing it for 50 years. It was 1974 they deleted the Fourth Amendment. That's when I left the state. About the same time the idiot sheep started hunkerin down and doing what they were told.

There is a big butt load of anti Second Amendment Bills in the Soviet Marxist Republic of California today. One starts making the 5th Amendment null and void. More hoops to jump through, taxes to pay, more reasons to deny someone a permit, and to prove they are all to stupid to ever be ignorant, create more 'gun free zones' where every clown is assured a large body count, only a crazy would support

On Thursday night, the California Legislature adjourned after having passed a whole slew of anti-gun bills. Comrade Newsom has already approved Senate Bill 135, the companion to Assembly Bill 135, which contains a provision allowing the Attorney General to unilaterally increase the fee to conduct ammunition eligibility checks. What the Hell is a ammunition eligibility check? Both chambers also passed Senate Joint Resolution 7, to call for a Constitutional Convention to place California-style gun control into the U.S. Constitution. Are you hearing this? A state that doesn't even use the Constitution want's a Constitutional Convention on gun control?!

These bills are to be sent to Gaugin Newsom’s desk for his consideration and damn the Constitution he'll pass them all.

Senate Bill 2, among other things, creates new subjective criteria for the issuance of carry permits to allow authorities to arbitrarily deny applicants, restricts permit holders by allowing them to carry only handguns registered to themselves, increases the requirements to apply for a permit, and increases “gun-free zones” where law-abiding citizens are murdered by sick mental crazies.

Senate Bill 241 mandates that licensed firearm dealers and their employees complete an annual training program that the Department of Justice is to create. These yahoos will teach gunsmiths and dealers the safety of their life's work. When pigs fly.

Senate Bill 368 mandates that licensed firearm dealers offer the service of storing firearms, all your firearms for 'safekeeping' prohibits firearm dealers from offering items in games of chance (such as by raffles), and expands prohibited persons categories for 'all' misdemeanor crimes.

Senate Bill 377 requires law-enforcement officers purchasing personal firearms to undergo the same ten-day waiting period and follow the same restrictions of the handgun roster as private citizens. This eliminates a major way for Californians to be able to lawfully purchase many of the same handguns that are popular with law-abiding citizens in the rest of the country.

Senate Bill 452, as amended, sets forth the process to prohibit non-microstamped semi-automatic pistols from being sold through licensed dealers if the Department of Justice determines the technology is viable and available by 2028. In addition, it also prohibits replacing a microstamping component on such a handgun, unless it is replaced with another “valid” microstamping component. In recent months, a federal court struck down the microstamping requirement, as well as other required features for handgun models to be placed on the California handgun roster. While the attorney general has appealed the decision, he did not appeal the microstamping requirement.

Assembly Bill 28 places an excise tax of 11% on the sales price of all firearms, firearm precursor parts, and ammunition. These taxes are to be collected from California retailers and placed in a newly created “gun violence” fund for appropriation by the state legislature. It is unjust to saddle law-abiding gun owners with special taxes. Such a measure makes it more expensive for law-abiding citizens to exercise a constitutional right and discourages them from practicing to be safe and proficient with their firearms for purposes such as self-defense, competition, and hunting.

Assembly Bill 574 requires gun owners, when filling out the Dealer Record of Sale, to affirm that they have checked and confirmed possession of every firearm they own or possess within the past 30 days. This requirement runs contrary to the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and is an additional burden for gun owners, especially those with firearms stored in multiple residences or in safe deposit boxes, that can make them ineligible to purchase another firearm until they visit all of those locations.

Assembly Bill 725 expands California’s one-size-fits-all reporting mandate for lost or stolen firearms to also include precursor parts. Californians may face criminal penalties if they fail to report the loss or theft of what were previously unregulated pieces of plastic and metal.

Assembly Bill 732 goes above and beyond federal law in its requirement for individuals to relinquish their firearms upon conviction of a prohibiting offense. In addition, it creates a verification and enforcement procedure that can potentially violate the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Assembly Bill 733 prohibits state and local government entities from selling off surplus firearms, ammunition, and body armor. This prevents them from being good stewards of taxpayer money and prevents the public from buying these taxpayer funded items, which are lawful to own.

Assembly Bill 1089 expands California’s ban on private citizens, and non-professional users, making firearms with CNC milling machines, or possessing CNC milling machines that have the “primary” or “intended” function of manufacturing firearms, to also include 3D printers. This is simply another scheme to harass law-abiding hobbyists by preventing them from using modern manufacturing techniques for otherwise lawful purposes.

Assembly Bill 1420 broadens the grounds for firearm dealer inspections and punitive measures for technical violations. In addition, it requires that prospective firearm purchasers and recipients list their email address on the DROS forms.

Assembly Bill 1483 expands California’s one-gun-per-month rationing scheme to also include private party transfers.

Assembly Bill 1587 requires that credit card issuers use specified Merchant Category Codes to designate firearm and ammunition retailers.

Assembly Bill 1598 requires licensed firearm dealers to provide a DoJ published pamphlet on “the benefits and risks of firearm ownership” to those receiving firearms. Additionally, it allows DoJ to solicit input from “reputable” organizations. Given the Attorney General’s hate of the Constitution and it's Bill of Rights these pamphlets will be anti-gun propaganda pieces.

If these Bills don't show only the stupid live in California and dirty tyrants rule the state I don't know what does. You shits from Calif sure are stupid letting these little bitches make you their little bitches. Real Americans would have jailed Calif government. I don't care how much you say you are a patriot and love the Constitution. To any American in California you are not worth your salt, you are totally worthless and pathetic! Can't even smoke a menthol cigarette Is there anything that doesn't give you Cancer in that shit hole full of crazies?

Wait, I haven't gotten started in that low IQed bunch of idiots. A few years ago California were letting crops die in the field due to lack of water. You couldn't water your lawn or plants but still dumping half their fresh water in the San Francisco bay. It was to save a fish not native to the state that swam the Sacramento River called the Smelt. With all the money the state has to burn they paid for a count on the Smelt. The count was one. That's 1 Smelt. About that same time Cal passed some unconstitutional gun laws that required finger prints, 2 pieces of ID, and paperwork to buy ammunition. When it passed the Terminator hit the air waves saying the same thing they say about any gun law. It will stop all crime. As he is lying thousands of felons were being set free from the prisons because of overcrowding. This crazy mindless crap you can't make up.

Next to my home town was the reserve fleet in Suisun Bay. Over 300 ships once were held there. My home town is also home of Mare Island Naval Base. Back in the day they would launch 3 submarines a month and has 2 large dry docks. Clinton closed the base and the reserve fleet was down to a few ships. California got their panties all wet thinking those few ships might hurt that one Smelt swimming around so they had to cure the problem. They first had to paint those ship then towed them to Brownsville, Texas to be salvaged. Remember those 2 dry docks at Mare Island setting there doing nothing, in a city out of work, only 3 miles from Suisun Bay? I see one of the effects of mass stupidity also includes memory loss. Stuff ya can't make up!
Comrad Newsom is building on his reputation in preparation for his run in the Dem primary. The best example in that longwinded blurb is in Newsom doing more groundwork to own the abortion issue.
It will be interesting to see how many of those bills will stand constitutional muster if and when they are brought to the supreme court.
It will be interesting to see how many of those bills will stand constitutional muster if and when they are brought to the supreme court.
California gun laws haven't gotten by the Supreme Court since their gov was the Terminator, but ya can't blame a stupid, tyrant, Bozo, SOB for tryin. Maybe all those democRats are going to run on the Dementa ticket.

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