California Yes Movement Seeks Some Interesting Outcomes - National Divorce


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2021

The leader of a California secession movement known as "Yes California" told Newsweek in an exclusive interview on Saturday that a national divorce is needed to avoid another "civil war."

As politics have become increasingly polarizing in recent years, there have been growing calls from residents in coastal-like states such as California, Texas, and New Hampshire to secede from the rest of the United States.


But this one looks to break CA into sections:

"Yes California" is currently campaigning on a ballot measure called CalExit 3.1, which would break California into two and establish a country separate from the U.S. in the San Francisco Bay area and along the central California coast, according to the "Yes California" website. The independent land would be called Pacifica. So far, 92,000 people have signed up to join the campaign through the movement's website. However, it's unclear how many of these people are California residents.


There is another movement called CalExit.

It is fun to watch this stuff as, at least, it educates people on issues and possibilities.

I learned that N.H. wanted the right to leave if the national debt hits 40 trillion. Congress said no. I wonder why ?

What does congress have against N.H. leaving.

California is a diffeent matter. As it stands they produce a lot of food. If they left we might have some issues.

But so what ?

I like seeing the conversation.
Based on population there should be a North California and a South California, while both of the Dakota's can merge into a single states called Dakota.

But because of the Senate, and the Electoral College, this won't happen.
Move Newsome to San Diego and deed back Southern CA to Mexico, any further invasion will be treated as an act of war

Deport Mayorkas and everyone supporting the the Invasion
Let coastal California, from LA to SF secede. We'll keep SD, the central valley and north of SF. We'll need to keep an open corridor so illegal aliens can get into the dipshit zone. We'll also have to relocate some of the wine country liberals to the dipshit zone. After that, the American part of Cali. should be pretty good.
Two pieces of legislation relating to New Hampshire's efforts to secede from the U.S. have been introduced in the state House: CACR 20 and House Bill 1130.

CACR is a constitutional amendment that states that if the national debt, which is currently over $34 trillion, reaches $40 trillion, New Hampshire will declare independence. Meanwhile, House Bill 1130 would create a commission to study the economic, legal, and sociological factors of the state "exerting its sovereign rights."

Assuming a peaceful exit here would require said states buying their way out of a bankrupt nation , to start their own.

This then, if applied as such, would subject those states to also pay for anything federally owned and or funded within it's turf IE~ highways, airports, water ports , courthouses, military bases , electrical infrastructure , etc

the devil be in the details.....


The leader of a California secession movement known as "Yes California" told Newsweek in an exclusive interview on Saturday that a national divorce is needed to avoid another "civil war."

As politics have become increasingly polarizing in recent years, there have been growing calls from residents in coastal-like states such as California, Texas, and New Hampshire to secede from the rest of the United States.


But this one looks to break CA into sections:

"Yes California" is currently campaigning on a ballot measure called CalExit 3.1, which would break California into two and establish a country separate from the U.S. in the San Francisco Bay area and along the central California coast, according to the "Yes California" website. The independent land would be called Pacifica. So far, 92,000 people have signed up to join the campaign through the movement's website. However, it's unclear how many of these people are California residents.


There is another movement called CalExit.

It is fun to watch this stuff as, at least, it educates people on issues and possibilities.

I learned that N.H. wanted the right to leave if the national debt hits 40 trillion. Congress said no. I wonder why ?

What does congress have against N.H. leaving.

California is a diffeent matter. As it stands they produce a lot of food. If they left we might have some issues.

But so what ?

I like seeing the conversation.
Large, rabidly Left wing isolated cities should be their own country, and then have everyone else.

That would be the ideal split.
Two pieces of legislation relating to New Hampshire's efforts to secede from the U.S. have been introduced in the state House: CACR 20 and House Bill 1130.

CACR is a constitutional amendment that states that if the national debt, which is currently over $34 trillion, reaches $40 trillion, New Hampshire will declare independence. Meanwhile, House Bill 1130 would create a commission to study the economic, legal, and sociological factors of the state "exerting its sovereign rights."

Assuming a peaceful exit here would require said states buying their way out of a bankrupt nation , to start their own.

This then, if applied as such, would subject those states to also pay for anything federally owned and or funded within it's turf IE~ highways, airports, water ports , courthouses, military bases , electrical infrastructure , etc

the devil be in the details.....


Ukraine has all our money now.

I cannot for the life of me figure out why but here we are

The leader of a California secession movement known as "Yes California" told Newsweek in an exclusive interview on Saturday that a national divorce is needed to avoid another "civil war."

As politics have become increasingly polarizing in recent years, there have been growing calls from residents in coastal-like states such as California, Texas, and New Hampshire to secede from the rest of the United States.


But this one looks to break CA into sections:

"Yes California" is currently campaigning on a ballot measure called CalExit 3.1, which would break California into two and establish a country separate from the U.S. in the San Francisco Bay area and along the central California coast, according to the "Yes California" website. The independent land would be called Pacifica. So far, 92,000 people have signed up to join the campaign through the movement's website. However, it's unclear how many of these people are California residents.


There is another movement called CalExit.

It is fun to watch this stuff as, at least, it educates people on issues and possibilities.

I learned that N.H. wanted the right to leave if the national debt hits 40 trillion. Congress said no. I wonder why ?

What does congress have against N.H. leaving.

California is a diffeent matter. As it stands they produce a lot of food. If they left we might have some issues.

But so what ?

I like seeing the conversation.
Maybe they just need to carve out the San Fran area (along with the coastal area you mention) and divide into North and South California.
and if the $$$ crashes braalian? ~S~
Then a lot of people will be in for hard times

Like during every other economic depression or crisis in history

In any event, despite what the chicken littles on this board squawk about, we are not in the midst of an economic crash and the vast majority of Americans live in comfort and material wealth undreamed of in the entirety of human history

So I’m not too worried about states randomly bitching and pretending they’re going to secede
we are not in the midst of an economic crash and the vast majority of Americans live in comfort and material wealth undreamed of in the entirety of human history
30 odd TRILLION is the reason we can say that Braalian

so the view of an artificially created economy on a debt time bomb is not outlandish.

imagine the effects of this not buying a cuppa Joe tomorrow>



The leader of a California secession movement known as "Yes California" told Newsweek in an exclusive interview on Saturday that a national divorce is needed to avoid another "civil war."

As politics have become increasingly polarizing in recent years, there have been growing calls from residents in coastal-like states such as California, Texas, and New Hampshire to secede from the rest of the United States.


But this one looks to break CA into sections:

"Yes California" is currently campaigning on a ballot measure called CalExit 3.1, which would break California into two and establish a country separate from the U.S. in the San Francisco Bay area and along the central California coast, according to the "Yes California" website. The independent land would be called Pacifica. So far, 92,000 people have signed up to join the campaign through the movement's website. However, it's unclear how many of these people are California residents.


There is another movement called CalExit.

It is fun to watch this stuff as, at least, it educates people on issues and possibilities.

I learned that N.H. wanted the right to leave if the national debt hits 40 trillion. Congress said no. I wonder why ?

What does congress have against N.H. leaving.

California is a diffeent matter. As it stands they produce a lot of food. If they left we might have some issues.

But so what ?

I like seeing the conversation.
Except it re-creates the idiocy of the Civil War secessionists. Everybody in California who depended on living under Federal guarantees of basic rights LOSES THEM now and has to deal with hostile neighbors.

Remember not long ago Northern California wanted to secede from Southern but stay in the Union
Then a lot of people will be in for hard times

Like during every other economic depression or crisis in history

In any event, despite what the chicken littles on this board squawk about, we are not in the midst of an economic crash and the vast majority of Americans live in comfort and material wealth undreamed of in the entirety of human history

So I’m not too worried about states randomly bitching and pretending they’re going to secede
The majority of Americans find buying food and gas to be a financial hardship. That’s hardly a life of comfort and wealth.
The majority of Americans find buying food and gas to be a financial hardship. That’s hardly a life of comfort and wealth.
If you define “hardship” as inconvenience, sure.

Families own more cars per family today than anyone dreamed possible a generation or two ago. And I think it’s obvious if you look around the crowd in a Walmart than no one in America is having a hard time getting enough food
30 odd TRILLION is the reason we can say that Braalian

so the view of an artificially created economy on a debt time bomb is not outlandish.

imagine the effects of this not buying a cuppa Joe tomorrow>

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Yes, sure, overnight hyperinflation like they had in Weimar Germany could definitely cause a civil war like scenario in the USA

But you’re being melodramatic if you’re really gonna compare the inflation we’re experiencing today to that

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